Sentences with phrase «in vast bodies»

The team has 3 - D printed a prototype, citing a growing demand for materials that can separate oil and water mixtures efficiently in vast bodies of water.
Forced upon one another by the dimensions and mechanics of the earth, men will purposefully bring to life a common soul in this vast body.
In her vast body of work, Bourgeois oscillates between the evidently figural and the more abstract; between the real and the uncanny.

Not exact matches

I expect the vast majority of these holdings to be sold and converted to cash in the coming months as required by the global regulatory bodies who have required this step in order to approve the merger of POT and AGU.
Finally, the government bodies that award the vast majority of scientific funding are either staffed or advised by distinguished practitioners in the field.
Rather, the two would come together in a cosmocentric, immanental model of transcendence: God the creator of the evolving, incredibly vast and complex universe understood as the divine «body
A Being was taking form in the totality of space; a Being with the attractive power of a soul, palpable like a body, vast as the sky; a Being which mingled with things yet remained distinct from them; a Being of a higher order than the substance of things with which it was adorned, yet taking shape within them.
We saw in relation to the inclusion of the body, that it was not necessary to think of the person as a vast multiplicity of acts of being in order to do justice to the bodily character of personal being.
But there is a vast body of Christian theological literature that struggles with the question of redemption in profoundly historical terms.
They had learned to write in hieroglyphic form, and there existed at the time of the conquest a vast body of writing, as well as stone carvings, but it was almost entirely destroyed.
Yet we do not lack blessings of unity in the body of Christ, which includes the vast company of believers of all times and places, from Abel the righteous one until our Lord's return in glory (Hebrews 11).
Hartshorne insists that, «A body is, in the human case, no merely single thing, but a vast society of society of perhaps two hundred thousand kinds of cells.
Later it was transcribed and published, so that there is now a vast body of reported utterances of Father Divine in relatively permanent written form.
Continuing to move backward in time, the mass of earth disappears into a gaseous cloud and merges with other vaporized bodies and so on until billions of years back we come, presumably, to the vast, compacted, superheated «atom» which, to reverse directions again, explodes to send the evolving, expanding galaxies on their way.
We are all giants too huge and too vast for us to ever re-enter in wholeness back into the Kingdoms of God which are inside or within our bodies.
But considering the vast number of churches that do not acknowledge the problem, it seems that most denominational bodies and local congregations are in denial — the primary symptom of a dysfunctional person, organization or system — even though one substance - abusing minister can sicken, dishearten and dispirit an entire church just as one alcoholic can infect an entire household.
My final conclusion is that there is real satisfaction in a philosophy which can bring under a common viewpoint the vast body of secondary but verifiable knowledge of the external world which constitutes science, with its necessarily deterministic and probabilistic interpretations, and the primary but private knowledge which each of us has of his own stream of consciousness, more or less continually directed toward the finding of an acceptable course through the difficulties of the external world by means of voluntary actions.
An intellect which at a given instant knew all the forces acting in nature and the positions of all things of which this world consists — supposing the said intellect were vast enough to subject these data to analysis — would embrace in the same formula the motions of the greatest bodies in the universe and those of the slightest atoms; nothing would be uncertain for it, and the future, like the past, would be present to its eyes.
But for the vast majority of us it is just as much a waste of time to dream of Golden Years of Retirement when the stern discipline of our low - sodium, low - cholesterol, low - fat diets will pay off in svelte, sexy bodies ready for all kinds of fun!
The vast majority of the body of Christ will be learning to use their influence in the marketplace, workplace, home, and in their community.
By the early years of the sixteenth century he was able to have a vast illustrated catalogue drawn up showing 5005 items, including pieces of the bodies of the «Holy Innocents» (babies murdered by King Herod as described in the New Testament), a thorn from the crown of thorns worn by Jesus before his crucifixion, milk from the Blessed Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus, teeth from various saints, and so on.
Abiding in this name allows no construal of revelation as a restrictive body of truths that prohibits us in any way from exploring the vast universe of nature, culture and religion.
The vast majority of the body of Christ will be learning to lead in the marketplace, workplace, home and community.
In my case the disease was distinctly what would be classed as nervous, not organic; but from such opportunities as I have had of observing, I have come to the conclusion that the dividing line that has been drawn is an arbitrary one, the nerves controlling the internal activities and the nutrition of the body throughout; and I believe that the central nervous system, by starting and inhibiting local centres, can exercise a vast influence upon disease of any kind, if it can be brought to bear.
The beauty of this delectable dish lies in the diversity of ingredients, delivering a vast array of natural medicines and disease busting qualities that your body will be ever so thankful for.
