Sentences with phrase «in wilderness»

There is the faintest suggestion to some that Jesus shares inour humanity to the extent that he is tempted (cf.. The Temptations in the wilderness) but did not succumb.
The story begins in the wilderness, a location full of complex meaning.
Some of the rabbis said clearly «the world was not made except for the Messiah,» and «from the beginning of the world God desired to dwell among His creatures and this desire was fulfilled when the tabernacle was erected in the wilderness
I'm afraid my 40 yr journey, much of it in a wilderness, has soured me on staying in any comfort zone of the past, (because they always end up being temporary) and conversely, has put in me a deep hunger to live in a land (church family fellowship) flowing with the milk of His Word and the honey of His presence.
Their fear of those terrifying creatures resulted in their being relegated to wandering in the wilderness for 38 years.
... 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
Hosea 9:10 states, «Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel;» Isaiah 5:7 reads.
I don't recall that you discussed the story of Moses lifting up the bronze serpent in the wilderness.
Bultmann is not just a voice in the wilderness.
The best illustration of this is when Jesus uses the Word of God in the wilderness against the temptations of Satan (Matt 4:1 - 11).
Jesus answer when questioned by satan in the wilderness: IT IS WRITTEN (SCRIPTURE) God's truth always seems to upset the godless and the evil minded...
A useful survey of what the caves have yielded is found in J. T. Milik, Ten Years of Discovery in the Wilderness of Judaea, John Strugnell, tr.
He lost a son to suicide and sought out psychics, seances, etc... Eventually he got lost in the wilderness of Judea on some kind of strange journey.
For instance, organizations trying to assist Haitian and Salvadoran refugees to avoid repatriation, or organizations urging boycott of banks doing business with South Africa, or organizations counseling young people not to register for the draft, or organizations protesting increased military expenditures, or organizations demonstrating against nuclear power or against mineral exploration in wilderness areas, are all in danger of losing their tax exemptions for violating «public policy.»
Mercy can be having your eyes opened to the reality of your situation, for example, as the fiery serpents got the attention of the children of Israel in the wilderness of Zin.
Quite apart from controversies connected with the Genesis account of creation, historians have puzzled over the story of 12 brothers who go into Egypt and father 12 tribes, and then under miraculous circumstances flee Egypt, wander for 40 years in the wilderness, invade Canaan, conquer the land and settle down.
What do we know about Jesus» time in the wilderness?
It speaks of face - to - face judgment in the wilderness (vs. 35 - 36); of the bond of the covenant (v. 37); of rebels who will not be permitted to enter the land (v. 38).
Speaking in broad generalities, many of the most capable folks are in the wilderness doing something else, and those who remain to inherit the power structure often haven't the understanding or leadership qualities to actually run it.
Anyone who has spent much time in the wilderness will realize that survival of the fittest was a shallow look at the natural world, and that cooperation is prevalent, even among lions.
Jesus was alone in the wilderness, right?
The Wall is gone and the massive cleanup of ecological and social damage in the East is under way, but many of the older generation are still wandering in the wilderness, with little taste for manna or hope of glimpsing any promised land.
6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.
Yes, no one knows the date as the scriptures say, but with all the evil going on in the church today is this not a voice in the wilderness for the church to turn from her evil ways?
The Israelites who refused to go into Canaan as a group were destined to die in the wilderness as a group.
Always did like camping in the wilderness — who knew it would turn into a metaphor for my life?
That was the essence of his struggle with the devil in the wilderness.
Although they were cousins, the first time they met was in their mother's wombs (Luke 1:41); John grew up in the wilderness; and came to town to deliver his message of the coming Messiah.
13 And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15.
To uproot the thousand continuities of one's life and settle in a wilderness required courage, decisiveness, resolution, ingenuity, and a huge output of activity.
Writing of men in an old section of the South that he knew so well Wolfe writes: «He is not a colonist, a settler, a transplanted European; during his three centuries there in the wilderness he has become native to the immense and lonely land that he inhabits; during those three centuries he has taken on the sinew and the color of that earth, he has acquired a character, a tradition, a history of his own..
Tanakh (Old Testament), New King James Version, New Life Version, New Living Translation, New Revised Standard Version, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Quaker Bible, Recovery Version of the Bible, Revised Version, Revised Standard Version, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Revised English Bible, Rotherham's Emphasized Bible, The Scriptures, Simplified English Bible, The Story Bible, Taverner's Bible, Thomson's Translation, Today's New International Version, Third Millennium Bible, Tyndale Bible, Updated King James Version, A Voice In The Wilderness Holy Scriptures, Webster's Revision
Unlike Paul's fourteen years in the wilderness after his conversion and before beginning his ministry (Galatians 2:1), maybe they haven't spent enough time in the wilderness before starting theirs.
It was part of the Law of Moses which started during the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness.
It is in the context of the man lost in the wilderness that the divine imperative is to be properly understood.
Just like people in the wilderness wearing camel hair coats and eating locusts with a side of honey disrupt us, people who think Jesus actually meant all that stuff he said don't fit in anywhere.
This is the motif in our heritage that forms a covenant for those wandering in the wilderness, after the escape into freedom.
Let us use our example again of the man in the wilderness who knows all the exits out of the forest.
Possibly He went wandering in the wilderness, or, true to His Markan past, went for a boat ride.
Do you remember when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness for 40 days?
5The people spoke against God and against Moses, «Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?
The temptations he warded off in the wilderness had to do with smoking and drinking and dirty movies, not with power and its political manifestations.
When I met sometimes with merry companions, and my heart was ready to sink, I would labor to put on as cheerful a countenance as possible, that they might not distrust anything, and sometimes would begin some discourse with young men or young women on purpose, or propose a merry song, lest the distress of my soul would be discovered, or mistrusted, when at the same time I would then rather have been in a wilderness in exile, than with them or any of their pleasures or enjoyments.
The presupposition of the Scriptures is that man is unfree; he is lost in the wilderness; he can not find his way to the Land of Truth and Freedom.
We set up tables in the wilderness and invite everyone to come, we're the people who listen.
now i view you as a poor ideologue, utterly confused in the wilderness of your own prejudice and triumphalism.
Many have probably asked this question about Jesus» temptation in the wilderness.
We can't say for sure, but I have to wonder if Zacharias lost his home (They say John grew up in the wilderness.
What about when the Ep to the Hebrews refers to those who disobeyed «whose bodies fell in the wilderness»?
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