Sentences with word «inadvertently»

Finally, in a remarkable reverse movement Buckminster Fuller offers us a gospel of salvation through a combination of providence (weaponry inadvertently making possible world plenty) and historical messianism (world engineering students and their secret scientific design know - how).
There is this idea that Christians inadvertently put out.
At my weakest moments I wonder if I have inadvertently brought upon myself a curse.
But I am deeply, profoundly sorry that I inadvertently rallied these fundraising efforts in response to a decision that would ultimately be reversed.
Once again, when Legend talks about these issues, he begins to slip from pop star to preacher, perhaps inadvertently channeling his grandfather's passion.
I just can't support a culture that, perhaps inadvertently, fosters that.»
Forms don't exist in the Mind of God from all eternity; having denounced Aristotle's essentialism, I fell into it myself, albeit inadvertently.
We adults are rarely aware of our essential function in conveying to young people — deliberately or inadvertently — that they do (or do not) make sense.
For all we know a serial killer may inadvertently rid the world of the next potential Adolph Hitler.
Inadvertently, Tirso endowed his character with a faint but invincible glamour.
But it also requires prudence, lest the zeal for reform inadvertently sacrifice limited achievements that are not easily replaced.
It is as though there is an invisible line between acceptable inquisitiveness and dangerous rebellion that I inadvertently cross whenever I make someone uncomfortable.
You did a great thing in confessing recently to having inadvertently contributing to abuse.
But I am deeply, profoundly sorry that I inadvertently rallied these fundraising efforts in response to the fallout from a decision that would ultimately be reversed.
And he was talking ¯ inadvertently but directly ¯ to Catholic viewers in every local diocese in the country.
Slander inadvertently closes the door on Christianity.
True though this is, many of the possibilities Kass foresees may come about inadvertently, not as the result of arrogant scientists and their shills engaged in creating a posthuman future.
Hart, however, fails to recognize the danger that when science seeks to think, it may inadvertently exceed its own boundaries and assert (or presuppose) the kind of «metaphysical» claims that Heidegger sought to overcome.
My thanks to Frank Schalow, though I fear I may have inadvertently sent him off upstream after a very red herring.
We commit to the law, which Paul says kills, and we inadvertently snuff out the Spirit, which is Life.
Certainly some evangelical groups — the Signpost Research Centre, for example — have engaged the political debate in South Africa in such a way as advertently or inadvertently to lend support to the morally odious system of apartheid.
Are we inadvertently telling them that their time for «super-charged sanctification» is either in the distant future or has already passed?
It makes «God» a museum object confined to the dead past and effectively (if inadvertently) posits polytheism in place of monotheism.
In that sense the insertion of the «pursuit of happiness» into the Declaration of Independence was inadvertently prophetic.
The election cycle happily fading into the rear - view mirror brought the sorry condition of many white working - class communities to national attention; no one tells the story of one part of that world, its strengths and its pathologies, better than J.D. Vance in Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis (Harper)-- a tough and occasionally hilarious book that also suggests, inadvertently, an enormous evangelical failure on the part of both Protestants and Catholics.
It's taken many, many conversations with many, many patient LGBT folks and people of color for me to recognize the subtle ways in which my attitudes and language betray prejudices and inadvertently cause pain.
He inadvertently did more for gay rights than anyone else I've met.
Don Wanderhope had bought a cake for Carol's birthday, but he had inadvertently left it in the Catholic church where, on the way to the hospital, he had stopped to say one last desperate prayer for her recovery.
But it is past time to ask ourselves whether, challenged by Islam and the Jihadists who would define Islam, our monothematic language about «freedom» and «democracy» when describing America's role in the world is not inadvertently contributing to the defeat of the more decent and peaceful world for which we hope.
«His advanced age and the car accident» made him inadvertently speak what he truly believes.
If there's one thing I've learned over this past decade of parenting, it's that questions about religion demand my attention, and all the more so if they inadvertently reference a history of discrimination.
In my view he inadvertently highlights the need to follow the post-Kantian momentum to a realism that relates matter and mind immediately and as a primary reality.
I would hate to be inadvertently sucked into a heaven portal where I'd be forced to worship an overlord for all of eternity with a bunch of sycophants.
It's not every day that the office of the bishops conference issues a review of a book review or, however inadvertently, makes itself party to an attack on a priest who has editorially displeased a bullying interest group.
He has issued a timely wake - up call and inadvertently supplied a reminder of what is distinctive and worthwhile about liberalism, secular as well as religious.
For the sin which we have committed before you inadvertently.
And, given the concept of alcoholism as a disease — thank God we don't have to argue that any more, except with random sorts — it is important to me that I do not ever again, intentionally or inadvertently, consume alcohol in any form: not martinis, not gin, not beer, not Geritol, and not even fermented communion wine.
Books such as Homosexuality, which incessantly talk about the fears, frustrations, angers, and depressions involved in being homosexual, inadvertently reinforce the reasons why parents hope their children will not be homosexual.
By making her less than she was, the Gospels inadvertently made her more.
Kazantzakis ushered in our part of the era, perhaps inadvertently, with his confused, confusing but vivid novel The Last Temptation of Christ.
I am sorry you think I am pathetic, but once again you are inadvertently making my points for me.
The Pentagon said that the hospital was targeted inadvertently and they will investigate the incident.
Whatever Cornwall's intention, his biased portrayal may inadvertently have strengthened the hand of those promoting canonization.
He was honest enough to list his sources, and he was, inadvertently, honest enough to admit what we've all thought at one time or another: thorough and accurate citation is hard work that we would all like to be able to dodge.
It is not by any means the case with all christians, but some certainly have inadvertently and unknowingly (in most cases) placed church attendance / society / culture / leadership and a particular book (the Bible) on the same level as they God they claim to worship.
Almost forty years later, the by - then prominent founder of the Moral Majority and crusader against gay rights inadvertently confirmed the ubiquity of such segregationist thought in Southern white churches when he was asked to comment on his now discarded and discredited opinion.
Arkes does much to demonstrate that the Founders had an understanding of that discourse which we ourselves generally lack; Prof. Smolin, in aiming to disagree with Arkes, inadvertently provides his own proof.
Mr. Golan goes on to consider Lehi's operations, including a valuable list in an appendix, of every operation for which he can find documentary evidence (though at least one operation he mentions in the text is inadvertently excluded from the list).
And if Sen. Obama «inadvertently launched» a demeaning of black America, does not Neuhaus do the same for white America by his perhaps inadvertent condescension toward Obama and other blacks?
Will we have inadvertently ruined our testimony to the world?
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