Sentences with phrase «in terms of promotion»

Some contracts may also carry certain customization in terms of promotion as the author is deemed right for his creation.
Don't think in terms of promotion or self - advancement.
What will it be like to accomplish your goal, whether in terms of promotion, a new career opportunity, or an advanced degree?
Particularly useful in terms of the promotion of SMSC.
«We had thought it might fall lower since patenting in still considered «optional» in terms of promotion in academia, although it's increasingly encouraged.»
However, Idris is demanding the sack of the AIGs because though some of them are his colleagues in terms of course and rank, they are his senior in terms of promotion.
Although publishing in specialty or subspecialty journals may not aid your case as much as papers that are published in higher impact journals will, it does help in terms of promotion, as long as the sum total of your published work influences your field.
This is kind of familiar in terms of promotion if you notice the key person and the studio behind it: respectively, J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot Productions.
«The PR and marketing for the last two titles in the series have been very limited, but this time we're taking things far more seriously in terms of the promotion
Yellowstone does a similar thing through their rangers in terms of promotion and education for community.
Accountability must have three components — diagnostics to assist educators in determining the intervention needs of students; transparency for parents and taxpayers; and consequences, for educators in terms of compensation and continuing employment and for students in terms of promotion and graduation.
Do not misunderstand - in my mind having several choices in terms of promotion is a good thing.
The programmer thinks about the entire industry in terms of code, the web worker in terms of the web, the marketer in terms of promotion and marketing, and the designer in terms of visuals.
In that sense its quit clear the exact information related working abilities associating with the process of getting the real accessories from the book isn't confirm rather its obvious to do the workout further in terms of promotion and idea making faculties for the basic option for the students and those who wants to know the fundamental issues are describe in the books.
What are your plans now for The Pink Marine in terms of promotion and marketing?
All the folks in the audience were taking copious notes and invariably they asked, «what works in terms of promotion
Indie titles in these highly popular genres are outselling centuries» - old publishing houses, but now that means that an author whose work can not be readily categorized into one of these popular cubbyholes has even more work cut out for him than before in terms of promotion and visibility.
There are far too many indie authors out there — hundreds of them — who have sprinted to wild success in very, very short order while admittedly doing little in terms of promotion.
I strongly suggest you get a contract from them that states clearly what they are committing to do in terms of promotion on your behalf, as without this you might be better off sticking to self publishing.
But I have yet to see anything in terms of promotion; that's the writer's responsibility, and some people just don't like the banal idiocy of Facebook or Twitter or are painfully shy and would rather self - immolate than venture outside the writer's cave.
Their performance has gone on to be regarded as the dorkiest moment ever at E3, which did Wii Music no favors in terms of promotion.
Start by solidifying in your own mind exactly what you want in terms of a promotion, plus what kind of support you may need from your manager to help you get there.
Also, it helps them see your career progression as this struсture allows presenting your career path in terms of promotions and achievements.
In terms of promotion in the month of June, not many deals have been announced yet.
Along the way, a fully funded endowment could be a major boost for the U.S publishing industry, not just in terms of library purchases but in terms of the promotion of reading in a era when so many bookstores have closed and when the typical drugstore book rack no longer carries works by major literary novelists.
In terms of promotion, this business has been very promotional for a while and you are not going to see big increases in promotions quarter to and then in any given time period.
With Christmas just a few weeks away it's time to take stock and get a grip on what worked and what didn't, both in terms of promotion and stock.
They may get added support from the settling publishers (in terms of promotion, marketing suggestions, etc.) to the extent that that is not forbidden by the settlement.
During and after TBEX, we realize how successful the event has been in terms of promotion, as the destination has achieved a lot of exposure and coverage all over the globe.»
It's illegal for an employer to refuse to give an employee their job back (in most cases), and it's illegal for an employer to penalize an employee, in terms of promotions or pay, because they took FMLA leave.
This resume 2017 enables you to present and show yourself in terms of the promotions as well as your upward career growth, which is more useful to an entry to a mid-level job applicant like you.
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