Sentences with phrase «in tongues as»

Some were speakers, some healers, some prophesied, some spoke in tongues as at Pentecost, etc..
The AoG is a Pentecostal and evangelical denomination holding, among other things, the Divine inspiration of the Bible, the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as the believer's empowerment for witness and service, speaking in tongues as the evidence of that baptism, sanctification through the work of the Spirit, a church on mission, Divine healing for the sick available to believers, the return of Christ and a final judgment.
They believe that you have to speak in tongues as a sign of salvation.
Luke's presentation of speaking in tongues as speaking real foreign languages confirmed the missionary thrust of life in the Spirit.
No, the fundies have graduated to speaking in tongues as their latest creep show religious proof of their magic man.
WHY do they believe that their God is so concerned about whether or not they listen to musical instruments in church on Sunday, get dunked or sprinkled in ceremonial water, speak in a tongue as some kind of sign... to whom ever, read from the correct translation of some long lost ancient books, etc, etc?

Not exact matches

While there's an argument to be made that AI is over-hyped as a technology, there's data to back up Sanwal's tongue - in - cheek advice: Mergers and acquisitions of AI startups increased by a factor of seven between 2011 and 2015, from five to more than 35 deals, according to the research firm.
It's a tongue - in - cheek reference to his forecasts, which many view as outlandish but which he sees as a logical endpoint for markets.
The tongue - in - cheek approach convinced Kmart to retain FCB as its agency of record but wasn't enough to boost the retail chain's flagging fortunes: Despite the widely viewed campaigns, revenue sagged 3.7 percent in 2013.
Molson Coors» desire to break out of its stagnant core markets is what led to its US$ 3.5 - billion purchase in April of eastern European brewer StarBev, producer of a tongue - tying lineup of beers such as Staropreman, Kamenitza and Ozujsko.
What started as a tongue - in - cheek campaign to make potato salad ended up raising $ 55,000 on Kickstarter — proving yet again that if you have a compelling story and know how to tell it, the money is there.
But head through a pocket sliding door in the back and you reach Luksus, the 26 - seat dining room where Burns serves market - inspired dishes such as lamb with burnt hay, sunchoke and tongue, and rhubarb, beet, pea and anise hyssop — each plate designed to coax the myriad flavours from Tørst's formidable beer collection.
«I would say, tongue in cheek, there's no such thing as a free - trade agreement.
Before it was a R.E.M. song, this colloquialism served as a tongue - in - cheek response to travelers asking for difficult directions.
Other side effects seen with NuvaRing include allergic reactions, which may include swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and / or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing (anaphylaxis and angioedema), hives; breast discharge; and penis discomfort of the partner (such as irritation, rash, itching).
Many of the attendees were actually making trades on their Blackberry's as their guru spoke in tongues of sub prime lenders with supposed «moats» (durable competitive advantages) Finally, after 2 1/2 hours Chew lost his mind and after savagiung the false profit, began eating his young wannabe's.
Asked about Trump's change in tone on trade from the campaign, Tillerson said the remarks were intended as «a little bit tongue in cheek.»
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
As for the tongue... it actually reminded of the Maori warrior dances, where dancers stick out their tongues in an exaggerated manner to show fierceness.
If he succeeded and built the Holy Temple in its proper place and gathered the dispersed ones of Israel together, this is indeed the anointed one for certain, and he will mend the entire world to worship the Lord together, as it is stated: «For then I shall turn for the nations a clear tongue, so that they will all procalim the Name of the Lord, and to worship Him with a united resolve (Zephaniah 3:9).»
We will get right on that just as soon as we are finished thawing out the frozen head of Ayn Rand to speak in tongues.
I think this particular organization is set up as a bit of a tongue in cheek flip off to religion in general.
I was responding to Voice of Reason a bit tongue in cheek because as the one with the knowledge — he or she will have to plan the lesson for me unless he or she believes it is not worth the effort because it seems (from the instructor's assessment) that I am unable to move forward in my thinking.
And in Virginia you can still hear the old English as though the ancestors of the founding fathers kept some of the tongue that once debated slavery.
When I hear people disparaging symbolic undergarments, I realize that they would do the same to Jewish and Catholic ceremonial garb, as well as the outwardly dramatic group reactions displayed by Evangelicals including, speaking in tongues and the accepting of Jesus in their lives.
Three times I have been felled by lightning pain as seizures short - circuited my brain; Three times, waking in hospitals at dawn all memory of my poetry was gone, and once I'd nearly bitten through my tongue.
The Amish, the Mormons, the Catholics, various fundamentalist churches — including the ones who speak in tongues and handle snakes, the Westboro Baptist Church, churches that denounce ho - mose - xuality as an abomination and churches that marry gays and admit them to their clergy, and a lot who belong to no church at all.
Messiah Complex is Brand's tongue - in - cheek attempt to claim his place among the great revolutionary messiah figures of global history Che Guevara, Gandhi, and, of course, Jesus men he refers to as his personal heroes.
