Sentences with phrase «inadequate consultation»

A number of board members also openly complained about inadequate consultation about the project's direction and its costs.
In Clyde River the Court stated, «the Crown always holds ultimate responsibility for ensuring consultation is adequate,» and «any decision affecting Aboriginal or treaty rights made on the basis of inadequate consultation will not be in compliance with the duty to consult, which is a constitutional imperative.»
Inadequate consultation on these changes and on those to capital gains tax is also criticised by the House of Lords Committee on the Finance Bill.
The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (PCRC) has complained that the bill's proposals are seriously flawed as a result of the «rushed way» in which it has been introduced, the «inadequate consultation with those it affects», the neglect of Parliament and absence of pre-legislative scrutiny.
The inadequate consultation, and a similarly flawed equality impact assessment, meant that the council did not have sufficient information to discharge the disability equality duty.
This can make all the difference between an inadequate consultation and a precise formulation of the nature and extent of a child's difficulties, their cause, the likely outcome and a realistic treatment plan.
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