Sentences with phrase «in tumor formation»

Think about it, these single gene changes are usually what results in tumor formation, right?
«But we saw the opposite — an increase in tumor formation
MDSCs are immune cells originating from bone marrow stem cells that possess strong immunosuppressive abilities and are known to play a role in tumor formation and metastasis.
«Recent successes in cancer immunotherapy — in the form of immune checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive T cell transfer — demonstrate how activated immune cells can eradicate tumors, but until now we didn't fully appreciate immunosurveillance or the role of adaptive immunity in tumor formation,» said senior author Michael Karin, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and Pathology at UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Miller said that other proteins anchored to the cell surface in a similar fashion are known to play roles in cell proliferation, suggesting a possible mechanism for how HYAL2 might be involved in tumor formation.
Disruptions to the process can, in turn, result in tumor formation or early depletion of the stem cell reservoir.
«Not only does the high - fat diet change the biology of stem cells, it also changes the biology of non-stem-cell populations, which collectively leads to an increase in tumor formation,» says Yilmaz, who is a Koch Institute member and a gastrointestinal pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
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