Sentences with phrase «in xenotransplantation»

The recent advances in xenotransplantation and particularly in the field of stem cell - derived beta cells have generated a renewed scientific interest in encapsulation technology.

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Yang immersed herself in the ethical issues around xenotransplantation, but they haven't slowed her pursuit of transplantable pig organs.
In early August, ABS Global simultaneously introduced a six month old bull named Gene and announced it had formed a new subsidiary, called Infigen, to «commercialize applications of cloning technologies in the cattle breeding, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and xenotransplantation fields.&raquIn early August, ABS Global simultaneously introduced a six month old bull named Gene and announced it had formed a new subsidiary, called Infigen, to «commercialize applications of cloning technologies in the cattle breeding, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and xenotransplantation fields.&raquin the cattle breeding, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and xenotransplantation fields.»
According to the responses, the research discoveries most likely to play a part in this year's blockbuster are gene - editing technology, xenotransplantation, and artificial intelligence.
Xeno - Edit, a CRISPR gene - editing biotechnology firm, has successfully created the world's first pig organs ready for xenotransplantation in humans.
Exhilarated by recent results in monkey experiments, some researchers here at a meeting of the International Xenotransplantation Association are eyeing human testing.
It is the first animal to hit a milestone, set nearly 20 years ago by the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation, for determining whether a xenotransplantation approach is safe enough to try in humans, Brenner notes.
The Italian law would ban in 2017 the use of animals to study drug abuse research and xenotransplantation.
This group cultured human CD34 + cells in StemSpan ™ medium and cytokines as a pre-stimulation step ahead of electroporation, before xenotransplantation into mice or additional in vitro culture.
Recently, prospects for xenotransplantation brightened when Harvard geneticist George Church demonstrated the removal of dozens of endogenous retroviruses from the pig genome, in a tour de force of the CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technique.
A Department of Health special committee called UKXIRA [UK Xenotransplantation Interim Regulatory Authority] is responsible for providing advice on any applications to start a programme of using animals organs in human beings.»
«I feel that they are being a little optimistic about the commencement of human clinical trials in two to four years — xenotransplantation has great potential, but before we apply it we must be confident about its safety.»
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