Sentences with phrase «in the language more»

To put it in language more familiar to today's techies: EVs, home batteries, solar panels, smart appliances, and mini / microgrid energy management software are all part of a platform.
So true is this of Paul's statement that interpreters have often said that the Roman church must have been «adoptionist» in its Christology and that Paul is expressing himself in language more congenial to its views than to his own.
Politics, in a language more favored by Reinhold Niebuhr than by Maritain but by no means in conflict with the latter's, is the realm of the contingent, the ironic, and the tragic.
The experts are experienced and have more proficient in the language more than you will do.

Not exact matches

Chinese - language dailies may be more influential than the Post, but changes in its editorial direction are seen as a barometer for press freedom under Chinese rule.
«Neural Machine Translation is going to change the economy by giving more businesses a language capability they can use to communicate and understand in real time,» says Gachot.
Tax rules and guidelines in other countries become even more complicated where, of course, businesses must contend with language barriers and cultural conflicts.
«We find the best people in the world and either bring them to Canada to have them work for us in Nova Scotia — we speak more than 10 languages in our facility here — or we base them throughout the world to represent our company in all the countries in which we operate,» says Deveau.
By getting better at honing in on the language your customers are using, you'll be able to laser - target the strategies you execute and get more bang for your SEO buck.
At Egon Zehnder, we have learned in much of our work with many of the leading Chinese tech giants and startup unicorns what type of talent is likely to thrive in China, which prioritizes the more nuanced «soft» skills of adaptability, flexibility, and potential rather than simply the «hard» skills of language fluency and past work experiences.
His bestselling books have been translated into 25 languages and are available in more than 150 countries.
Amazon is also limiting international shopping to 25 currencies, but plans to expand its support for both more currencies and more languages in the coming months.
Being submissive can often show up in self - reflective language, which puts more attention on yourself and focuses the conversation on you.
This was thanks in part to the Unilever brand's efforts to spread its message worldwide: Dove uploaded the video in 25 languages to 33 of its official YouTube channels, reaching consumers in more than 110 countries.
Picking up patterns in languages for more accurate translations, NMT systems will continue to improve with time and application, making them the ideal employee.
When businesses post jobs on the platform, Toptal identifies available developers proficient in the software languages necessary to handle the task at hand, then contacts the client to learn more about the job and the company as a whole before interviewing programmer candidates to make sure their skills and personalities are properly attuned.
«In some type of Fed language, the fact is that they didn't signal a more aggressive path to tightening.
Anyone who aspires to play competitively in the retail space these days needs to be able to talk the language of omnichannel merchandising — the notion that the various manifestations of a company's online or mobile presence can be pressed into service to create a more engaging, or at least tolerable, in - store experience.
It turns out, lost deals actually have a 12.8 percent higher sentiment score (in other words, the buyer uses more positive and less negative language, generating an overall higher «score) than closed - won deals, across all calls that span the sales cycle.
The company has raised more than $ 230 million in venture capital since its founding, from investors such as Sigma West and Ignition Partners, and is using that money to rapidly expand its business outside the U.S.. It's well on its way: DocuSign is available in 43 languages.
Whether it's mastering a new coding language or learning to play the violin, employees who are are engaged and thriving in ways that matter to them personally, are more likely to maintain a strong work performance.
If you believe you can get a raise, this can come through in your body language and what you negotiate with your boss, possibly making you more likely to convince them.
TransPerfect rovides a full range of translation services in more than 170 languages to clients worldwide, from offices in 85 cities on six continents.
We've done incremental improvements in function like multi-city search, and we're in more cities and countries and more languages.
• Pearson, a U.K. - based educational materials provider, is in talks with a consortium of Asian private equity houses to sell its English - language school unit for more than $ 350 million, according to the Financial Times.
«In four separate experiments, participants more accurately guessed the pictured emotion based on body language — alone or combined with facial expressions — than on facial context alone.»
Some wonks — and more than a few members of Congress — are seizing on language in the 14th Amendment they claim would let the White House order the Treasury to borrow.
King frequently spoke in household financial terms, language that everyone understood, so that his message could be absorbed more broadly.
-- Ankit Somani, co-founder of AllyO, an artificial intelligence recruiting platform founded in 2016 by engineers from Google and MIT that's used by more than 50 large enterprises in more than 10 industries and available in multiple languages and countries
Speaking the right language will not only show that you're interested in more than your current role, but it will also demonstrate your intelligence and fit within the company.
But language is more complicated for computers to parse than simply identifying objects in pictures, LeCun explained.
An irreverent personality, Lenny is more than happy to explain how you just got fleeced on your mortgage, and in blunt language.
German expats are also far more likely to speak the local language than those in other countries.
As a host based in the United States, if you're fluent in French, for example, and promote this within your profile, travelers visiting from France may be more inclined to stay with you because you speak their language.
But, BlueSnap is also a powerful global payment processor that allows merchants to accept payments in more than 110 different currencies and 29 languages.
But negotiators have not started consolidating the language, and wording for more controversial subjects, including rules of origin and dispute resolution mechanisms, is not expected to be revealed until the next round later this month in Canada.
Companies like Google, Facebook (fb), and IBM (ibm) are investing millions of dollars in AI - related technologies like deep learning that have made it possible for computers to more quickly perform data - heavy tasks like translating text into multiple languages.
A key theme in this year's presidential race is competitiveness of American industry, though candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders tend to use more colorful language when describing their belief that the United States has lost its economic edge.
You can start by deleting or more actively monitoring users (if any) who engage in profane language so they don't create a negative experience for your other followers.
The CEOs also see acquiring foreign language skills to be beneficial, and most of them believe having Chinese language skills is more important than fluency in other languages, such as Spanish or Japanese.
Klepper said he noticed while covering Trump rallies that the information, language, and arguments that people were making had less in common with Fox News and more in common with Breitbart News and even the conspiracy - peddling Infowars.
For Simon, there is no word more offensive in the English language than them.
Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, has already sold more than one million copies, and has been translated into 11 languages.
Indeed, the respondents believe Chinese language skills will be slightly more useful for success in business than acquiring a PhD in any field, excluding engineering.
«And in a lot of ways, the cultural aspects are more important than foreign language skills because they're more transferable.»
What's more, many of them excelled in spite of obvious obstacles like language barriers and prejudice — offering an inspiring look at the difficulty some entrepreneurs face on the road to business success.
Brand names are more often seen in writing than any other form, so having a name translated into visual language, such as a logo, is an important next step.
To date, the startup — co-founded with COO Igor Bratnikov, a fellow émigré Raygorodskaya met as a teenager at a Russian - language afterschool math program — has booked more than $ 1 billion in partner ticket sales and now generates over $ 100 million in annual revenue.
It's fair to say the oilpatch in 2015 is more enlightened than the forest industry was in 1995, when the language around sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) hadn't been invented yet, says Coady.
There's been a push to offer bilingual packaging and signs in the United States, but with such a large segment of the population not speaking English as a primary language, the audience certainly deserves more tailored attention.
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