The enthusiasm with which the Bible was read, and its sublime utterances greeted, by those to whom they came for the first time in their own tongue, as something entirely fresh, set free spiritual energy in creative ways.
Even in Hades he tries to use Lazarus (whose name he now remembers) as his lackey to «dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames.»
And just as I was really getting wound up, and starting to get the words really rolling off my tongue in true fisherman fashion, I heard a sound that stopped me cold.
for the way you let the thoughts that singularly unfurl in the curling neurones of your brain alone, find their brave way to the tip of your willing tongue as wholehearted words, for the way you say only what you can, only how you can, only you can do what you can,
The steps you give are really right on, and though your article has a feel of being tongue - in - cheek, it really should serve as a warning to those who feel that they can not or will not fall into temptation themselves.
They grasped that the oneness of the Church was based on this confession, and they were persuaded that God had ordained that «every tongue confess that Jesus the Christ is Lord,» In brief, they saw Jesus the Christ as lord of their lives, as Lord of the Church, as Lord of All.
Though I have no desire to deprive experts of their pleasures and I do understand the joys of fluency in a another tongue, in terms of expediting interpersonal contactual points in time, the aspects of which appear on first examination to be of a nature so non-effective as to be thought hardly worth facilitating, hopefully, the sum of these co-optations, possibility-wise, are thought to be so negligible, that while on the surface appearing deep, in terms of clarity what I have said is not.
Perhaps one could argue that, in so far as certain light waves get to the retina and are there processed, etc., in a sensethe eye does become coloured; but the damage has already been done: the Aristotelian theory sounds a bit too much like the theory of bitter humours infecting the tongue.
Subtle distress signals such as a catch in the voice, a slip of the tongue, tension in a marriage relationship, or a change in the pattern of church participation can often be picked up if the minister has his psychological antenna out to catch these cries for help.
There were pictures of women, every tribe, every tongue, on every wall, and so it felt like everyone here in the world was there with us, somehow, and a gigantic canvas on the stairs said: There is no such thing as small change, and the famous red couch at Idelette's was worn out and comfortable, especially with Kelley sprawled on it, twisting her hair unconcernedly when she really got talking about the theology of adoption and Lord, yes, that woman can preach and teach in a living room beside a piano better than some preachers I've seen in thousand - dollar suits on a television show.
There is a place for keeping your tongue in check, and there is a place to say things as they are.
Just because I was different (I am living in Colombia) I am pretty much judged and labeled as a non-believer or a «spiritual baby» because I don't jump around or speak in tongues.
It was not so in the apostolic period, as witness Saint Paul's opening hymn in the letter to the Ephesians, his depiction of cosmic transformation in Romans 8 and his anticipation in Philippians 2 of every knee bowed and every tongue confessing Jesus Christ as Lord.
Most AG members have personally experienced these gifts: 65 percent claim to pray in tongues; 61 percent have personally experienced divine healing as a result of prayer; 55 percent regularly receive definite answers to specific prayer requests; 32 percent say they are regularly «led by God» to perform specific acts; and nearly 30 percent believe they have been used by God to prophesy.
Most of the translators have used English versions as the source text for translation, and the majority of Indians received New Testament in their mother - tongue with more differences from the original.
Nevertheless, as if with tongue in cheek, Jesus tells his followers that the «sons of this world are wiser in their own generation than the sons of light» (Luke 16:8) and suggests that as they go out into a wolflike world, they be «wise as serpents and innocent as doves» (Matt.
I believe «The Rich Man» can give us some insight as to what we can expect as he pleads for Abraham to sent forth warning to his still living brothers not to come here... also, how he pleads for a bit of water to cool his tongue... several places in scripture speak of the torment that awaits the unbelieving... just sayin
I could be mistaken, but didn't Stephen J. Gould once (perhaps tongue in cheek) nominate Thomas as the patron saint of science?
And while this sort of praying is not quite as strange as speaking in tongues, when it is carried over into a real - world conversation with another human being, it sounds completely bizarre.
I say that tongue - in - cheek, but I do suggest that Paul contradicts himself and it's hard to point to one of the conflicting teachings as being authoritative for Christians.
I saw a deaf man begin to speak in tongues which was astounding and a young girl hear from a dead ear and an elderly catholic lady stand up straight as God ungnarled her arthritic back... those were times of awe... I was 16, 17, 18 — young, naive and I saw miracles, healings, incredible things but most of all hundreds of people come to faith.
They began to express themselves in foreign tongues and make bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted them... [The people] asked in utter amazement,... «How is it that each of us hears them in his native tongue?
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