Sentences with phrase «in support of the measure»

It is interesting to note the groups formally in support of the measure, and perhaps more important, those that were officially neutral.
At least one member of the Republican conference had to join him in coming out in support of the measure during the floor vote.
«Once again Long Beach is leading Nassau County and New York State,» Long Beach City Councilman Anthony Eramo said at a rally in support of the measure outside City Hall Tuesday.
«Pension forfeiture is necessary and long overdue and I am very pleased to have voted in support of the measure so that it can now go before voters this fall for their final approval.»
The memo comes as lawmakers in support of the measure say they have reached a two - agreement between the Senate and Assembly to pass the bill by Thursday, the final day of the legislative session in Albany.
Just how bipartisan the bill really is will be evident when the Senate Education Committee begins its consideration of the bill this Wednesday, October 19; some have questioned whether Senator Enzi will be able to rally his Republican members in support of the measure.
In succeeding years, the Order of Elks exerted its influence in support of measures, both federal and state, to protect the elk and to establish and enlarge game reserves.
House and Senate Democrats, openly gay lawmakers and LGBT advocates were energized and delivered passionate remarks in support of the measure, known as the Equality Act, at a news conference in the Lyndon B. Johnson room on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol announcing the debut of the bill.
Governor Cuomo has been in support of the measures de Blasio is now pushing, as has the Democrat - controlled State Assembly, which has time and again passed such bills, which fail in the Senate.
Once it's introduced, he said, he'd like Southold residents to launch a letter writing and phone call campaign in support of the measure.
New York Uprising will be asking all 212 legislative candidates — incumbents and challengers — to sign a pledge in support of the measure, which is being carried at the moment by Assemblyman Mike Gianaris.
After dozens of protesters marched into the meeting and spoke passionately in support of the measure, Community Board 3 members Thursday night voted to support turning part of 78th St., adjacent to Travers Park, into a two - month play street this summer.
Perhaps, senior figures in the party reasoned, if only no - one went into the lobby in support of the measure, then those who were going to vote against would draw back from doing so.
Rep. Brian Higgins, the Town of Tonawanda Board and City of Tonawanda Board are also on record in support of this measure.
Senate Republicans have said they don't want to alter the original cap as proposed by Cuomo, who is now touring the state in support of the measure, along with an ethics overhaul and gay marriage legalization.
Stringer testified at a City Council hearing in support of the measure at the time, but his seat carries no official role in the legislative vote.
The bill passed on a 15 — 7 vote with three Republicans — Senators Mike Enzi (WY), Lamar Alexander (TN), and Mark Kirk (IL)-- joining all of the committee's Democrats in support of the measure.
New York College Presidents Travel to Albany In Support Of Measure Expanding the Enhanced Tuition Assistance Program
Our deepest thanks go out to the New York City members of our ASPCA Advocacy Brigade, who emailed and called their councilmembers in support of these measures.
«Without subsidized MetroCards we will only continue to hurt those already struggling the most,» James said at a City Hall rally in support of the measure.
The June 24 vote came down to four Republican senators from upstate New York who voted in support of the measure, but the debate had been fought in Queens for years.
Sal Albanese, a former member of the City Council from Brooklyn, noted that with a majority of members in support of the measure, Quinn was using the same tactic that Council leadership had employed in the 1970s and «80s to block a vote on the gay rights law.
Their flipped votes, along with a change of heart by then - Brooklyn Sen. Carl Kruger, meant all New York Senate Democrats except for Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. (D - Bronx) were in support of the measure.
Of New York's 29 members of Congress, the tally was 24 in support of the measure, with 5 voting against.
Thirty council members have signed on in support of the measure.
The bill was two votes short on the final tally: No Republicans voted in support of the measure, and O'Brien was the only Democrat who voted nay.
Nine Senators and Assembly members from the local delegation, both Democrat and Republican, have come out in support of the measure.
And Middletown Republican Sen. John Bonacic was not at the earlier press conference and rally in support of the measure, even though he was one of the original sponsors.
Also present and in support of these measures will be Rockland County Clerk Paul Piperato, Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, Kristen Stavisky, the chairwoman of the Rockland Democratic Party, Vincent Reda, chairman of the Rockland Republican Party, John Perrotta, chairman of the Rockland Independence Party, and Edward Lettre, chairman of the Rockland Conservative Party.
«In case of invasive diseases, this is an unavoidable measure,» Schmidt says in support of the measure, «even if trade restrictions are unpopular.»
The Bill is likely to pass because Quebec's opposition parties are in support of the measure.
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