Chiropractor Dr. Victor Dolan says «The Green Smoothie works to detox your body and help relieve joint pain, back pain and neck pain by introducing into your bloodstream the vast array of vitamins, minerals and vital trace nutrients found in highly alkalizing fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables»
Today the vast majority of the populace in industrialized nations suffers from problems caused by the stress of acidosis, because both modern lifestyle and diet promote acidification of the body's internal environment.
In the pork industry, the vast majority of breeding pigs are confined day and night during their four - month pregnancy in gestation crates, cages roughly the same size as the animals» bodies, preventing them from even turning arounIn the pork industry, the vast majority of breeding pigs are confined day and night during their four - month pregnancy in gestation crates, cages roughly the same size as the animals» bodies, preventing them from even turning arounin gestation crates, cages roughly the same size as the animals» bodies, preventing them from even turning around.
While your body is capable of making the vast majority of the amino acids it needs to function on its own, there are nine more (called essential amino acids) that need to be taken in through your diet.
Gigi combines her knowledge of the body as a massage therapist, her understanding of the experience of pregnancy and birth as a doula, her vast knowledge of lactation as a board - certified lactation consultant, along with her extensive training in craniosacral therapy to offer you and your baby the most comprehensive care in the area.
Although the specifics of manned lunar exploration over the coming decades are unclear, many experts see vast opportunities for space - faring bodies to work in concert toward loftier goals.
We are not just talking about the T cells and B cells that are specific for HIV or SIV, we are talking about the vast majority of all immune cells in the body.
This type of article required me to critically analyze and synthesize a vast body of literature and to place it in context with the latest developments of a field.
Since in practice only the brain stem is routinely tested, the vast majority of the body, everything above the brain stem and everything below, no longer counts as human.
In nature, however, a vast number of creatures navigate their habitats using soft bodies — earthworms, snails and larval insects can effectively move in complex environments using different strategieIn nature, however, a vast number of creatures navigate their habitats using soft bodies — earthworms, snails and larval insects can effectively move in complex environments using different strategiein complex environments using different strategies.
Bacteria make up the vast majority of microbes in the adult body, so this finding suggests that fungi may play an unexpectedly important role both in the early development of microbial communities and in the health of infants.
For the percolation theory of core formation to work, the vast majority of metal in the planetary body must make its way to the center.
The new finds reveal a vast range of body sizes for ancient members of the human evolutionary family, reports an international team led by archaeologists Fidelis Masao and Elgidius Ichumbaki, both of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.
The vast majority, 81, were generic versions of brand - name drugs on which Cetero scientists had often run critical tests to determine whether the copies did, in fact, act the same in the body as the originals.
The evidence comes in the form of trace elements located in and around the Red Planet's vast northern plains, a low - lying region that might once have held a body of water large enough to blanket nearly one - third of the planet.
A vast improvement over current nonreflective materials, the new technology could revolutionize solar cells, intensify light - emitting diodes, and possibly help solve mysteries in quantum mechanics by mimicking a «black body,» an object that absorbs all light.
The work suggests that frigid Titan actually resembles Earth in some key ways, such as seasonal weather, and it also hints at the possibility that the moon holds vast underground reservoirs of liquid hydrocarbons — a first for any other body in the solar system.
Histones are vitally important because our genetic material is vast: every cell in the body has more than six feet of DNA bundled within a tiny nucleus, a space much smaller than can be seen with the naked eye.
There isn't just one vast smear of microbial life where all shapes, sizes, body features and chemistry can be found in any old mix.
The machines «grow» people in vast industrial farms and siphon off the small current of electricity generated by the bodies.
«This year's Nobel Laureates have been studying this fundamental problem and solved the mystery of how an inner clock in most of our cells in our bodies can anticipate daily fluctuations between night and day to optimize our behavior and physiology... since the paradigm shifting discoveries by Hall, Rosbash and Young, circadian biology has developed into a highly dynamic research field with vast implications for our health and well - being.»
A vast body of scientific evidence shows that phthalates break down within minutes and are quickly eliminated from the body,» Lisa Dry, a spokesperson for the American Chemistry Council, which represents manufacturers of phthalates, said in an emailed response.
Astronomers like Michael Brown of Caltech have been pushing current telescopes to the limit trying to locate new bodies in the Kuiper belt (a vast population of small bodies orbiting the sun past Neptune) and beyond.
A new study, published online May 26 in Science Translational Medicine, presents a thorough profile of exercise's impact on the human body's metabolites in plasma — and reveals vast biological differences among more - and less - fit individuals.
Fortunately, the vast majority of the grafted neurons in all three patients were free of Lewy bodies, which suggests that grafts may still offer some benefit even if they start to become affected by the disease.
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