Sentences with phrase «in wealthy countries»

For many people in wealthy countries flying is the activity with the greatest climate footprint.
For those living in wealthy countries, everything still seems normal, even though it's not.
That means some significant changes on the horizon — certainly in this wealthy country of ours.
Advances in molecular medicine have brought new options for treatment and prevention, driving down mortality rates in wealthy countries.
For the last century and a half, the average life span in wealthy countries has increased steadily, climbing from about 45 to more than 80 years.
This is true in wealthy countries — and it is especially true in low - income countries (3).
We would rather be kings over an impoverished realm rather than middle class in a wealthy country.
You could try, in short, to engineer population decline in wealthy countries.
We are one of the wealthiest states in the wealthiest country in the world, and we just shouldn't have hungry kids — that's one of my fundamental beliefs.
People in relatively poor countries «play» the game in order to create in - game wealth, and then sell that in - game wealth for real currency to people in wealthier countries with more money and less time.
How many people in the wealthiest countries do you think would be willing to seriously degrade their standard of living so that others can be more comfortable?
As growth slows in wealthy countries, Western food companies are aggressively...
The report noted the world's most livable cities were often mid-sized cities in wealthier countries with low population density.
Furthermore, the mixture can then be composted and returned to the soil, a very «green» alternative to relying on toxic chemicals and expensive portable toilets that are often used in wealthier countries when municipal sewage connections are not available.
Meanwhile, brutal heat waves that can kill tens of thousands of people, even in wealthy countries, would become entirely unremarkable summer events on every continent but Antarctica.
It's either spoiled in transit or thrown out by consumers in wealthier countries, who typically buy too much and toss the excess.
Many poorer countries remain deeply suspicious about carbon trading, saying that market - based projects mainly benefit financiers in the wealthy countries and contribute little to improving the lives of the poor.
We focus on ruminant livestock since it has the highest emissions intensity across food sectors... While shifting consumption patterns in wealthy countries from imported to domestic livestock products reduces GHG emissions associated with international trade and transport activity, we find that these transport emissions reductions are swamped by changes in global emissions due to differences in GHG emissions intensities of production.
«First World problems» is a term recently popularized on the Internet to designate the frustrations and complaints that are only experienced by privileged individuals in wealthy countries.
Christian Aid's new report warns the world's elite that «obessing about GDP is not the answer to solving poverty», and it also encourages unhealthy debt levels and consumerism in wealthier countries.
GSK put its anti-HIV drug dolutegravir, which has become extremely popular in wealthy countries, into a patent pool in April 2014, but it's still not widely available in developing countries.
A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal finds that recessions in wealthy countries can lead to better health habits, as people spend less on alcohol, tobacco and rich food.
When molecular biologist Agnieszka Chacinska left her native Poland in 2001 to take a postdoc, she had a dream of returning some day to set up a lab — but she wanted to do it in conditions comparable to what scientists experience in wealthier countries.
For one thing, both the religious and the non-religious in wealthier countries are happier than people in places without proper support.
Falling prices now make electronic and electrical devices affordable for most people worldwide while encouraging early equipment replacement or new acquisitions in wealthier countries.
As a growing population stresses the world's food and water supplies, corporations and investors in wealthy countries are buying up foreign farmland and the freshwater perks that come with it
«It raises the possibility that people who think life is better in wealthier countries — and who thus go to a wealthier county to try and improve their own lives — might be disappointed by what they experience there.»
«It is clear that the success of developing good public transport in wealthy countries has come by governments establishing systems for greater private investment in public transport,» he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Under both ethical approaches, a smaller population could save tens of billions of dollars or more annually on climate change prevention policies, especially in wealthier countries.
The NYT reports today that «A new DNA test for the virus that causes cervical cancer does so much better than current methods that some gynecologists hope it will eventually replace the Pap smear in wealthy countries and cruder tests
But that is because governments in wealthy countries have imposed high taxes on gasoline, or forced environmental regulations on industry — such as those demanded by Kyoto.
In December, the Tyndall Centre hosted a conference on «radical emissions reductions» that offered some eye - popping suggestions: Perhaps every adult in wealthy countries could get a personal «carbon budget» tracked through an electronic credit card.
And it would make electricity grids unstable, leading to more frequent and widespread, costly and often fatal, brownouts and blackouts — events mercifully rare in wealthy countries but all too familiar to billions of people living in countries without comprehensive, stable electric grids supplied by stable fossil or nuclear fuels.
The Pope cares more supposedly for the poor people of this world than anything else, and this Big Climate alarmism is a conspiracy by wealthy people and the wealthiest people in the wealthiest countries against the poor of the world.
However, under a more moderate stabilization target there is much greater flexibility to offset delayed participation by developing countries through greater abatement in wealthy countries and through more global abatement in the latter part of the century.
The rapid growth of carbon footprints in wealthy countries led to concerns about carbon leakage — where climate mitigation policies in one country lead to increases in CO2 emissions elsewhere — and industrial competitiveness, because international mitigation targets were slated to apply to developed countries and not the Global South.
Their latest report, Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency, acknowledges that direct rebound in wealthy countries ranges from zero to 65 percent and agrees with a major modeling effort finding globally averaged rebounds from energy efficiency could reach as high as 52 percent by 2030.
As Mueller puts it understatedly, ``... domestic requirements as a rule prevail over foreign needs in budgeting discussions,» and the taste for increasing «foreign aid» in the wealthy countries at the moment is vanishingly small.
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