Sentences with phrase «in terms of tone»

The script is just all over the place in terms of tone.
Spot - on in terms of tone and performance, Game Night never goes off the rails, even in its most outrageous moments.
A wonderful companion piece to the more recent version and completely opposite in terms of tone.
However, it lacks consistency, especially in terms of tone, as it jumps from one genre to another too often and without cohesion.
There's considerable variation in terms of both tone and weight between each of the central players.
As I mentioned, The Last of Us is an entirely new beast in terms of tone for the videogame industry, not just Naughty Dog.
Our experts had differing opinions on what they prefer in terms of tone, detail, and professionalism.
If you're not sure how you want to sound, look for examples of articles you'd love to emulate in terms of tone and depth, and pass them along to your team for guidance.
But in terms of the tone used by the lunch room volunteers — I will say that my two kids are now old veterans of public elementary school lunch rooms and they've certainly endured their share of barking lunch room monitors.
You can still see results in terms of toning up trouble spots.
So just in terms of tone, «Me and Earl and the Dying Girl» is a notable achievement.
The film's trailer hints that film will be a dark satire, lush period film and a complex character study of Zama's paranoia - fueled descent, all mixed up into one, which is what is to be expected of the Argentinian director who has perfected walking a tightrope in terms of tone and genre in her not - always - easy to categorize body of work.
L.A CONFIDENTIAL STUDIO: New Regency / Lionsgate Television / CBS Television Studios TEAM: Jordan Harper (w, ep, sr), Anna Fricke (ep, sr), Arnon Milchan (ep), Michael Dinner (d, ep) LOGLINE: James Ellroy's classic novel gets a thoroughly 2018 treatment in terms of tone, music and style.
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is an ugly movie in terms of tone and visuals (not just the gore, either).
It is now the 13th highest - grossing superhero release of all time domestically and has surpassed the international box office of Deadpool, a movie to which it was often compared in terms of tone.
The movie was originally titled The Cellar and was re-titled and folded into the Cloverfield universe at some point later in production, which explains much in terms of tone, style, and premise in comparison to the latter.
by Bill Chambers At first an earnest but cheerful portrait of two brothers trying to make ends meet as Depression - era truckers, Raoul Walsh's They Drive By Night does a complete about - face in terms of tone about halfway through that's almost guaranteed to cause intellectual whiplash.
Sorry, wasn't criticizing, just relaying what I read elsewhere, I'd personally would have liked to have seen it, just to try and figure out what the director and writers were thinking in terms of tone, especially since I like the way they chose to go small instead of big for the finale.
That the movie is narratively inconsistent doesn't help matters, and the result is a lot of awkward shifts and just plain bad choices in terms of tone.
Fox's X-Men universe has been totally different from MCU in terms of tone.
Jami Gold talks about drawing out the evolution of your story in terms of tone, voice, point of view, motivation, theme, and depth.
The game is certainly set out as a Metal Slug-esque adventure, and whilst the game plays in a very similar way in terms of tone and genre, MKR is an attempt to capture that magic without reading the book on how to do it first.
As for actual inspirations... Paper Mario (64) was a big one in terms of tone and story.
Subtitled The Twin Snakes, the result was a game with a distinct style, but it was criticized by many for deviating too much from the original game in terms of tone and style.
This is certainly the crudest and most violent Battletoads game, and may even feel like something of a precursor to Conker's Bad Fur Day in terms of tone.
The soundtrack to Hyper Light Drifter almost feels like a spiritual sequel in terms of tone and atmosphere.
People talk about Majora's Mask as the series» main outlier in terms of tone, and probably rightly so, but I feel that Link's Awakening gets shafted a little in these discussions.
For some reason, unbeknown to most beyond the Project Soul team, more recent SoulCalibur titles have been decidedly dark in terms of tone and visuals.
The recently released God of War isn't just a departure for the series in terms of tone and story.
Though Kojima has been coy, he's given some nice teases into what we can expect from Death Stranding in terms of tone and gameplay modes.
The 5 - megapixel front - facing camera takes decent shots in terms of tone and clarity, and a Beauty Level slider lets you even out your skin tone.
Josh Trank and company have no clue what they're doing, as their iteration is all over the place in terms of tone.
It was inconsistent in terms of tone, look and special effects, emphasizing the fact that in the end, it was a vision of two directors, Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon, that just didn't mesh.
In terms of tone, Annihilation is a close cousin to Arrival.
It effectively mixes cheeky comedy with dramatic elements; the end result feels a lot like Adventureland, not necessarily in terms of plot particulars but in terms of tone.
In terms of tone, it reminded me of another Gleeson film, «In Bruges,» made by John Michael McDonagh's brother Martin.
Western fans will recognize elements of «Stagecoach» here, but in terms of tone and character it's similar to «The Searchers» in that Joe is just as much of a savage as Yellow Hawk.
In terms of tone, it's probably similar to Williams» One Hour Photo, insofar as there's an ever - present sense of dread that you can't quite put you finger on.
But now that you think about, and as people start to see the movie, it will make a lot of sense, in terms of the tone and twists, as well as the thriller aspect,» the writer said, before adding that «we got really excited, because we knew it was the right choice to make.»
Occupying flip sides of the coin, in terms of their tones, are the story threads for the two major MCU newcomers featured in Civil War: T'Challa / Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and Peter Parker / Spider - Man (Tom Holland).
I have seen the Transformers films and have not cared for them because I can't tell what is going on, they have sexist and racist humor, celebrates brutal violence, and are all over the place in terms of tone.
BD: In terms of the tone, are you staying in line with the largely comedic tone of Army of Darkness, or do you plan on reverting to the more horror - oriented feel of the first two films?
The second segment, co-written and directed by Annie Clark, is an outlier from the rest, both in terms of tone and effectiveness.
In terms of tone, visual beauty, and storytelling, The Wind Rises represents Miyazaki at the apex of his abilities.
In terms of tone, John Michael McDonagh's first film shot outside in the United States feels a bit like the latest U.S. - based film turned in by his filmmaking brother, Martin McDonagh, Seven Psychopaths, another film that I compared to the post-Pulp Fiction clones that came out in the late 1990s, full of bloody violence, brash attitude, and peppered with jokey moments that play to the crowd, such as one of the characters musing on whether a mime will make a sound when he is hit with a car.
There are quite a few hostage movies out there now, the cheap single set style appealing to independent film - makers, and while M. Night's supernatural creation is world's away from them in terms of tone, it is clearly great casting that sets his story apart from the competition.
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