Sentences with phrase «in terms of employment»

So what should employers be expecting to see change in terms of employment law in the next couple of years?
The more time and efforts to give into crafting your resume, the more benefits it will give you back in terms of employment opportunities.
Your high school student resume may not have a lot to offer in terms of employment experience, but we know how to make your volunteer and academic strengths stand out.
In terms of employment rights too, they sit somewhere in between; they can not claim unfair dismissal, but they are entitled to minimum wage.
These fields are growing not only in terms of the employment rate but also on the technological level.
To get the best, we will always offer the best in terms of employment and opportunity.
Construction, professional, publishing, motion picture, and tourism are the largest industries in the area in terms of employment.
Social reactions to disability limited employment opportunities, and participants often felt stuck in terms of employment options with limited opportunities for advancement.
What do you find is the most common factor most employers are unaware of in terms of employment law?
If you have no clue what specifically you want in terms of employment it is hard to imagine how you can possibly deliver a quality resume.
Talk to a local REALTOR ® association in your community to find out what they think and expect to see in the coming year in terms of employment and growth.
There was also stability in terms of employment, research & development investment and capital expenditure.
Young people should be able to move into adulthood with choice and control over their lives and have better life outcomes in terms of employment, independent living, community inclusion and health.
This is especially useful for borrowers who might have red flags on their application in terms of employment history or credit score.
If there are no limitations specified in the terms of your employment, there is no limit to the amount you can salary sacrifice.
As such, a proposal can often solve some of the situations that arise in terms of your employment and looking for debt relief solutions.
My clients in terms of employment law advice and support tend to be small to medium sized businesses who either have a small HR team or no HR support at all.
The fallout of this acquisition is to be assessed positively in terms of employment; the acquisition does not include layoffs or mobility for the staff of the newly acquired group.
The profile information you will be asked to provide includes your general information, such as name and age, your contact information and your information in terms of employment.
Please keep me abreast of any information that you feel I must possess in terms of the employment procedures.
In terms of employment challenges, providing meaningful work for people in rural areas with a disability is also a major dilemma.
Construction, professional, publishing, motion picture, and tourism are the largest industries in the area in terms of employment.
«For them to say «You can't go on strike, but we can make a unilateral change in terms of employment by way of a 7 percent pay cut,» that's just an outrageous violation of the way labor law works,» CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey said at an afternoon news conference.
I'm going to apply so that at least my CV is on file with them for the future and for the opportunity to get to know the company better and see if they really are someone I can work for (and hopefully to give myself some benchmarks for what to expect in terms of employment in this city).
9) Why is the Fed so big in terms of employment, when all you do is set monetary policy, and pretend to regulate financials?
The three fastest growing cities in terms of employment are expected to be Bournemouth, Bristol and Swindon.
The most notable difference in the terms of employment offered by REL was that she would no longer be entitled to the summer vacation she had previously taken every year.
«In fact, Florida is growing faster in terms of employment growth than the rest of the U.S., which is good for Florida real estate.»
Many sites will send you e-mail alerts with details of jobs that suit your needs in terms of employment type and location.
In terms of employment in the electric - power generation sector, wind represents just 2 % of all jobs; fossil and nuclear dominate at 91 %.
«Then the chiefs will want to discuss revenue - sharing and any benefits that come from the project in terms of employment,» said Mike Girard, a spokesman for the group.
According to these reports (which are listed and hyperlinked below), women - owned firms that are involved in contracting are every bit as accomplished in terms of employment and revenue size as their male counterparts.
Continue Reading» Parliament's Equality Bill 02.08.2010 Edward T. Oakes When speaking in terms of employment, what does the word discrimination mean?
It says the government would have to make it «the central aim of all its economic policies» and identify what it looks like in terms of employment rates for specific groups, more sustainable welfare provision and public services and a greater focus on job creation.
Furthermore a person's employment status has much wider implications in terms of employment law rights and protections, and so false self - employment can leave low paid workers in a very vulnerable position.»
Chris Blythe, Chief Executive of the CIOB said: «Construction is often simplistically viewed in terms of employment statistics and visible work on building sites, but this overlooks the increasingly high - tech nature of an industry that is leading on innovation and contributing directly to national productivity.
Speaking at the 2017 Ghana Economic Forum, on Monday, August 7, 2017, Senior Minister said «the public sector is full in terms of employment [and] we can't employ anybody in the public sector.»
«The committee urges the quick passage of the 2018 Appropriation Bill by the National Assembly so as to keep the fiscal policy on track and deliver the urgently needed reliefs in terms of employment and growth for the citizenry.»
The 2014 Predict report, based on the latest official data (2006 - 2011), found that the EU ICT sector has declined in terms of value added (value of output minus the value of intermediate consumption) but increased in terms of employment.
Post-school social outcomes for students in terms of employment, independence, connectedness to community, productivity and health outcomes (just to name a few) are considered by all to be important, but often not considered when looking at the inclusive versus special education debate.
The set of skills that is most rewarded in terms of employment and wages Read more about Choosing our Future: A Story of Opportunity in America -LSB-...]
5) Sadly it took yet another World War for women to experience a new golden age of emancipation in terms of employment outside of the home.
Arel: Wind energy is of cause one of the biggest ecomic boosters all over the world in terms of employment and energy supply.
The ADA was passed in 1990, and it prohibits discrimination against and provides equal opportunities for people suffering from physical and mental disabilities in terms of employment, access to services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation.
«Difference in employment status» means either (1) a difference in the number of hours regularly worked by the employees, or (2) a difference in their term of employment including a difference in permanent, temporary, casual or seasonal status.
Because there is no hierarchy in terms of employment, there is no such restrictions or discrimination in the Third Wave practice.
He also specialises in employment law, acting for both employers and employees and has extensive experience in contentious and non-contentious matters, including advising on restrictive covenants and their enforcement, business transfers and their consequences in terms of employment and handling claims for breach of contract.
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