Sentences with phrase «inadequate skills»

When given a writing assignment, college students who have inadequate skills usually wonder where to begin from.
Adults in poverty are often burdened with inadequate skills and education, leading to limited wages and job opportunities.
However, given his CONTINUAL BUMBLING and inadequate skill set for the job he may as well be a duck
[200] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples face a number of barriers to achieving effective and beneficial agreements, including inadequate skills levels within the community, resources and access to expert advice.
TIP: Watch for excessive «job jumping,» several jobs in a row of one year or less; such a patten may be indicate inadequate skills or unrealistic job expectations.
While most entrepreneurs are highly educated, their employees have little education and inadequate skills, a major setback as Vietnam paves its way to Industrialization 4.0.
Many more graduate — just barely — with low self - esteem, inadequate skills, and a group of friends in the same boat.
Now that you are in college with your inadequate skills, graduation should be a dream come true.
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