Sentences with phrase «in terms of risk»

Equity partners, more so than corporate shareholders, often think in terms of risks rather than opportunities.
These and several other personal details will be assessed in terms of risk for the insurance company to cover.
What educators need to look for in terms of risk factors are extreme or prolonged changes in behavior that are getting in the way of the young person's daily functioning.
These reference letters prove the reliability of the user in terms of risk profiling that particular candidate.
Every single trade you consider taking should be viewed in terms of risk to reward.
Theory holds that the optimally priced asset - basket for any investor in terms of risk and return is a mix of the market - basket and cash.
The «R» in R - Multiple stands for «Risk» and, thus, means that the R - Multiple measures your trades in terms of risk units.
What do they add to my portfolio in terms of risk and diversification?
Another thing that will matter in terms of risk is what kind of history you have.
Thus, shrinking your resale margin to where it makes no financial sense in terms of risk / return.
The more you focus on managing risk effectively, the more money you will make, it is crucial that you learn to view each trade setup in terms of risk to reward.
Large cap European equities have now become far more compelling, in terms of risk vs. reward, and they'd also add some useful portfolio diversification.
My point is that in terms of a risk assessment, the uncertainty range that one needs to consider is in my view substantially larger than 18 - 59 cm.
But yards, like any other area of the home, should be considered in terms of the risks they pose to young children.
Traditional insurance plans, which include term, endowment and whole life policies, offer multiple benefits in terms of risk cover, return, safety and tax benefit.
Traditional insurance plans offer multiple benefits in terms of risk cover, return, safety and tax benefit.
Even if this isn't that long in calendar terms, it's usually much earlier in terms of the risk and therefore reward.
The properties of the car you drive and the way it is viewed by auto insurers in terms of risk will go a long way toward the determination of that all important annual premium.
The researchers also found that PM 2.5 particles from wind - blown soil and the burning of wood and other biomass were insignificant in terms of the risk of death from heart disease.
What are the performance targets in terms of risk and return for the performance - based compensation, if any?
If you're into buying corporate bonds, then I actually put it in the same category as buying stocks in terms of risk.
You will be asked to specify your investment goals in terms of risk.
For example, CDs, bonds, stocks, gold, and real estate are all very different from each other in terms of risk, reward, taxation, and income generation.
For example, CDs, bonds, stocks, gold, and real estate are different in terms of risk, reward, taxation, and income.
Each of these items has significant potential impacts on businesses — both in terms of opportunity but also in terms of risk.
That's what general counsel say they are focused on in terms of risk.
Again, this has to do with how insurance companies view drivers with poor credit in terms of risk.
This is due to the similarities between both of the mechanisms in terms of the risk.
When it comes to mental health issues in young people, it can help to think about things in terms of risk and protective factors.
It is possible that some adolescent - onset depression cases differ in terms of risk from child - and young adult - onset depression.
Its something that I rarely see mentioned though in terms of the risk of seller financing.
Few traders are able to get past these psychological hiccups, because humans beings are simply not wired to think in terms of risk.
To short it, makes absolutely no sense in terms of the risk / reward because this thing can move 20 or 30 percent in a day.
Think carefully about your mix of investments and how appropriate the mix is in terms of your risk tolerance and your fund's primary purpose of accumulating funds to live off in retirement.
Unstructured data — which presents greater challenges in terms of risk management and extraction of value — is also increasingly prevalent.
The methodological challenges of attempting to compare the safety of home and hospital birth in terms of the risk of perinatal death.
When learning to think in probabilities and to view the market in terms of risk to reward, it is necessary to calculate the risk on a trade setup first, then you can calculate the reward as a multiple of the amount you have at risk.
Hi Chris I also use divergence to try to time a double bottom which can be very rewarding in terms of risk reward, which I have been trading on Daily or 4 Hourly.
A stop loss on the trade somewhere in the region of 9535 looks good in terms of risk mitigation.
«These are not trivial matters in terms of risk exposure,» Wink says.
«I know you're frustrated about zero rates, I know that it's so tempting to make investments and it looks good for today, but when this thing ends, because we've had speculation, we've had money building up for four to six years in terms of a risk pattern.
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