Sentences with phrase «in terms of character»

With these new characters, I would have liked a bit more in terms of character development in the script.
In terms of character design, you've got essentially two options when you're designing characters for a top - down game.
The saving grace to this design decision is the best - in - class first person shooting action of the game and the variety that it offers in terms of character builds.
Instead of understanding evolution entirely in terms of our notions of the actions of material atoms, we should understand it also in terms of the character of what it has produced in us.
The world feels nicer and more interesting to explore, and references to the first game in terms of characters and items are a nice addition.
But she's not a different person, she's simply treated differently — not the same thing at all in terms of character arc.
Even in term of the character roster, we are talking about 90 different characters that can be controlled in battle.
In terms of characters selection, while there were a lot of new ones, there were also several from the first game that were taken away.
It definitely has to be a statement, but we try to focus on what we're trying to achieve in terms of character.
«I expect progress to be made in terms of our character», he said.
30 years ago, when he got into the industry, gaming technology was a lot less advanced and games were more simplistic in terms of characters and story.
While the site provides options in terms of character appearance and background design, the story is completely in the hands of students.
The primary purpose of a curriculum is to outline what we want from the next generation in terms of character, aspirations, and capabilities.
Several schools are used as examples where the rewards system was changed to an intrinsic system and the resulting benefits that this provided to the schools in terms of character education.
The actual villains leave a little to be desired in terms of their characters, but the performances remain stellar throughout.
The original game didn't have any voice acting, and thus there is a lot to be gained in terms of character depths and bringing the world to life.
It's relentlessly action - packed and in terms of character development it goes places you'd never expect.
The single interesting twist doesn't make up for a weak offering in terms of character and dialog while the set pieces, even if they are interesting, number way too low.
However there are new additions to this game in terms of characters, and different modes to play around with.
Excellent news, I can't wait for June 23, this MMORPG is really great in terms of character creation and building, and it is just what Mac Gaming needs, a new and refreshed MMORPG!
I have never seen a film quite like A Fantastic Woman and you probably haven't either, but it's hard not to think of some of Pedro Almodova's best films in terms of character development and interactions, and the beauty in which Lelio tells this story.
While the ISIS part of the story is harrowing and intense, the dramatic elements — in terms of its character interactions and motivations — aren't as successful.
The world felt too samey and vacant in places, plus the only characters I found remotely interesting were the main ones, games like GTA offer far more in terms of character depth in my opinion.
You will research new techniques and tools that will improve the content creation workflow, and raise the bar in terms of character behavior quality;
You will research new techniques and tools that will improve the content creation workflow, and raise the bar in terms of character behavior quality;
Unlike his co-star Lily James, Madden had precious little to work with in terms of his character; in the animated version, he doesn't even have a name.
If you're a fan of Marvel Strike Force [Free], you've undoubtedly noticed that it keeps things mostly within the Marvel Cinematic Universe in terms of character selection.
Aside from 4K visuals, if recent showings at GDC 2018 are anything to go by we certainly can expect the next generation to offer incredible visual advancements in terms of character models.
The Order: 1886 may have a storyline that lacks in terms of its character development, but the rest of the title feels adequate in all its gameplay and story - driven elements.
Progress and unlocks carry over across all of Fuse's game modes, so I always felt like I was making headway in terms of character building, regardless of what I was doing.
I've come a long way in the last 20 years in terms of character - building and personality - development, and I know that I've still got a long way to go.
because woodley is not a fighter that can sell a fight in terms of his character or persona or promotional skills... not all of his fights were boring but the last 2 were too tatical for the average casual fan to pay for a PPV, hence all the promotional work would be on Nate, basically nate making Tyron rich, tyron against RDA on current UFC cards would no way reach 300K....
I think he brings a lot to this Liverpool team in terms of character
It raised Nigerians expectations in terms of its character and value, but it is now a challenge for them to live up to that expectation.
In the book, I teach «stealth interviewing» which is how to draw someone into a conversation where he or she will tell you things about him or herself, and then how to analyze what you've learned in terms of the character of the person.
«Daylight» is persuasive in its action moments but puny in terms of character and dialogue.
I watched up to episode 2 and it lost me... disappointing after how good Vikings was and I was expecting a lot more historical context and perspective in terms of character motives and their relationships with their gods and each other.
It doesn't even feel like any of George Clooney's past films, there's a great amount of depth to it, but it also moves swiftly and has such a vast scope in terms of characters and storytelling within this «tiny» town.
Although the computer animation isn't exactly amateurish, it is a bit herky - jerky in terms of character movements, particularly when performing simple actions like walking.
Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs is an unashamed love letter to the golden age of JRPGs, bringing to mind the Final Fantasy Tactics and Suikoden games to name a few, especially in terms of character and world design.
The Americans don't get the short stick in terms of character development — while several are good ole Southern boys, they have an opportunity to show that their charisma as an act, an effort to avert panic and stay calm while guerillas take potshots at the troops.
Since then, gamers have grown to expect more in terms of characters, environments, animations and gameplay, welcome to the all new, Mutant Football League.
As the handsome poster above illustrates, The Grand Budapest Hotel is an embarrassment of riches in terms of characters and the actors that play them.
Before this, we're treated to trite scenes of them training and bonding, but we're offered little in terms of character development to actually care about any of them.
Out of nowhere, the movie lands in the zone of gimmick, by carting out a story trick that's clever and yet hard to believe in terms of the characters.
The trailer hit several different emotional notes in terms of the narrative used by director Patty Jenkins, indicating along the way that it could well be Warner Bros» most balanced DC Films outing to date in terms of character depth, humor and, of course, over-the-top action.
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