Sentences with phrase «inability of the other children»

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Most American mothers wean their babies well before a year; Some women wean out of necessity, due to inability to breastfeed or technical issues related to nursing; Some children wean themselves, which causes some mothers elation and others, absolute sorrow.
Other possible symptoms of depression in children and adolescents include difficulty with peer relationships, such as an inability to get along with friends; separation anxiety manifested as school avoidance or school phobia; and changes in home relationships and interactions, such as losing interest in family conversations, and a desire to be alone most of the time.
We're raising our children in very divided communities, and I think it's no wonder some of them grow up with an inability to be compassionate for others... Thanks CoJ for addressing Charlottesville on your site.
Regardless of my inability to fully explain the reason for our being here, or where we go when we die, or why we dream, I still treasure these moments of revelation as they give me insight into my children that I don't really get at any other time of day.
The governor said he believed this year's session was successful, despite the inability to agree on the schools and the failure to pass an ethics overhaul as well as other long - sought measures such as a longer time period within which victims of child sex abuse could sue their abusers.
Today's report into the inability of foetuses younger than 24 weeks to feel pain, the first of its kind, corresponds with all the other data we have about the unborn child.
Since children with autism routinely have immune system challenges: inability to fight bacterial, viral and other infections, and states of chronic inflammation, allergy, and autoimmunity, camel milk has promising health and healing benefits.
Max and Annie's inability to conceive a child comes into play as well, as do the psychologies and pasts of other game night participants.
Solondz is the bamboo splinter beneath the fingernail of that shame — his manifesto lies in the decision to confront the ultimate causes behind our embarrassment with fetishism, our horror at the recognition of racial difference (suggested by George Bush Sr.'s boldly insane, «I don't see colour»), and our inability to treat people with physical disabilities as anything other than children or objects of pity.
Alongside that, we are taken on a tour through a man's inability to relate to others effectively, his desire to be approved of by his overtly successful, (but somewhat cold), father, his attempts to improve his relationship with his own children, and the fantasy of what he expected his life would hold compared with the reality with which he is left.
Lack of reproductive choices for women, child marriage, sexual violence, exposure to unsafe abortions and the inability to own property are all linked to slow progress on achieving this and other Millennium Development Goals, commitments governments pledged to meet at the start of this century.
The courts have found in this case and in many others that a child's inability to have insight into their estrangement from one of their parents is sufficient reason for the courts to intervene and reunify the child with that parent.
«High conflict parents» mean parties who demonstrate a pattern of ongoing litigation, chronic anger and distrust, inability to communicate about and cooperate in the care of the child, or other behaviors placing the child's well - being at risk.
Despite some parents» apparent success, others noticed that rebellion, resentment, low self - esteem, an inability to solve problems, and a lack of accountability or responsibility seemed to be prominent among many children who had been raised according to strict behavioristic standards.
Many adult children of deported parents report feelings of shame, fear and an inability to trust others when reflecting on their experience (Espinoza, 2015).
The case was that of a 14 yr old boy «bright and intelligent... quick at games and in no way inferior to others of his age [except for] his inability to learn to read» The phrase «learning disability» was coined here in Chicago in 1963 by Kirk Old Ideas About Learning Disability Children with Learning Disabilities used to be diagnosed with «minimal brain dysfunction.»
'' Parental alienation involves the «programming» of a child by one parent to denigrate the other, «targeted» parent, in an effort to undermine and interfere with the child's relationship with that parent, and is often a sign of a parent's inability to separate from the couple conflict and focus on the needs of the child.
Couples experiencing infertility often suffer marital discord due to stress from several sources including the financial strain of invasive high tech infertility treatments that can cost tens of thousands of dollars and have no guarantee of success; the emotional strain — shame, guilt and inadequacy — that many men and women endure as they struggle with the inability to produce biological children; and the physical strain from treatments that involve hormone and other drug therapies that can cause fatigue, nausea, headaches, mood swings, weight gain and disruption of the sleep cycle.
The paper stated that RAD is based on the inability of children to form normal attachments but does not specify whether the children have difficulty forming attachment exclusively with their primary caretaker or if the difficulty extends to the other family members and peers as well.
I believe that factors such as these need to be carefully evaluated as part of the divorce case, and accommodations made in any Parenting Plan that take into account the inability of failures of the other spouse to properly caregive for the children.
She witnessed the struggles many other children (particularly brown and black kids) faced in schools owing to their «otherness» and inability to self - regulate due to trauma, and always wished schools could help all kids feel a sense of belonging.
If the other parent spends most of her parenting time with her friends present, perhaps it is not that she does not care for your child; perhaps it is an inability to bond.
Other investigators have reported an inability on the part of children with ADHD to respond appropriately during lab tasks requiring the shifting of social roles — eg, from TV talk show «host» to «guest» 6 or from «astronaut» to «mission control» in a space game.16 These results suggest the need for a greater emphasis on accurate self - evaluation, self - monitoring, and appropriate response to social cues — skills necessary to effective functioning in ongoing and constantly changing interactions.
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