Sentences with phrase «in terms of flavor»

It was flat out better in terms of flavor and was more moist.
I bet this will be a better version in terms of flavor and texture.
The salsa you use will affect the outcome, so you may not need to add anything extra in terms of flavor.
A little marshmallow fluff went a long way in terms of flavor, so I was able to keep the total sugar content down to a reasonable amount.
Unfortunately, since cocoa butter and coconut butter are pretty different in terms of flavor, I'm not sure if that substitution would work.
As long as your baby is still getting everything necessary for healthy growth, it's okay to allow a little more freedom in terms of flavor at this age.
This small, sour citrus fruit packs a punch in terms of flavor and health benefits.
If you take a closer look, you will come to see that wet cat food is just as varied as dry cat food in terms of flavor options and different formulas.
The Asian way of cooking is excellent in terms of flavor, health promoting and being quick to serve.
No matter what, they beat the packaged oatmeal bars in terms of flavor and nutrition — with no added sugar.
Not only is homemade guacamole easy but it blows store - bought guacamole out of the water in terms of flavor.
It is just right in terms of flavor and sweetness, especially if you slightly «under» measure the sugars in the batter.
Even though this version only has simple 5 ingredient filling, you can barely tell the difference in terms of flavor!
It falls between a white flour and whole wheat flour in terms of flavor and color.
It took regular old creamy potato soup from good, to over-the-top in terms of flavor.
This is a good flour to use in terms of flavor and texture.
It was good in term of flavor and consistency the first time out, but I thought it could use a little some else.
The taste is more concentrated, so a little bit goes a long way in terms of flavor.
The mission of the new cookbook is to demonstrate how incredibly wonderful it is to eat low - carb higher fat food in terms of flavor, diversity, and health effects.
This all - natural, vegan mac and cheese has a sauce of cashews, nutritional yeast, and a dash of turmeric that beats the pants off the powdered stuff in terms of flavor.
The filling is studded with toasted pecans and toasted coconut; the toasting takes mere minutes but adds so much in terms of flavor and texture.
She also encourages couples to stray outside the typical bakery box in terms of the flavors they would like to incorporate.
With just five simple ingredients, these meatless burgers rival traditional burgers in terms of both flavor and nutrients.
Fry corn tortillas until golden brown and sprinkle with cumin for chips that stand up to dip in terms of flavor.
Rather than just mimicking barrels or offering an affordable way to add oak impact, barrel - alternative suppliers are now selling products they claim provide an even greater degree of precision in terms of flavors and aromas to help winemakers achieve certain style characteristics.
«Strictly in terms of flavor, good barbecue needs no saucing at all.»
I've probably been a bit pushy with Mack in terms of flavor but I didn't want him to be afraid to try big flavors.
«It gives you such a leg up in terms of a flavor starting point.»
But stick to ones that are fairly interchangeable in terms of flavor and body; you don't want to worry about policing your guests over opening the Gamay before the Cabernet but after the Lambrusco.
My favorite cheesecake crust ever is made with pecans and they really are above all other nuts in terms of flavor and butteryness....
Packed with spinach and peas and spruced up with mint and spices, it doesn't disappoint in terms of flavor or nutrition.
These pancakes are delicious and, in my most humble of opinions, perfect in terms of flavor, consistency, and post-workout macros!
Even if fully restored, Purple Straw will not be able to compete with these hybrids when it comes to quantity, but it will stand out admirably in terms of flavor and nutrition.
«If you make a cross using traditional breeding techniques, you don't get anything that resembles the original parent grape in terms of flavor or taste,» Gray says.
This time I wanted to try something a little different, creative and more intentional in terms of flavor pairings.
This green smoothie is perfectly concocted, and we don't just mean in terms of flavor.
In general, natural winemaking lends «nothing specific in terms of flavors
We have some amazing summer flavors coming out over the next few months, like cotton candy, apple pie, corn bread with candied bacon, and pink lemonade... the next few months are going to be a lot of fun in terms of flavors.
«Variety is important in providing an appealing wild bird retail selection, and retailers can benefit from offering multiple options in terms of flavors, sizes, colors and shapes,» says Bill Gleason, president of Wildlife Sciences in Minnetonka, Minn..
An ideal food needs the right balance of protein and fat, based on the finding of this study, and also needs to be appealing to a cat in terms of flavor, aroma and texture.
I have had Trader Joe's soy chorizo, and this is definitely on par with that stuff in terms of flavor, though substantially milder, so as to spare my husband the sneezing and coughing that normally accompanies spicy stuff.
Even though these tacos come minus the tortillas, the north African spice harissa adds a little something extra in terms of flavor, while hearty Portobello slices lend a bold, meaty texture.
A sprig of thyme may look delicate, but it really packs a punch in terms of flavor and nutrients.
The Asian way of cooking is excellent in terms of flavor, health promoting and... Read More →
It's further down in the ranking because it doesn't quite have the pedigree of its more central rival but there isn't much between the two bars in terms of flavor — the truth is the potatoes are fried well in both and the bright orange, spicy sauce is very similar.
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