Sentences with phrase «in tropical climates»

Perhaps if you are living in a tropical climate where butter melt faster, it's a good idea to use frozen butter for this.
Indeed, many of us are daily consumers of these and other items that only grow in tropical climates.
We are located in a tropical climate with warm weather year round.
As I placed the coconut back on the shelf, I wondered if people in tropical climates carried around ice picks for this specific purpose.
This is a condition that is more likely to occur in tropical climates in places without air conditioning.
These are tough little guys that grow best in tropical climates.
Big noses tend to be found in people whose ancestors evolved in tropical climates, where a large nasal opening helps cool the body.
In a tropical climate like ours, nothing is more enticing than a pool of clear, cool water.
Although it's probably hot enough for polar bears to wear sunscreen this summer, it's never too early to start thinking about your winter vacation in a tropical climate.
Maybe it works in tropical climates but I need more color.
This happens mostly in tropical climates, since the natural melting point of coconut oil is about 76 degrees F, and already naturally a solid in most colder climates.
This variety tends to grow to around 3 - 5 kg and can be grown all year long in tropical climates.
When you consider the fact that these beans thrive in tropical climates that have steady, predictable weather patterns, global warming becomes a threat to the industry's future too.
* In emergencies when commercial IV solutions are not available, doctors in tropical climates will use coconut water instead.
The tree now grows successfully in tropical climates across the globe.
It's not like I grew up in a tropical climate by any means, but I'm having a hard time adjusting.
Because lace clothing works quite finely in tropical climates.
Unlike western cakes, these traditional treats don't include ingredients such as butter, cream and chocolate, which all tend to spoil in a tropical climate.
The authors warn that the density of stored carbon in tropical climates was far greater in these intact forest landscapes than in the rest of the forest zone.
He's quite a warm baby, so although we don't live in a tropical climate, the cool material stops him from overheating when he's being carried.
Researchers have discovered a significant link between deforestation and malaria in tropical climates.
The disease does occur more in tropical climates where there is likelihood of standing water or flooding; rat infestations in densely populated urban areas are also a factor.
The disease does occur more in tropical climates and is reported to have a human fatality rate worldwide of between 1 % and 5 %.
The fermentation process is a simple technique of extracting coconut oil, much as has been done in people's kitchens in tropical climates for hundreds of years.
Unlike fruit trees, Capsicums do not survive freezes, so grafting would have to be done in a tropical climate or on a potted plant in a greenhouse.
been feeding raw for 5 + years in a tropical climate never had an issue with bacteria...... its common sense:) Thanks for a great article
These RBD coconut oils have been in the market for many years now, and are the primary dietary oils consumed by billions of people in tropical climates around the world.
Refined RBD coconut oil is a liquid in tropical climates, and can be transported in tanker trucks.
«By providing historic climatological data we will be able to model future changes in tropical climate
But if you live in a tropical country, more frequent checkups or preventive drugs is needed because mosquitoes are more common in tropical climates.
No surprises in this study, as the healing properties of coconut oil in treating various skin conditions are quite well known in tropical climates where coconuts grow, and supported by several other studies published in recent years.
While Zika has been far more prominent in tropical climates such as Puerto Rico and Brazil, where the 2016 Olympics will begin on Friday, there have been more than 1,650 reported cases in the U.S., including the 14 new locally acquired infections in Florida.
That's half a year with Puerto Rico's 3.4 million residents relying on generators, half a year without air conditioning in the tropical climate, half a year where electric pumps can't bring running water into homes, half a year where even the most basic tasks of modern life are made difficult.
I had divided us into a system of castes — the full - time vocational ministry people who pastored or wrote books or preached or taught with eponymous organizations called «My Own Name Ministries» and missionaries and countercultural ones in tropical climates were at the tippity - top.
Organic is not as important, as very few coconut trees in tropical climates have pesticides applied to them.
Some perennial varieties have grown as tall as eight feet in tropical climates, but the average height in the U.S. garden is about two feet.
Many of our coffees are harvested on lush high mountain hillsides in tropical climates.
The coffee beans we roast are grown at high altitudes in tropical climates where the soil is rich in nutrients.
«The challenge with diseases like yellow fever and Zika is that the conditions that foster an outbreak are not always avoidable, especially in tropical climates, and therefore a vaccine is needed to prevent infection,» Tebas said.
A military canteen can typically hold one litre of water and maintain its cool temperature for about 30 minutes in our tropical climate.
A comparative study of mammals, by University of Cambridge researchers Dieter Lukas and Tim Clutton - Brock, shows that cooperatively breeding species occur in dry areas, yet are absent in tropical climates — even though these are the places on earth with the highest biodiversity.
Their water repellent property allows them to be adaptable to both dry and rainy weather and their structure remains stable for about six months in tropical climate.
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