Sentences with phrase «in tertiary education»

Up until Rhode enrolled in tertiary education in the arts, he says the act was «my singular creative outlet at the time of my youth».
He said government believed that the policy could help increase enrolment in the tertiary education sector to comparable levels in other African countries.
In the meantime; we are investing heavily in tertiary education in order to make the teaching and learning experience good for you.»
President Mahama also said the amount of money his government is investing in tertiary education «is really massive and that is supposed to improve the quality of teaching and learning in our universities.»
We are aware that this will consequently lead to a greater demand for expansion in tertiary education.
New Labour has failed to recognize that «narrow minded» middle England no longer set the terms of debate, in part thanks to web 2.0 mass discussion and collaboration, globalization and higher rates in tertiary education.
He added that enrollment in tertiary education has been 6.3 % and 8.9 for polytechnics.
He stressed that the three months salaries were approved and released in addition to the retirement benefits of the workers affected by the ongoing implementation of the reforms in the tertiary education sector of the state.
Stressing that the university had ushered in a paradigm shift in tertiary education, he said, «This school will always produce leaders who will be entrepreneurs and wealth creators.
With Singapore's two major universities geared up to prepare a new generation of workers to drive the new life sciences - based economy, university students in Singapore can now expect to have more choices in tertiary education — a multidisciplinary approach to learning — and to be in a better position to face the future.
The UNESCO statistics for the number of years that a child can realistically expect to spend in tertiary education, rather than the legal requirement, show that students in all Western European countries spend 16 or 17 years in school, with countries in Central and Eastern Europe falling to 15 or 14 years.
I am also a Film lecturer in tertiary education, with 7 years teaching experience.
The initiative stems from a baseline survey which explored the indicators, prevalence and awareness levels of sexual harassment within learning environments, particularly in tertiary education.
, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference: Balance, Fidelity, Mobility: Maintaining the Momentum?
Students feel connected to these teachers and, subsequently, to higher causes, and they pursue those connections in tertiary education.
Fortunately, Kinokuniya is standing firm in this environment, partly because we rely less on magazine sales, and partly because we have robust library businesses in the tertiary education market.
Diana has specialist expertise in the tertiary education sector and advises the Tertiary Education Commission on a range of legal issues.
# 4.2 billion cuts in tertiary education await those willing to remain in education.
But what else do you gain from your time in tertiary education?
By the age of 19, an age at which involvement in tertiary education might be expected, only 12 per cent of Indigenous people were in full - time education.
Evaluating a Student MIS in the Tertiary Education Sector: Addressing Functional - Operational Misalignment through Continuous Participative Evaluation
Coordinating PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT for the media, journalism and public relations in tertiary education, mental health and suicide prevention sectors, police and entertainment industry.
«The emphasis on anti-truancy campaigns in primary and secondary education is important but why prioritise the beginning of the educational journey while seemingly sabotaging our success in tertiary education
The number of students enrolled in tertiary education has increased from fewer than 200,000 in 1970 to around 10 million today.
Which brings us back to the point I just raised, that people teaching are the people assessing in general in schools and in tertiary education, so they'll always adjust their assessments to match their teaching — that means everything is all right, so why will we need to change our assessment?
However, I soon learned that many were unaware about the process to and in tertiary education,» Ferede says.
In the first half of 2008, there were 8411 Indigenous people enrolled in tertiary education.
By comparison, for the same period there were about 696 279 non Indigenous Australians enrolled in tertiary education, while there were 20 072 non-Indigenous Australians in prison... If you applied the same principle to white Australia - i.e. the number of people in jail is only about 22 % lower than the number at university - our total prison population would expand to over 546 000 people.
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