Sentences with phrase «in the small amount of time in»

Free time away from school and work is a rare commodity; however, in the small amount of time in between the two I started rewatching one of my favorite TV medical dramas.

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By investing a small amount of time in planning, we can all guarantee success for ourselves and for our ideas.
So, there's a tremendous amount of standard business wisdom about how you need to have an elevator pitch, a small nugget that will encapsulate what it is you do with the amount of time it takes to pitch your business to a theoretical once - in - a-lifetime investor in a chance elevator encounter.
In the end, it's a small amount of time to sacrifice compared to the happiness it will give you for the rest of your life.
Their themes — don't risk it all, stay small, charge for value, free is stupid — fly in the face of the conventional image that web success comes from big startups that attract massive amounts of free users and then massive buyouts — yet they're right in line with a time - honored business practice: making a profit.
Those most averse to change, who possess great self - awareness and self - management skills, even set aside a small amount of time each week to list possible changes and what actions they can take in response.
«I've been spending a fair amount of time in the last few weeks just looking at this and saying, as a small company, how can we hedge more effectively?
Lombardo says he's seen many smaller companies where the CEO believes that because they used to sell a certain amount, and they've never been trained, they know it can be sold in a short amount of time.
In particular, you may have been disappointed and even surprised by the small amount of screen time for one hero.
According to's data tracking the health of the small business market, the first quarter showed a 36 percent decrease in the amount of business - for - sale transactions as compared to the same time in 2008.
Koch observed that small amounts of time can often lead to remarkable gains, and in other cases, large amounts of toil goes unrewarded.
The company would involve little to no overhead, a relatively small startup cost (only in getting the name out there, which would be a non issue with some business connections), and consequently would have the opportunity to be cashflow even in an extraordinarily short amount of time.
This is a small time business but can bring in profits factoring in the given amount of investment and time.
The changes to the Canadian securities laws if adopted would allow the general public to invest in equity crowdfunding online, and companies to offer small amounts of equity with less disclosure thus driving the cost of raising capital lower and widening participation at the same time.
Instead of creating an environment where more link requests in a smaller amount of time is the goal, create a strategy that allows you to research more websites for quality link opportunities in a more effective amount of time.
Having worked with a variety of clients, I've spent an extensive amount of time working with SAAS and cloud - based technology platforms in addition to smaller startup companies.
I would guess most individuals who have a passing interest in personal finance spend a similar (small) amount of time actually executing the necessary financial transactions throughout the year.
What this means is that because S2 has to invest more cash into a smaller number of ETFs, if any of those ETFs are very thinly traded, it results in lots of unfilled orders that can take a significant amount of time to finish allocating or liquidating.
This process is can often be completed in 30 minutes or less - a small amount of time to spend when you consider the consequences of poor plan design.
(I believe the big companies I mentioned earlier only took accredited investors at the time which is why I went with the smaller company) I've also put a small amount of money in a crowdfunding company called American Home Preservation where you can invest in increments of $ 100 with a preferred 12 % return to investors.
Also, transitions may occur in a small population, in a small area, and / or in a relatively short amount of time; when any of these conditions hold, the chances of finding the transitional fossils goes down.
Given the amount of time and energy expended on finding even a single god, I estimate the probably of there being any gods as very small, virtually zero, but I can not rule out the possibility that such a being might exist somewhere in the universe, or even outside it.
Of course, even in ancient society there was a small amount of change and development going on all the time, but it was so slow that to man himself it was almost imperceptiblOf course, even in ancient society there was a small amount of change and development going on all the time, but it was so slow that to man himself it was almost imperceptiblof change and development going on all the time, but it was so slow that to man himself it was almost imperceptible.
Though we live within a chasm of derived ascertainment concluded as being a universe does in no way or means make causal admissions that there are unknowable amounts of self - similar universes being side by side ours creating a gigantic life form living within a vast sea upon a world so ginormous that our stellar world would be 100,000 times smaller than a speck of dust!
