Sentences with phrase «in support of charter schools»

Families for Excellent Schools, a group that organizes in support of charter schools, called the AP for All initiative a «worthy cause» but said it's not enough.
Now, more than ever, we need you to add your name in support of the charter schools that our working for our children.
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo at a rally in support of charter schools in Albany on March 4, 2014.
Our collective action not only prevented the resolution from passing but also demonstrated our movement's ability to mobilize thousands of parents in support of charter school students.
As public education continues to adjust to economic and competitive realities, our organization remains steadfast in our support of the charter school movement in this country; just as we are also proud of the work we do with our district school partners.
Then on Sunday, he pledged not to grant a long - term extension of mayoral control «without first ensuring that all students have opportunities,» the punctuating sentence of a statement in support of charter schools and against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's charter policies.
Each spoke in support of charter schools, and chanted «don't steal possible» to an enthusiastic crowd, which was decked out in matching red T - shirts and beanies reading «possible.»
Governor Andrew Cuomo cast himself as a «disruptive» force in support of charter schools, in a congratulatory appearance on the first episode of John Catsimatidis» new radio show.
Topics included a powder - filled threatening letter recently received by his office, his encounter with Staten Island Chuck, whether Staten Island Congressman Michael Grimm was invited to today's breakfast, his Super Bowl watching plans, whether he's considering seeking any broad changes at the Port Authority, the city's snow removal planning and his recent shifting of $ 210 million away from construction in support of charter schools.
«Joe was proud to stand with the 20,000 parents and children who marched in support of charter schools and the hope they are providing for students,» said Lhota's spokeswoman Jessica Proud.
A hedge fund honcho who donates generously in support of charter schools gives a legislator lucrative employment as a securities lawyer while Albany is considering charter school measures.
Thousands rally in support of charter schools outside the state Capitol in Albany on March 4.
Had the commission been able to develop as a real alternative to local authorization, larger numbers of charter schools could have been established, and that likely would have created a powerful political constituency in support of charter schools, capable of resisting jealous attacks from the public education establishment.
Parents, teachers and students protest by walking across the Brooklyn Bridge in support of charter schools.
«Without a doubt, there is a national spotlight on public school choice and we were not surprised to see some changes in support of charter schools nationally as a result reported in the EdNext poll released today.
A 2015 study from the Black Alliance for Educational Options found that of voters polled in four states, the overwhelming majority supported some form of high - quality educational options, including more than half from each state in support of charter schools.
Rep. Scott Hilton and 150 Charter School Advocates to Rally in Support of Charter School Funding Equity Legislation
What about the pro- «reform» playback of bought - and - paid - for think tank «studies» and commentary in support of charter schools, the CCSS (Bill Gates» $ 200M) and PARCC testing?
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo spoke at a rally in support of charter schools on the steps outside the State Capitol in Albany last month.
Just last week a «report» that WILL released a while back in support of charter schools was debunked by actual researchers.
«The Broad Plan» includes funding from the Walton Family Foundation, which recently announced a plan, under the guise of «school choice,» to give $ 1 billion in support of charter schools across the country, including in Los Angeles and Oakland.
With so much outside money being spent in support of the charter school industry, it makes one wonder... just whose pockets are these billionaires trying to pad.
On Friday, January 5th, TCSA submitted an Amici Curiae brief in support of the charter school petitioners in the case currently before the Texas Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the revocation procedures for charter revocations under the state's «three strikes» law enacted -LSB-...]
Over the next seven years, ConnAD paid one of Hartford's most prominent lobbying firms over $ 725,000 to lobby in support of charter school issues.
ConnCAN's recently resigned director, Alex Johnson, praised «the brilliance of the parent trigger concept [of the California law] as a tool for activating parents in support of charter school conversions
The Senate remains steadfast in its support of charter schools, and included two very positive proposals: allowing charters that do not receive facilities aid to access the state building aid program, which NECSN has been fighting for year in and year out, and providing additional funding for students.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, standing shoulder to shoulder in Albany with thousands of parents and students who rallied in support of charter schools, vowed on Tuesday to defend the movement and offered a sharply different vision for their place in the educational system than Mayor Bill de Blasio's.
And I think that, you know, he's also said that he's in support of charter schools and other kinds of things that we believe.
UFT President Michael Mulgrew issued a statement in response to the Families for Excellent Schools rally in support of charter schools.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, standing shoulder to shoulder in Albany with thousands of parents and students who rallied in support of charter schools, vowed on Tuesday to defend the movement and offered a sharply different vision for their place in the educational system than Mayor Bill de Blasio's.
The other march, which also involved parents, occurred in New York and was in support of charter schools and more school choice.
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