Sentences with phrase «in very essence»

2) There are some who would prefer not to participate in the very essence underlying this self - regulated industry, such that they believe formal complaints are unnecessary since they are of the opinion that the unethical will at some point in time be weeded out.
Study it closely and take in the very essence of its stately features and magnificent presence.
For the past forty years, he has created works in metal, steel and paper that evoke a powerful and spiritual quality, grounded in the very essence of the material itself.
Sure, dungeon crawlers are in their very essence a numbers game.
Annora Bali Villas offer immaculately bedroom villa represented in the very essence of the Mod - ethnic theme which is particular popular in Seminyak.
It is our responsibility when we chose to own a pet not just get a cat or dog and give it food and shelter, but to educate ourselves on the species, how they communicate, how they view the world they live in, their innate drives that reside in the very essence of everything they do, and then take the time to raise them properly, socialize them, and train them.
The valley of Pokhara expresses the depth of every such quality in its very essence.
However, this is wrong in its very essence — when you eat, it isn't carbs that make you feel full or bloated.
Life in its very essence.
Henderson concluded that «the biologist may now rightly regard the universe in its very essence as biocentric.»
Physics is sufficiently advanced today to define many substances very perfectly, in their very essence, in terms of those causes which constitute them, and in this we see that the active relationship by which, let us say, oxygen and hydrogen are defined as causes of water in a given relativity, is an active potency in those causes of dynamic finality with respect to the composite substance which is water.
Spirituality and religiosity for us Asians are not just matters of personal option but inbuilt in the very essence of our nature: rich or poor, educatedor not.
If the history of revelation has reached its final eschatological phase with Jesus Christ, and if the absolute finality of this world's eschatological phase is not only a mere fact, because God will not reveal anything new, but is contained in the very essence of this phase, because the appearance of the God - man can be surpassed only by the direct vision of God himself — then this quality of the revelation in Christ must also apply to man as a free being.
In summary, the universe in its very essence, at the heart of the actual entities which compose it, is a striving after harmony, after Beauty, after value.
To the extent that the man - made setting of man's life and the setting which was naturally antecedent to human freedom are specifically different, the latter being characteristic of earlier times and the former of the present, we are now living in a setting which almost in its very essence is more complicated and intractable and inaccessible to the understanding of the individual than was ever the case before.
If Christ lives a historical life and suffers as man, then God is also temporal and suffers in his very essence as God.
God, in his very essence, models for us what an attuned, securely attached relationship looks like.
It has something to do with acknowledging that, in its very essence, all reasoning involves a venture of trust in an original orientation of truth to the mind and of the mind to truth, and in the ultimate unity of the two; and that, therefore, any attempt to argue from rational premises to rational conclusions that resolutely refuses to invoke what is and has always been revealed — in the mind's most primordial encounter with reality — is not really a process of reasoning at all, but a journey toward absurdity.

