Sentences with phrase «in such behavior»

But they also found something that is not often recognized by organizations: Some people who did not engage in such behavior at first nevertheless did so some weeks or months later.
For some victims, this will inhibit them from continuing with efforts to punish reckless or irresponsible parties in order to prevent them from acting in such behavior again.
People are free to believe that what the professor and his daughter did was disgusting and not engage in such behavior themselves.
While avoiding obvious legal landmines, the associations have been moving since the 1970s toward legitimating homosexuality, along with pedophilia and other «paraphiliac» behavior (e.g., sadomasochism), in that they are no longer listed as mental disorders unless they cause distress or impair the social functioning of those who indulge in such behavior.
Professor Bargmann then embarked upon what was to become a lifetime mission to define how genes and the environment influence behavior by dissecting the neural circuitry of C. elegans and the genes, receptors, and signaling molecules involved in such behavior as feeding and responses to odors.
There is no honor in such behavior and I personally do not think David needs to respond.
It's corrosive to our national honor and integrity to engage in such behavior toward our enemies.
But the sad reality is that even though Jesus revealed this truth to us, few of us recognize our involvement in such behaviors.
But in the Bible people who took part in such behavior were referred to as harlots or whores or whoremasters (These terms refer to men and women).
New Media Platforms Law enforcement may not get involved in cyberbullying unless it results in such behavior as harassment and threats and schools are still seeking guidance in determining their level of involvement; however, the public opinion is that companies running social media platforms have some culpability.
The team knew that Oscar tended to be a follower in such behavior rather than an initiator.
If your child is engaging in such behaviors without your knowledge, cyberbullying may be the least of your worries.
Finally, it noted the existence under Virginia law of both civil and criminal penalties for the defendant's behaviors, and the fact that he continued to repeatedly engage in such behavior despite the imposition of such penalties.
Major Android OEMs like Samsung, LG, HTC, and Motorola have confirmed in a statement that they don't indulge in such behavior and never intentionally slow down older phones through a software update.
His parents talk to him about why stealing is wrong, but are supportive and encourage him not to engage in such behavior again.
However, only 12 % of scientists reported engaging in such behavior.
While Facebook said that it has a «zero tolerance approach to abuse» and that it will fire employees engaging in such behavior, this is another nightmarish example of how the people with privileged access to our data have the capacity to abuse those privileges.
if a man wishes to engage in such behavior, let him.
if a woman wishes to engage in such behavior, let her.
But yes, it's quite natural for primates (like humans) to engage in such behavior.
Two other bills would void most confidential agreements for settlements and would add provisions to the state public officers law specifically prohibiting acts of sexual harassment and imposing a civil penalty of up to $ 10,000 for those found to have engaged in such behavior.
We took a stand against the insidious practice known as cyber-bullying by adopting a local law that makes engaging in such behavior a misdemeanor.
If you would engage in such behavior, it may seem natural that other people would as well, making conspiracies appear more plausible and widespread.
Given the current economic conditions, we find it irresponsible for Avigen to engage in such behavior that amounts to a slap in the face of all Avigen stockholders.
Indeed, there are a variety of factors motivating dogs to engage in such behavior and some are even linked to survival.
When parental alienation is at work in a custody battle, judges often grant custody to the parent who doesn't engage in such behavior.
Thus, I don't fully agree with Savage's take that engaging in such behavior is completely innocent.
Similarly, adolescents who believed that their peers engaged in more risky sexual behavior were more likely to engage in such behavior themselves.
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