Sentences with phrase «in varying languages»

Not exact matches

... The language varies slightly in different translations but, that's the gist of it.
The general position of these writers, whose contributions vary considerably in approach and quality, is that Jesus made no claim of divinity for himself and that the doctrine of the incarnation was developed during the early centuries of the Christian era as an attempt to express the uniqueness of Jesus in the mythological language and thought forms of the Greek culture of the time.While recognizing the validity of the patristic theologians» work, which culminated in the classical christological definitions of Nicea and Chalcedon, the British theologians question whether these definitions are intelligible in the 20th century, and go on to suggest that some concept other than incarnation might better express the divine significance of Jesus today.
A useful way of approaching the varied structures of human existence is through reflection on the meaning of «I.» The use of the first person singular in some way is probably coterminous with language, but its meaning varies widely.
The belief in multiple GODs (the word GOD is taken from the 6th century CE Germanic language) was widely accepted and only varied by type (and special abilities) depending the region you lived in.
The chances that choice will pass the test in these cases will vary according to the particular constitutional language, the local judicial precedents, and the composition of the state court at the time; but in every case there will be two commonalities of theory that are worth noting.
Contemporary philosophers have also shown some of the varied ways in which religious language is used.
Beliefs about the nature of reality are presupposed in all the other varied uses of religious language.
Francis intuitively understands that propositions — contents of thought that are true or false — do not vary as the language in which they are expressed varies; truths of faith are more than their linguistic expression.
In Glasgow's own language, a harsh metropolitan corruption of lowland Scots studded with the shorthand of violence, getting the message is a procedure that may vary from a swift thumping to some impromptu facial surgery with a razor or a broken glass.
They vary widely in language and requirements.
Learning a language takes time, and children vary in how quickly they master milestones in language and speech development.
This effect varies from person to person but there are very few people who will feel equally at home in a foreign language as they do in their native one.
Deprivation varies by home language, with pupils from Somali, Lingala and French - speaking homes having the highest levels of eligibility for free schools meals, while Igbo, Yoruba and Shona speakers live in financially better - off households.
The study examined test results for more than 33,000 students in grades 4 through 12 and found that student performance varied across testing formats by grade band, students» primary language, and the specific features of the computer - based system used.
The world of clinical and translational research requires the support of individuals with varying expertise in diverse scientific and professional languages.
And reclassification varied dramatically based on a child's initial language skills, in their native language and in English.
SAD IN ENGLISH I was fascinated to learn that personality can vary according to the language one is using, as described in «Speaking with Affect,» by Nathan Collins [Head LinesIN ENGLISH I was fascinated to learn that personality can vary according to the language one is using, as described in «Speaking with Affect,» by Nathan Collins [Head Linesin «Speaking with Affect,» by Nathan Collins [Head Lines].
«Understanding how patients vary in their inclusion of family members in decisions — by ethnicity, language spoken, marital status, sex, age, insurance status, and veteran status — may help physicians to better assess their patients» preferences for engaging family members in decisions,» said Dr. Hobbs.
While «pa» and «ba» sounds exist in both English and Spanish, how those sounds are produced and perceived in the two languages varies subtly.
While the condition varies in severity, about three - quarters of people with autism are classed, in the official language of psychiatrists, as mentally retarded.
Speakers creak differently according to their gender, although whether it is more common in males or females varies among languages.
People with ASD can have varying levels of impairment across three common areas, which might include: deficits in social interactions and reciprocal understanding, repetitive behaviour and narrow interests, and impairment in language and communication.
«Even if companies have all the best intentions and if the code of ethics works excellent in our part of the World, different systems and laws in combination with procurements and language barriers cause erosions into the code rendering it rather counterproductive in countries with greatly varying circumstances,» says Maira Babri, doctoral student at the Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE) at Umeå University in Sweden.
A new study published in the current issue of Biological Psychiatry, by researchers at Cardiff University School of Medicine and the University of Bristol, suggests that there is a spectrum of attention, hyperactivity / impulsiveness and language function in society, with varying degrees of these impairments associated with clusters of genes linked with the risk for ADHD.
The models vary in a number of different ways, for example: the way in which they break up the world into discrete elements to solve the equations; the representation of the physics of ice flow; the language the code is written in; whether they are solved on one or many computer processors.
In all, our findings indicate the important roles of bilateral fusiform gyri and lingual gyri in multilinguals» language control and suggest characterization of language control varies in native and non-native rangeIn all, our findings indicate the important roles of bilateral fusiform gyri and lingual gyri in multilinguals» language control and suggest characterization of language control varies in native and non-native rangein multilinguals» language control and suggest characterization of language control varies in native and non-native rangein native and non-native ranges.
