Sentences with phrase «in the digital economy»

There are a multitude of questions and endless options for companies working to thrive in the digital economy.
To compete in the digital economy, organizations need strategic and pragmatic advice on the growing regulatory framework governing the collection, use and sharing of data.
«Equal treatment is critical to innovation in a digital economy and to democracy,» he said.
But at least gender melts away in the digital economy of the Internet, right?
Getting it right will be essential for business success in the digital economy.
Moreover, the rewards for innovation, particularly in the digital economy, often accrue to the few who own the related IP.
Her work focuses on consumer rights in digital economy.
The network generates the ideas and data — the most valuable of all assets in the digital economy.
This example of market disruptions also implies that long - held value propositions can change rapidly in the digital economy.
This outcome has created an ever - growing need for modern marketers to understand the new face of buyers in the digital economy.
Work with big goals — and big budgets — to help us make the right moves in the digital economy.
Online platforms are important drivers of innovation and growth in the digital economy.
To thrive in a digital economy, companies are adapting their operating models to unlock the potential of new technology, particularly in the information services sector.
We need an approach to the Internet that protects everyone without restricting growth and innovation in the digital economy.
He said: «The government will explore use of blockchain technology proactively for ushering in digital economy
Also, «Bell has indicated that it will sponsor and host a workshop to promote, discuss and enhance Canadians» trust in the digital economy, including the integrity of online reviews.»
Legislation will be introduced to improve Britain's competitiveness and make the United Kingdom a world leader in the digital economy.
Website blocking had been a key provision in the Digital Economy Act, but internet service providers had rallied against its limiting nature.
By helping workers make the transition, we aim to maximize participation in the digital economy
The DCMS is set to publish a communications bill next year which could update provisions in the Digital Economy Act 2010, which makes it a criminal offence to send «a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character».
The NAHT is calling on MPs to support the addition of a new clause in the Digital Economy Bill, which would enable local councils to share benefit data and allow for auto - registration of free school means
School leaders» union NAHT is calling on MPs to support the addition of a new clause in the Digital Economy Bill, which would enable local councils to share the benefit data they hold with schools.
Life in the digital economy of information and images enriches us but often induces a sense of being overwhelmed.
The ADCA is the industry body that represents Australian businesses participating in the digital economy through blockchain technology.
The companies have joined forces to create the Open Ledger Project with the Linux Foundation, with the goal of re-imagining supply chains, contracts and other ways information about ownership and value are exchanged in a digital economy.
«The next wave of opportunities in businesses will be companies that look at how we support development of the sharing economy,» says Sundararajan, who specializes in the digital economy and the economics of sharing (among other subjects).
But there is still room in the digital economy for intermediaries.
By focusing on the essentials of being found, seen and heard online, it's possible to not only succeed in the digital economy, but to relish in growth and visibility.
John specialises in the digital economy and how it is changing business, government and everyday life.
Ric has led numerous projects in the digital economy, financial services, clim... More
These federal funds combined with additional state funds will give our rural communities in Upstate New York greater access to the resources they need to get online and stay competitive in our digital economy, and I was proud to fight for this investment.»
However he also said: «The government's decision not to proceed with site blocking regulations in the Digital Economy Act leaves considerable uncertainty about the future.
The best algorithms determine who wins and loses in a digital economy that thrives on steering the consumer toward an opportune click
ITPRO PORTAL - Apr 4 - Jeronimo Folgueira, CEO of premium online dating platform EliteSingles, discusses the current state of the dating industry and gives his views on going mobile and premium pricing in the digital economy.
Hills International College in Jimboomba has adopted a screenless approach to coding information to equip its students from kindergarten through Grade 12 with key skills to prosper in the digital economy, without compromising a healthy lifestyle.
The emphasis on preparing young people for work and citizenship in the digital economy reinforces many of the key demands that Livingstone himself has been making while overseeing Next Gen.
Many pundits find all sorts of «logical» explanations for the market trading at current lofty multiples; the low interest rate environment, new technologies, a quantum shift in the digital economy, etc. etc..
Artists Martijn Hendriks, Katja Novitskova, Vanessa Safavi and Dan Walwin, all of whom have practices intertwined with digital production and the way things run in the digital economy were each asked to respond to one of these «things that didn't happen» in the museum's archives.
A Game Changing Shift in the Control of Personal Data is part of the IEEE Tech for Humanity Series, and the introduction declares that an «extinction - level event is occurring in the digital economy.
By contrast, in Luxembourg, which has invested significantly in the digital economy in the last few years while also emphasizing the importance of the protection of privacy and personal data, the legislative process kicked off in January 2015 but has still not resulted in new legislation.
The GDPR also brings a new set of «digital rights» for EU citizens in an age of an increase of the economic value of personal data in the digital economy.
«I have great hopes that GDPR will serve as a model for ensuring that citizens have dignity and autonomy in the digital economy.
As this area is developing very rapidly, there is a huge skills shortage leaving a gap in the market for anyone wishing to pursue a career in the Digital Economy.
After 7 years managing online Sales and Marketing at a Luxury flash sales website, I decided to complete my Master in Business School with a MBA major in Digital Economy.
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