Sentences with phrase «in white text on a black background»

Scorsese concludes his film with a simple message in white text on a black background, «For the Japanese Christians and their pastors,» followed by the Jesuit motto: AMDG, ad maiorem Dei gloriam, for the greater glory of God.

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«You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014,» read the ad, which featured black text on a white background, with the Facebook logo at the bottom.
A disclaimer satisfies the color contrast requirement of this paragraph (c)(2)(iii) if it is printed in black text on a white background or if the degree of color contrast between the background and the text of the disclaimer is no less than the color contrast between the background and the largest text used in the communication.
Late night reading in bed I read on my iPad Mini with the background set to black with white text.
You can customize its look in a variety of ways: You choose among three different themes (black text on white, white text on black, or dark brown text on a sepia - toned background); a variety of fonts and font sizes; and three different margin widths.
Black text on white background is really hard to read in low light... Looks like I am stuck with Mobipocket
The Kindle app gets nighttime reading right, with brightness controls that cater to reading in dark rooms: You can toggle between black text on a white background, dark text on a sepia background, or white text on a black background.
There's also an option to invert the colors, with white text on a black background for users with light sensitivity — though Amazon tells me a number of testers have found it to be easier on the eyes in general.
This enables you to get Kindle for Android to whatever your situation: white text on a black background is better for reading in the dark, for example.
It's easy to turn the brightness up and down in the menus, while if you want to read at night without keeping a partner awake you can invert the display to read white text on a black background.
In a monumental painting that spans one wall of the gallery, white text on a black background explains the different codes that cartographers employ to represent various features of the land and sea, thus highlighting the process of mapping as a symbolic act.
You can see the difference between professional and amateur communication in the graphics created for the Consensus Project website / sharing (clean, uncluttered, easy to read, simple language and message) compared to the hash of a slide created by the climate denier group (cluttered, sizing and backgrounds make it difficult to read, white text on black background!
The menu system is likewise unchanged and ancient in feel, consisting of of white text on a black background.
«In the long term, I think we're still just scratching the surface of what can be done with this concept similar to the early days of the web when we were figuring out that we can use HTTP for more than just black text on white background,» Alisie said.
The display uses black text on a white background, which is clearly visible in both direct sunlight and darkness.
Contrast and brightness are excellent, however, and in fact unparalleled on any other machine that we've tested, lending real depth to images and rendering incredible black text on white backgrounds.
The response time / persistence rate is pretty good, and although there is some noticeable ghosting when scrolling through some high contrast thing (read: black text on white background), it's not visible in most situations.
Back in the day, standard resumes were black text on white backgrounds.
It inverts colours so that black text on a white background becomes white text on a black background, which is much easier to read, particularly in bed.
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