Sentences with phrase «in such a world»

But these men of genius did not live in such a world, and neither has anyone else....
How could such a creature exist in such a world of bombs and tanks?
What are the dangers of becoming overly involved in such a world?
In such a world as this, what do we make of «the ethics of the kingdom»?
It is through his numerous relationships that the festival is able to bring in such world - class talent.
But what would it really take to survive in such a world?
But even in such a world, few expect that trucks, trains, airplanes and ships are going to run that way.
Which I don't expect many characters outside the ones tried and true will get their day in such a world.
In such a world view, any criticism by the scientific mainstream is of course only perceived as proof that his and similar views are being suppressed.
In such a world good rule systems are important.
How can you make a living, or at least a decent part - time income, as an author living in such a world?
In such a world Christ can not sanctify the Spirit without (as the Greek Fathers intuitively perceived) uplifting and saving the totality of Matter.
In such a world there can be no freely chosen purposes; freedom excludes preprogramming.
The forthcoming move to the Olympic Stadium is at the heart of everything: «While we have a duty to make sure we stay in the Premier League, we also want to make sure the performances on the pitch will befit a team playing in such a world - renowned stadium.»
But he doesn't stop there, Vitaliy manages to go even further and provides you with a working process for evaluating investment in such a world
Charity doesn't cease to exist in such a world — but it ceases to have any real place in human development.
In such a world honest teachers (if there were any) would be telling their students that a pretense of morality is merely a stratagem by which one gangster induces others to enter into temporary alliances, or cozens some gullible victim to lower his guard.
If this is so, however, there is a definite sense in which God's power even in nature must be seen as limited in such worlds.
and to be mindful of a human vocation to responsible membership in such a world, must always have been a burden.
There is no room for purpose or the immediacy of subjective experience in such a world; it is very much like the image of the absurdity of human existence captured by Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus, where Sisyphus, symbolizing the human condition, is condemned to roll a boulder up a hill, with the boulder always rolling down upon reaching the top, a process that is repeated for all eternity.
Mission in such a world entails action rather than passion, impact instead of suffering.
Missional engagement in such a world means embracing the consequences of today's incidents, the events to be related in tomorrow's newspaper and other chronicles.
In such a world created by such a God, silence is not an unalloyed good.
Even more, confronting nature's mindless death wish evokes pain as Dillard reflects on the problematic place of humanity in such a world.
In such a world people do things that will alway have some effect on other people.
Chef Lourdes has honed his culinary skills around the world in such world - class restaurants as Les Maisons de Bricourt and Restaurant Kikunoi under the tutelage of some of the world's most celebrated chefs, including Daniel Humm, Alain Ducasse, Joël Robuchon and Pierre Gagnaire.
Some kids — the dandelion children — might do okay in such a world, but these stresses may be enough to tank the genetically sensitive orchid children.
And the force that will mitigate the risk in such a world is not the weight of legislated regulation but rather the economic reprisals of engaged consumers.
Pitt has played roles in such World War II period pieces multiple times in the last few years.
And each time they reassert their oldest ideals, everything they believe in is tested again — most of all what love requires in such a world.
Reveling in such a world - class aquatic pleasure leaves you famished and exhausted.
As for the setting and style of the game, the account tweeted, «I don't think zombies would appear in such a world
It's possible that you might live in such a world already, or aspire to — or you may disapprove of those who do.
I have not yet heard a libertarian or a Tea Partier come forward with a plausible way that the environment would be protected in such a world — there would simply be insignificant motivation to do so.
Software Developer in such world - wild reputable CAD / CAM companies as ModuleWorks (Germany), CNC Software Inc (US), Campro AG (Switzerland), supported by Ph.D. degree in Engineering.
Mr. Bakke served in the U.S. Naval Reserve for 14 years and was a former F - 14 aviator, attaining more than 1000 flight hours with direct involvement in such world crisis situations as the Iranian hostage rescue effort and the Iran - Iraq war.
Bibs, place mats and baggies can be washed and used over and over again.We live in such a world of convenience that not many people think about how much waste they are creating.
How DO they live in such a world of such pure, unadulterated, hypocrisy and YET REMAIN oblivious to it?
Early in their career, U2 were given a prophetic word that they should give up their music; that Christians shouldn't be involved in such a world.
And, if I'm to be honest, at this point of my reflections my tolerance wears very thin indeed: in a world of mass murder and mass starvation, of unprecedented terror, odious tyrannies, and the threat of nuclear holocausts — in such a world there is something obscene about an order of priorities that starts off with bigger and better orgasms.
In such a world, societies that can nurture people with the ability to imagine and spin off new ideas will thrive.
In such a world, deflation is like kryptonite.
In such a world, «announced changes in the federal funds rate therefore have no implications for economic activity, or the rate of inflation» (Jordan 2016: 382).
In such a world, little if any bitumen will be needed in the international market place.
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