Sentences with phrase «in systems biology»

If an aspiring student wishes to pursue a career in systems biology research then they should diversify some of their training.
She explored job prospects she found through contacts in both of these settings and finally was offered a position in systems biology, helping other companies to analyze large data sets.
Protein - membrane interactions: the virtue of minimal systems in systems biology.
In addition, he has been engaged in systems biology education and training programs over more than 10 years.
In this project, we seek to combine modern techniques in a systems biology approach using species - specific in vivo labeling tools (monoclonal antibodies and fluorescent protein - expressing bacteria), monitoring of acid production (pH - sensitive dyes, fluorescent proteins and metabolite profiling), as well as ecology based approaches such as labeling of acid active species with stable isotope probing (SIP) combined with deep 16S rRNA pyrosequencing.
Education: Ph.D. in systems biology at Harvard University; MS in applied mathematics at Harvard; engineering degree from Ecole Polytechnique.
«We know quite a bit about the internal defense mechanisms bacteria use to evade antibiotics but we don't really know much about their physical movements across space as they adapt to survive in different environments,» said study first author and research fellow in systems biology at HMS Michael Baym.
I also went on to add to my clinical training by studying at the Institute for Functional Medicine, an organization that trains physicians how to use their conventional training in the systems biology paradigm, and supplemented this training by working with some of the top physicians in functional health.
The engineer, who has a doctoral degree in systems biology from Harvard University, according to his LinkedIn page, attacked the idea that gender diversity should be a goal.
Editors note: For those interested in seeing what exciting developments are going on in the systems biology field, check out the 5th International Conference for Systems Biology (ICSB), which is being held 9 to 13 October 2004 in Heidelberg.
to Japan to conduct her early research in systems biology, with Kitano as her mentor.
«The multidisciplinarity provided by IRB Barcelona allows us to start studies with these characteristics, which require the convergence of several fields to achieve a more complete understanding,» says Dr. Aloy, an expert in systems biology.
Although the massive scope of projects in systems biology makes collaborations necessary, some researchers undervalue multiauthored studies.
But, says Baetz, the reality is that most of the high - impact papers published in systems biology have at least four senior authors on them: «Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that just don't understand what we're doing and how we have to operate in order to get to where we want to go.
However, the small size doesn't mean that there are no opportunities for young scientists wanting to work at EML Research, particularly in systems biology.
«I didn't realise until I got there, but some of the most prominent people in systems biology were at this meeting,» says Boyd.
«There is a strong movement in systems biology to become more translational,» says Fabian Theis, director of the Institute of Computational Biology at the Helmholtz Zentrum München, in Germany, «and medical research is generating lots of «omics measurements.»
Dr. Sauer has about 60 publications in peer - reviewed journals over the last five years, and is a member of various international editorial boards and sits on a number of scientific steering and advisory committees of international organizations and companies in systems biology and biotechnology.
The resulting data are being combined in a systems biology approach with high - resolution clinical phenotyping and findings obtained with a large array of established and novel in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo disease models to identify disease - associated genetic variants, disease - defining molecular signatures, and potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
The grant will also support a biotechnology symposium and workshop every summer, which will include training students in systems biology approaches to applying multiple genomics technologies and integrating large amounts of data.
Specifically, his research focuses on three principal areas: advanced collaboration and visualization environments, high - performance computer architectures (including Grids) and computational problems in the life sciences, most recently the computational problems arising in systems biology.
Paul has worked in the systems biology field and software development in Silicon Valley, while Nils has worked on Battlefield 3 (EA DICE), the Little Big Planet franchise and The Perils of Man.
Techniques used in systems biology The defining feature of System Biology is the ability to obtain, integrate and analyze complex data from multiple experimental sources using interdisciplinary tools.
A native Canadian with a passion for public outreach, Mitchell did her Ph.D. in systems biology at the University of Ottawa.
People who are trained in systems biology are just used to the idea of collaboration to get the job done — to answer the questions.»
Internationally she has been recognized with the first ever FEBS / EMBO Women in Science Awards, as well as the Teva Prize for research in system biology, the Michael Bruno Memorial Award (Yan Hanadiv FOundation), the Levinson Award (Weizmann Institute of Science) an EMBO Young Investigator, the Sir Charles Clore prize among others.
Other aspects of computer science and informatics are also used in systems biology.
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