Not exact matches

The essence of Chamorro - Premuzic's argument is that, a few very technical situations aside (and if you're involved in those, insufficient IQ probably isn't a major concern of yours), more real - world problems get solved with people skills than raw intelligence.
I know this sounds very obvious, but, because of the sheer breadth of my offering, I always tried the «shotgun» approach, hoping the client would, in essence, sell themselves.
Kathy Bloomgarden, CEO of Ruder Finn, wrote a compelling article in Fortune about how the healthcare industry is slowly losing the very essence of healthcare: human connection.
Because time is of the essence, and because during negotiations the central bank was squeezing liquidity [on Greek banks] in order pressurise us, in order to succumb, my constant proposal to the Troika was very simple: let us agree on three or four important reforms that we agree upon, like the tax system, like VAT, and let's implement them immediately.
In essence, business loan brokers with the initiative and drive to work with both lenders and businesses can make a very lucrative salary by sending opportunities in the right directioIn essence, business loan brokers with the initiative and drive to work with both lenders and businesses can make a very lucrative salary by sending opportunities in the right directioin the right direction.
In essence, a prevailing belief B2B buying decisions were exclusively very rational and based on comparative options.
Friendship, and that includes friendship with God, comes from a deeper level in the human person, deeper than feelings, deeper than logic, from the very essence of what it means to be a person.
And he cites Steven Cohen who wrote that, by the early 1980s, most «American Jews had been raised with the understanding that liberalism or political radicalism constituted the very essence of Judaism, that all the rest — the rituals, liturgy, communal organizations — were outdated, vestigial trappings for a religion with a great moral message embodied in liberalism.»
Gay marriage undermines true marriage in a different and much more dangerous way: It hollows out its very essence, applying the word to something else entirely, a relationship that itself has no potential to generate children, and so can not itself (without help from the law or from outsiders) form a family.
Mr Deighan will have read in these pages «something very close» to the idea that Thomistic epistemology tends to emphasise «immutable essences» and static forms, and that this emphasis has been powerfully challenged by the success of modern science (for example Jaeger's article in our last issue and in our September 2006 issue the editorial and the quotes from Ronald Knox's God and the Atom).
Finally, in the justly famous, but very obscure section of «Force and the Understanding» known as the «Inverted World,» the metaphysical distinction inherent in all designations such as inner - outer, intelligible - sensible, noumenal - phenomenal collapses, and with it the attempt of substance or «essence» metaphysics to evade contradiction by locating «contradictories» (or contraries) in ontologically disparate realms.
The man who is wholly taken up with the demands of everyday living or whose sole interest is in the outward appearances of things seldom gains more than a glimpse, at best, of this second phase in our sense - perceptions, that in which the world, having entered into us, then withdraws from us and bears us away with it: he can have only a very dim awareness of that aureole, thrilling and inundating our being, through which is disclosed to us at every point of contact the unique essence of the universe.
If you're interested in a more poetical approach to who we are, I recommend that you spend some time with the music of Peter Mayer, who is a UU singer - songwriter who very much embodies our essence in his songs.
In very personal language, I believe that all things are progressing from the same divine source; that that source is the ground of all being and its essence is love and interdependence; that all human beings (all of life, really) are equal and beloved in its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on EartIn very personal language, I believe that all things are progressing from the same divine source; that that source is the ground of all being and its essence is love and interdependence; that all human beings (all of life, really) are equal and beloved in its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin its sight; that in response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin response to that overarching, boundless love which ensures that no one is ever truly alone, I have a responsibility to assist in the creation of just and loving community here on Eartin the creation of just and loving community here on Earth.
As Whitehead points out, this concept of substance mirrors the ordinary concept of a thing, according to which reality consists in «things» that are «simply located,» are isolated from one another, and manifest an unchanged, enduring essence, their very «substance,» that underlies their fixed or changeable determining conditions or «accidents.
Here we have the essence of Bonhoeffer's Christology that the very being of Christ is his being - for - man, in the community.
The second point is that it has been of the very essence of the Christian faith to have brought to light the role of faith in the human situation.
My question boils down to: Why would a perfect all loving, all powerful, all knowing god CREATE the VERY ESSENCE of evil, and would that not indicate that god is evil in nature?
For ones not use to having Him in their lives, it can be subconsciously skeptical for them because there is a evil essence that dwells around us trying to conflict us, but in good conscious and emotions, it becomes very easy to know which is which.
Jesus is the imago Dei uncorrupted, so that John's Gospel can insist that, for Jesus, «Whoever has seen me has seen the Father» (14:9).4 In light of this realization, three provocatively new foci will occupy our immediate attention: the proclamation of the impending arrival of the basileia tou theou; the significance of the crucifixion (and resurrection) of Jesus for understanding the nature of divine power; and the Johannine conviction that love characterizes the very essence of God.
Elsewhere the same idea is expressed in different terms by White - head: «the very essence of real actuality — that is, of the completely real — is process.
This is the very essence of the idea of our limited self - identity through time in process thought (see the final paragraph in MT 161).
On the face of it Santayana rejects all three of these departures from the tradition, since (1) he makes no very explicit move from a continuant to an event ontology, (2) regards the inherent nature of an object as a matter of the individual eternal essence which it actualizes and (3) regards the distinction between matter and form as at least a virtually inevitable way of expressing the obscure manner in which one state of things takes over from another (see RB 278 - 284).
Now in contrast with such healthy - minded views as these, if we treat them as a way of deliberately minimizing evil, stands a radically opposite view, a way of maximizing evil, if you please so to call it, based on the persuasion that the evil aspects of our life are of its very essence, and that the world's meaning most comes home to us when we lay them most to heart.
The very essence of Christian conduct consists, not in refraining from bad things, but in actively doing good things, and not just for our friends, but for our enemies as well.
8 Probably not from Isaiah of Jerusalem, probably relatively late, but in any case, of the very essence of classical prophetism.
Exorcizing the concept «God» from the system leaves me in a stance very similar to that of Paul van Buren, who holds that the essence of Christianity is an ethical message about how to live a life and that «God» talk is a dated, misleading, unhelpful, obscure way of saying what Christianity wants to say about what it is to be a man and to live a moral life.
These booklets opposed the application of modern critical historical approach to the Bible and the traditional dogmas of Christianity, because in their opinion, it would destroy their supra - national and supernatural elements which belong to their very essence.
His understanding of this principle is best summed up in his own words: «Glory to God who created all things, being Himself their very essence
Very differently, The Essence of Religion locates the subjective source of religion in human dependence on nature.
This view comes very near to my own conception; however, it differs, because Schlick also writes (p. 293): «Consciousness can not be the essence of the brain particles for they are present even when consciousness is absent, as in death or sleep.»
In one life, which arose in the midst of that people, God uttered His truth and spirit in such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming poweIn one life, which arose in the midst of that people, God uttered His truth and spirit in such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming powein the midst of that people, God uttered His truth and spirit in such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming powein such a way that His love, which is His very essence, became known and operative in human history with transforming powein human history with transforming power.
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