The lack of emphasis on a single religion does not stop Disney from taking up a catechizing role, Pinsky notes, «In the Western world in particular, the number of hours children spend receiving moral instruction in houses of worship is dwarfed by the amount of time spent sitting in front of screens large and small, learning values from Disney movies,» Disney's evangelistic entrepreneurship has been extraordinarily successfuIn the Western world in particular, the number of hours children spend receiving moral instruction in houses of worship is dwarfed by the amount of time spent sitting in front of screens large and small, learning values from Disney movies,» Disney's evangelistic entrepreneurship has been extraordinarily successfuin particular, the number of hours children spend receiving moral instruction in houses of worship is dwarfed by the amount of time spent sitting in front of screens large and small, learning values from Disney movies,» Disney's evangelistic entrepreneurship has been extraordinarily successfuin houses of worship is dwarfed by the amount of time spent sitting in front of screens large and small, learning values from Disney movies,» Disney's evangelistic entrepreneurship has been extraordinarily successfuin front of screens large and small, learning values from Disney movies,» Disney's evangelistic entrepreneurship has been extraordinarily successful.
A very small amount of water can keep someone clean, and in a lot of those 3rd world countries people are actually VERY clean and spend a lot of time cleaning themselves, their clothes and their homes.
Text - messaging is merely a dab of icing, small amounts of relationship connectivity and affirmation, resting ever - so - lightly on the colossal cake of consistent in person quality time, disclosures, desires and emotions.
He's in the US Air Force and only has a small amount of time to eat lunch so, he takes sandwiches every single day!
I can't believe the depth of flavor that is attained in such a small amount of cooking time.
If you're going to add the vanilla glaze, mix the three ingredients together in a bowl (add small amounts of the almond milk at a time, you may not need the full tsp) and wait until muffins are fully cooled to drizzle it on or else it'll just drip off.
Browning meat or poultry in a small amount of liquid or fat, then cooking, tightly covered, over low heat for a long time.
Pour in another 100 ml of your milk mix into your batter a small amount at a time, whisking thoroughly.
If your mix becomes to thick spoon in a small amount of water at a time until it returns to the correct consistency.
Squeeze a small amount of the spinach at a time in your hands to extract as much water as possible.
I think the reason I love it so much is because it is EASY, it is SIMPLE, it requires a very small amount of heating time and it brings out the best flavor in each of the components.
If you eat a small amount of cooked potatoes in some form several times a week (which I do), that should be sufficient unless you have something really wrong with your GI system.
Not for reasons of weight loss (wheat makes me lose weight rather quickly due to its... side effects) or going along with any fads — I'll never know if I'm coeliac or not because I've tried to eat enough wheat to be able to take the test for antibodies reacting to it etc. and failed many times simply because after 48 hours of eating even small amounts I'm in so much agony that I have to stop!
I like to make a large amount of these truffles and keep it for a long time in the freezer, but you can easily make 1/2 the amount for a smaller batch that can be kept in the fridge.
«Smaller barrels can get the wine to taste like an aged wine that's been aged for years in a shorter amount of time,» Paglione explains what he learned from his uncle.
Pork tenderloin is the smallest, fastest - cooking pork roast you can make for dinner, and it cooks in the same amount of time as thick - cut half moons of butternut.
Start with a small batch the first time just in case you need to make adjustments to the cook time or amount of liquid for making black rice in your own rice cooker.
Always start with a very small amount of color, adding in a little at a time until you achieve the desired color.
* For best results (a smooth, slightly soft dough), use the smaller amount of water in summer (or in a humid environment), the greater amount in winter (or in a dry climate); and something in between the rest of the time.
* Mix in a small amount of white sugar, since cucumbers can be bitter this time of year.
Working one at a time, poke a small hole into side of doughnuts (a chopstick works great) and gently pipe in a generous amount of jam.
Making broth - based soups at home follows a certain formula — cook any meat (in this case, that was chicken breasts), sauté the aromatics (things like onions and garlic), including any herbs or spices, pour in the liquid (chicken broth and diced tomatoes for this soup), simmer, then add in any vegetables and extras (such as tortellini) that need a smaller amount of cooking time.
A small amount of pure flavor extract can make a huge taste difference in your dish without requiring that you take the time to chop, zest or juice ingredients.
In small amount, fat helps the elasticity of the bread, but if added in larger amounts, just like sugar, it will slow down the action of the yeast, increasing the rising timIn small amount, fat helps the elasticity of the bread, but if added in larger amounts, just like sugar, it will slow down the action of the yeast, increasing the rising timin larger amounts, just like sugar, it will slow down the action of the yeast, increasing the rising time.
If you are still feeing unwell, an easy way to eliminate a very common source of cross contamination on the gluten free diet, is to get rid of it all together for a small amount of time to see if it makes a difference in how you feel.
I don't recommend a food processor for the ganache, because it will take quite a long time to get the cashews smooth due to the small amount of liquid in the recipe.
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