Sentences with phrase «in the theocracy of»

As a born again Christian I wouldn't want to live in the theocracy of Iran, so why would I want to live in a theocracy here in the United States?
Or feel free to rejoin the dark ages in the theocracy of your choice.

Not exact matches

«There are Baha'is rotting in jail on a 20 - year sentence on trumped up charges simply because they have a certain set of faith beliefs that run against the theocracy in Iran.»
This kind of behavior does not exist in the rest of the world with the exception of of islamist - based theocracies
Dawkins, who is widely regarded as the most respected figure in atheism, is lending his voice to this event because he says freedom for atheists is «constantly under threat from people who would like to turn this country into some sort of a theocracy
The tightie righties are always working on their extremist agenda of theocracy, whether it's out in the open like now or not.
The National Day of Prayer is an embarrassment to America and makes us look as intellectually barbaric as fervent middle eastern theocracies that in many ways haven't progressed much past the last millennium.
And besides; if we were to become a Christian Theocracy, we'd all be forced to have that same old picture of that dead carpenter guy mounted in our living rooms.
Because without their steadfast support of freedom of speech and religion, you run the risk of ending up in a theocracy that only accepts a religion other than your own.
In fact, even the concept of a religious foundation for Statehood guarantees theocracy, and as such should revolt all truly free men, ESPECIALLY Americans.
It was the Christian theocracy in Europe that called people / groups they didn't like satanic, evil and practitioners of black magic.
American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century by Kevin Phillips Viking, 480 pages, $ 26.95 The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right's Plans for the Rest of Us by James Rudin Thunder's Mouth, 300 pages, $ 26 Kingdom Coming: The....
We have never been under threat of theocracy in America.
... and as for atheists / agnostics commenting on religious matters, it is important since uncontrolled religion can lead to various levels of theocracy (e.g. Iran in the extreme case) which obviously would be detrimental to all of us.
The State of Israel was founded with at least some theocratic elements» at exactly a point in history when the Catholic Church was renouncing theocracy and withdrawing from secular governance.
It is tiresome but can you imagine what America would be like if a creationist theocracy ever gained power in all three branches of government.
The real question is will we continue to at least strive for separation of Church and State or go down the slippery slope that leads ever closer to a Theocracy - which never had ended well in the entire history of mankind.
I would recommend to the author that if he does not like living in a secular land that embraces equality and fairness, he is free to move to the theocracy of his choice.
When the holiness of the land (a divine proclamation) becomes the holiness of the state (a human creation) we all too easily move in the direction of theocracy veiled as statism (in which the state is the embodiment of divine will).
Gilead's Commanders of the Faithful have fulfilled their dream: they have constructed a theocracy (centered in Cambridge, Massachusetts) on the lines of ancestral Puritanism and biblical patriarchy.
Every atrocity of religious / totalitarian government, from fascism in Europe to the theocracies in the Middle East to the personality cults in Soviet Russia and North Korea, is now identified and broadcast with unprecedented clarity.
If we lived in a theocracy, where every debate would be settled by edicts from the Bishop of Washington, this wouldn't be a problem.
But hey, it is a free country unlike a lot of theocracies in the world so to those who still believe, go for it.
«Religion is an important part of our society, its voice should be heard, but I wouldn't want to live in even a democratic theocracy,» the former prime minister said at the office of his Tony Blair Faith Foundation, which works to promote multifaith understanding.
Richard Posner, a judge of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, in a New York Times op - ed co-authored December 2 with Law Professor Eric Segall, takes Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to task for threatening America with a «majoritarian theocracy» because of his repeated....
There is a basic incompatibility between Islam's belief in all encompassing doctrines that embrace religion, private and public life and the American principles of liberty of belief and speech and the absolute separation of state and church affairs For Americans belief is a private matter, not so for Islam, where theocracy rules over all human affairs.
And what the Chinese government is doing is no worse than what several theocracies around the world are doing and what assholes like Rick Santorum would do in the USA if given the chance — none of which is supported by atheists.
Theocracy is based on studies of an old book or two written by philosophers and politicians in addition to stories handed down over generations with no real physical evidence to analyze.
There is also a practical benefit to Reno's ecumenism, in that anyone speaking of «Christian society» in this day and age invites being tarred with words like «theocracy» and «inquisition,» as if Christian society necessitated those forms.
Absolutely, I would never want to be a part of a theocracy in this world.
This constitutional disestablishment of all churches embodied the wisdom of Roger Williams and Thomas Jefferson — the one from his experience with the Massachusetts theocracy and the other from his experience with the less dangerous Anglican establishment in Virginia — which knew that a combination of religious sanctity and political power represents a heady mixture for status quo conservatism.
Also, just FYI, this country (meaning the US, which I assume is where you live) is not a theocracy, which means that the laws of this country (including the laws regarding abortion) should not be based on any one religion (or holy book) in particular.
They remembered also what had happened in this country to religious dissenters in the Puritan theocracy of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and under the Anglican establishment in Virginia.
In the 21st Century, there is mislead segment of the American population that are trying to turn this country into a theocracy.
If the Bible, as its theme, concerns the deliverance of humanity, and if the deliverer is God, personified by Jesus, consider the following: Contentious subjects in Jesus» time, as items of debate or discussion, typically had to do with adultery (a «capital offense» by Moses), paying taxes (which might be tough in a theocracy), and divorce.
There is a big difference between government having people in it and policies affected by beliefs (religious or otherwise) but that is a far cry from a theocracy or an establishment of one religion over another which is what the Founders were leery of.
Intimidated by loose (and often ludicrous) charges of «theocracy,» many committed religious believers have hesitated to cite the Bible in support of anything political, even though our Founding Fathers did.
American Evangelicals want to force a Theocracy on the rest of Americans shrouded in the false cloak of the premise that the Founders wanted a Christian nation.
These deluded folks are usually thwarted in their efforts to turn this country into some kind of evangelical theocracy.
In the absence of any means for succession other than the recognition of someone possessing charisma, there comes to the front what Buber calls the «paradox of all original and direct theocracy
France, in the throws of the revolution had huge issues with the church and clergy which owned most of the land and were trying to co-opt the revolution and create a theocracy by installing the church into the vacancy left by the aristocracy.
Now that the USA is one step closer to becoming a theocracy, I'm going to have to decide whether to become more intolerant of religion (in legal and non-violent ways), or just give up on the USA.
He's fighting against the injustice of having to live in a theocracy.
It would take ignorance of that level to see a person living in a totalitarian theocracy following a not - state - sanctioned religion as a fanatic and not a victim.
Got to love that theocracy in Iran and their religion of peace.
better yet — he's the type of guy to extort money from a congregation that doesn't understand global economics, fiat currency, OPEC, oil production, the supply chain, the exploration of oil reserves or how foreign / state run companies keep supply low to drive up demand which they then use the proceeds to seed their Islamic theocracies which in turn oppress woman and preach anti-American propaganda.
Should I respect the group of Muslims who attacked the U.S. because they wanted to impose Taliban - style theocracies in Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries?
afraid of my country becoming a theocracy much like the countries we fight against in the Middle East because they are theocracies.
Some evangelicals and conservative Catholics lean in this direction, but gingerly and equivocatingly, if not disingenuously, because of the sheer in - feasibility of theocracy in a pluralistic America.
Your brand of theocracy, while thriving in countries like Iran, has not yet infected the United States, and one can only hope that it never will.
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