Sentences with phrase «in the digital age»

She has expertise with Dating in the digital age requires old - fashioned time and attention.
This month we ask our global teachers: To what extent is this a new model of learning in a digital age?
Even in this digital age of publishing, libraries continue to be attractive outlets for both authors and readers.
I'm excited by the opportunities self - publishing in the digital age offers authors today.
We live in the digital age where technology has touched almost every sphere of our lives.
Share your thoughts on parenting in the digital age in the comments below!
Building an audience and marketing books in this digital age can mean communicating across the globe, but don't neglect your home base.
This is good news for those of us who think this long - established practice is as important in the digital age as it has been in the print world.
Each element seeks to explore, promote and question the relevance of painting and the hand - made work of art in the digital age through loans, exhibitions, talks and publications.
Exploring the revival of figurative painting in the digital age, the book presents a survey of key contemporary artists who have all embraced painting and work within a realist tradition.
The loss of privacy in the digital age happened slowly and quietly.
The Marketing Conference is a full - day dedicated event that presents a comprehensive strategy for marketing in the digital age.
Compatibility, chemistry, compassion, communication and closure are my five C's for finding love in digital age.
Preparing early childhood educators for teaching in the digital age creates new expectations for teacher preparation programs and places greater demands on those who teach the teachers.
How to seek consent from Canadian users to collect, use and disclose their personal information in the digital age is the subject of ongoing debate.
Dating itself can be a disaster zone especially in the digital age.
This has become a whole lot easier in the digital age with access to big data to inform us and provide guiding insights across a customer's journey.
Her considerable expertise and writing skills help brands thrive in the digital age where content is king.
Reason — the three others are, certainly in the legal market context, are incredibly rare and absolutely essential for success in the digital age.
His work explores the potentially limitless power of technology in the digital age.
If you want to get a job in our digital age, you'll need more than just a resume.
A company that doesn't support the changes in the digital age will lose out, and those associated with them will lose out with them.
A recent American case has raised questions (more, again) about the future of privacy rights in the digital age and how to adapt current laws to an ever evolving technological world.
Have any advice about parenting children in the digital age?
This reality has required me seriously to consider the function of an academic law library in the digital age.
In this role he often discusses the challenges facing authors in the digital age.
Over the last seven years, the magazine has established itself as the primary point for independent authors and small publishers developing a publishing brand in the digital age.
I ask the viewer to reflect on the new experience and parameters of the archive, and the lives of photographs as objects in a digital age.
Both personal branding and personal SEO are critical pieces for successful job search in the digital age, and they go hand in hand.
Even as a writer, I am constantly asking myself how I can continue to stay relevant in the digital age where video is by far the most engaging medium.
Authors do this all the time, especially now in the digital age.
Sign up here information about reading in the digital age, and updates from the author.
And she leaves us with the ultimate question of the status and role of photography in the digital age.
Is design in the digital age — so often simply assumed to be for the greater good — truly for everyone?
In order to survive in the digital age, bookstores needed to adapt to the changing needs of the consumers and offer an entire reading experience.
You don't need a publisher in this digital age to sell your books to a global market, you just need the right information to learn how to do it yourself.
Students in the digital age are still asked to check their technology to the door.
I started out thinking that I'd write a very short handbook on how to do communications in the digital age - something very niche that we might give out within the ministry.
-- we'll be looking at intellectual property in a digital age from a cultural and political point of view.
Life in the digital age means keeping a bunch of devices charged.
The next generation is already living in a digital age so it's become very natural way to fit into their shopping and searching habits.
The creation of the platform will help readers in the digital age and to preserve the country's literary and historical heritage.
The letter highlighted how the app could have a negative impact and make it even harder to raise kids in the digital age.
Being a writer in the digital age is both a blessing and a curse.
In this exhibition, the artist explores the fleeting quality of the news, the historically specific medium of the newspaper, and the decline of print journalism in the digital age.
In 2016, the case turned an ongoing debate about access to research in the digital age into a public debate.
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