Sentences with phrase «in terms of narrative»

This first chapter doesn't offer anything new or really interesting in terms of narrative or gameplay.
That is to say there are no systems of mastery, even in terms of a narrative reward.
No, the problem here is in the writing, which is all over the place in terms of its narrative, its characters and its authenticity.
I generally try to provide a bit of information in terms of narrative to help audiences decide if it's a film worth seeing.
However, even if audiences don't, the scene still functions brilliantly in terms of the narrative.
From the second it hits the ground (running), Into Darkness reaches for the stars in terms of narrative, acting, exposition and flow.
Even though it may be on the short side in term of its narrative, you better believe that some of these puzzles will take what seems like hours to beat.
There isn't much in terms of narrative, with the player interaction driving the game along.
As far as plots go, this is nothing special in terms of a narrative.
But I've never seen a game that fully carries through on that promise in terms of narrative.
It is also Hitchcock's most innovative film in terms of narrative technique, discarding a linear story line in favor of thematically related incidents, linked only by the powerful sense of real time created by the lighting effects and the revolutionary ambient sound track.
, the out - of - left - field, life - reaffirming flame — with very little in terms of narrative glue and storytelling ingenuity.
Though Deadpool is not quite compelling enough in terms of narrative significance and character depths, it still captivates and surprises the audience because the movie commits to its nature and is so self - aware and meta, standing out from other conventional superheroes flicks.
Not quite compelling enough in terms of narrative significance and character depth, Deadpool still captivates and surprises its audience by committing to the unique nature of its lead.
Mechanically Pirate's Curse is similar to the preceding titles, with the absence of magical powers alleviated by collecting pirate items such as a hat that allows Shantae to glide and special boots that grant the character a boost attack, so in essence the tightly honed gameplay that fans of the previous instalments loved so much remains relatively untouched, just contextually different in terms of the narrative.
Yet even as the script — which Affleck co-wrote with longtime friend Aaron Stockard — stumbles now and then in terms of narrative logic, it carefully sets in place the elements of a genuine moral quandary, one from which Affleck does not shy away.
Having already ran around for the best part of half an hour collecting items across the far corners of the island, I'd done my fair share of exploring for one day, and some progress in terms of narrative felt long overdue.
When it comes to debates about which game is the best Final Fantasy of all time you can rest assured that Final Fantasy VI will forever sit at the top of many a gamers» pile as the pinnacle of the series in terms of its narrative and easily accessible turn based battle system.
Every community with a tradition understands its existence and identity in terms of the narratives that recount the process of how it came into being and that tell where it is going.
I wrote my dissertation on Karl Barth and biblical narrative, and I was very much influenced by Hans Frei and the Yale tradition of understanding scripture in terms of narrative.
For this, let's look at two games that have two very different outcomes in terms of narrative achievement: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Borderlands 1.
Bioshock 2 may not be as grand of an experience like the outstanding original but it does everything a sequel should do and it is still the best game ever in terms of narrative richness.
As a writer, I think I have too linear a mind and it's helpful for me to work with someone who has a more explosive energy in terms of narrative order and in terms of image.
It was also a rip - roaring good horror flick that has stood the test of time for nearly 50 years for being ahead of its time (in part due to the lead character Ben (played by Duane Jones) being black, but also in terms of narrative and filmmaking style).
While Lean on Pete risks turning gratuitous in terms of narrative flourishes and excess, it's never gratuitous in its characterizations.
The trailer hit several different emotional notes in terms of the narrative used by director Patty Jenkins, indicating along the way that it could well be Warner Bros» most balanced DC Films outing to date in terms of character depth, humor and, of course, over-the-top action.
Chronologically, it exists in a time and place just prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode IV and it feels of that era in terms of narrative and thematic shadings.
Beginning with an airplane landing and ending with another taking off, Patrick Stettner's sterling feature - length hyphenate debut boasts of a surprising maturity both in terms of its narrative completeness and the consistency of its photographic compositions.
As for the plot movement of the film, Aloha is fairly simple in terms of its narrative gait although the emotional beats are perpetually complex.
Reach takes the easy way out in terms of narrative complications and doesn't try too hard to make them realistic.
It just makes sense, both in terms of narrative escalation — they're clearly building towards The Infinity Gauntlet for Avengers 3, and it's really hard to top «Superpowered Space Fascist gains all the powers of God» as far as threats go — and in terms of hype.
But supposing I were to put my finger on one element, it might be that we have made the decision to treat every character, the members of the family and the members of their staff, equally, in terms of their narrative strength.
But comments on the piece indicate a frustration with the widely shared unwillingness to say that a yarn told on an electronic device is every bit as good in terms of narrative technique and potential as one told on paper.
For the first half of the game there's very little progress made in terms of the narrative, and then in the second half the pace picks up massively, but only to deliver lots of layers without any answers to reward players with for their hard work up until that point.
Heavy Rain pushed the medium forward in terms of narrative, but I think its biggest achievement was being a new IP, from an independent studio, exclusive to one platform, and sell millions.
It just really fell flat in terms of narrative and a stumbled in a few places due to sheer bloat.
The last two Zelda games, Skyward Sword on Wii and A Link Between Worlds on 3DS, made great strides in terms of narrative.
C looks like she would be fun to play as in the potential co-op mode, but her design is awfully busy, and she almost looks more combat - ready than the protagonist, which could be problematic in terms of narrative.
This kind of makes sense though, at least in terms of the narrative — Ethan isn't a trained S.T.A.R.S specialist or a rookie police officer, he's just a regular dude who's been thrust into an irregular situation... You wouldn't exactly expect him to possess the marksmanship skills of Hawkeye.
Even a revelation around halfway through the game, involving new enemy the Swarm, takes the series backwards in terms of both narrative and gameplay.
Crystalis was «ahead of its time both in terms of the narrative depth and gameplay innovation» (Crystalis Review by urobolusrings).
Just like Witcher can't compare to Skyrim in terms of sheer freedom and the amount you can do, and Fallout can't compare to Witcher in terms of narrative, Zelda must stake out its own niche.
«Fairfield Porter: An American Classic,» by John T. Spike, unfortunately leaves a great deal to be desired in terms of narrative and analysis, but it is valuable as a source for illustrations and intricate biographical detail.
Starling investigates prominent people and traces the commerce surrounding the sculptures relating back to his practice, which often centers on the relationship of culture to history in terms of narrative, but also as enunciated through economics and demographics.
Abstraction grants the Berlin - based artist a limitless territory in terms of narrative and form; however, her bodily gestures while handling the spray paint deliver a balanced utilization of discipline and chaos on canvas.
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