• Focus on design and delivery skills for safe & effective hands - on assisting and adjusting • Sequencing flows for varying effects and fitness levels • Demonstrating & multitasking • Incorporating hands - on assists & modifications • Precision and clarity in languaging and effective cuing • Designing for mixed level classes • Leading vs. Teaching • How to teach new postures to beginners • Finding personal style • Assessing individual needs • Adapting and Responding • Experiential language
Unfortunately, that humor comes in the form of profane, self - referential epithets typically traded between 15 - year - olds while playing video games online, which means if you've actually used bad language in a public setting or are older than 15, the mileage may vary on Wade Wilson's particular brand of irreverence.
Years from now, director Ava DuVernay will continually be referenced for a dizzying amount of incredible firsts (many of which unfortunately serve as a reflection of the tiresome and slow progression allowing for varied perspectives in popular English language cinema).
Toddlers vary widely, however, in the rate at which they learn new words.1 A team of Harvard Graduate School of Education researchers set out to ask whether and how children's language environment can...
For example, three languages are spoken in Belgium, by people with varying cultural backgrounds.
Even now, having taught «The Rime» to students with varying language needs in international schools, I can't help feeling it is the combined effect of Coleridge's words and Dore's etchings that have made the unit work so well; the Dore etchings provided a «way in'to the ballad in that pupils actually felt that they were able to uncover their own layers of meaning.
The report says that these newcomers arrive in the U.S. at all grade levels and with varied English proficiency, varied educational backgrounds, and varied home language literacy levels.
sentence starters in a range of tenses which require the infinitive - showing pupils how to vary language very easily by using the infinitive after a variety of structures.
Because of different math backgrounds, learning strengths, reading skills, and English language proficiency, students have varying levels of achievable challenge in different math topics, so flexible groupings should be designed so students can move easily between them, depending on their mastery of specific math topics.
DfE video presentation: Using a toy to facilitate and vary question - and - answer sessions in modern foreign languages with younger secondary school students.
Toddlers vary widely, however, in the rate at which they learn new words.1 A team of Harvard Graduate School of Education researchers set out to ask whether and how children's language environment can impact vocabulary development.
She is teaching the Spanish language to Palestinian university students of varying academic background (from linguists to engineers); in which all students have access and the chance to learn Spanish.
States vary widely in how much of their own money — if any — they allot to English - language - learner programs to supplement federal funding.
Strong programs that have the most effect, they found, are Native language and culture immersion programs that enhance student motivation, ethnic pride, and self - esteem; provide varied opportunities for parent and elder involvement; and provide investment in teacher professional development and «community intellectual resources,» as evidenced by «grow your own» approaches to Native teacher preparation.
Schools statewide are at varying stages in the implementation of new Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math, adopted in 2010 and rolled out in K - 12 classrooms just within the last two years or so.
How can we compare one school to another in a city that educates over one million students — children with differing backgrounds, cultures, home lives, home languages, and varying degrees of special needs?
IDRA's Education of English Language Learners in U.S. and Texas Schools — Where We Are, What We Have Learned and Where We Need to Go from Here — A 2009 Update gives an overview of increasing numbers of ELL students, distribution of ELL students, increasing diversity and varying languages, instructional programs provided, and funding provided to ELL programs along with recommendations.
Time spent in learning the language varies depending on the school's program schedule.
This program provides candidates with a rigorous and in - depth approach to the study of language and literacy development with particular attention to the teaching and learning implications of varied cultural, linguistic, and economic contexts.
Using effective strategies to personalize the math learning experience is key to reaching all levels of learners, especially Spanish - speaking English Language Learners who vary in their English language abilities, math proficiency, and personal circumstances.
The percentages for both certified and experienced teachers in both groups of data, however, did not appear to vary by student disability status, English language learner status, or grade level.
All students — whether fluent in English or just learning it as a new language — need explicit, varied language instruction to build solid word power.
The state recently launched a Bilingual Common Core Initiative to analyze the language requirements of the Common Core and to develop bilingual performance indicators and achievement benchmarks for English language learner students at varying proficiency levels, as well as curriculum modules in the top five languages spoken in the state.
Nationally, teacher preparation programs vary widely in terms of providing in - depth training on instructional strategies for English language learners and methods of addressing the needs of students with varying levels of language proficiency.
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