Sentences with phrase «inattention at»

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Flailing away at natural forces will get us nothing but wasted money and inattention to real human need.
On one item, however, almost all types of enterprise, whether practical or theoretical, seem to share the same defect at the same place, namely, in inattention to the logical character of the basic vocabulary needed or being used, to its syntax, its semantics, its pragmatics.
In the U.S., where Weir pocketed $ 50,000 for winning November's PGA Tour Qualifying Tournament at La Quinta, Calif., the skinny lefthander — he's 5» 9» and 155 pounds — evokes the kind of inattention usually reserved for the metric system.
He tied for second at Doral this year, but four years of inattention to his game in the early»90s showed.
A recent study showed that in many parts of the country less than one in ten kids even get «behavior therapy» in addition to medication «Symptoms» of inattention and hyperactivity represent a communication of a range of issues, including sleep deprivation, marital conflict, sensory processing concerns and multiple other possible family stressors, The post does not say not that medication may not have a role to play at some point in a child's life.
Now that you are aware of what has been causing the inattention, trouble focusing on one thing at a time, difficulty sitting still, and the like, you can begin to address the issues more effectively.
Dr. Merikangas noted that youth with the inattention subtype of ADHD are less likely to be recognized and treated because their problems may be less apparent at school and at home.
At the end of each week, participants completed questionnaires assessing inattention and hyperactivity.
Middle - school children who consume heavily sweetened energy drinks are 66 % more likely to be at risk for hyperactivity and inattention symptoms, a new study led by the Yale School of Public Health has found.
At the same time, we know that inattention and distractibility characterize people with a clinical diagnosis of attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),» says study author Nilli Lavie of University College London.
Notably, a 2013 Los Alamos study depicted leaks of glove boxes at PF - 4 as frequent — averaging nearly three a month — and said they were often caused by avoidable errors such as inattention, improper maintenance, collisions with rolling storage carts, complacency and degradation from the heat that plutonium constantly emits.
A: Chronic inattention, distraction, and disorganization that impair your ability to function on the job or at home.
Ultimately, this isn't the case, as the movie establishes at the start and, later, solidifies in a private moment with his wife Clementine (Miranda Richardson), who is thinking of leaving her husband on account of his inattention toward her.
One significant weakness in Language at the Speed of Sight is Seidenberg's relative inattention to reading comprehension and the role of background knowledge in helping children understand what they read.
First out of the box is a piece of research by Prof. Christine Merrell and her group from Durham and Nottingham Universities; they gave us A longitudinal study of the association between inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and children's academic attainment at age 11.
This is indeed one of those vehicles in which, following a moment of inattention on the highway, you look down at its speedometer and go, «Crap!»
Blind spot detection do a better job preventing serious accidents but on long trips, or at moments of inattention, lane departure warning is most helpful.
«They can be depressed from the loss of a pet friend or owner, change in routine — their humans going back to work or back to school, or inattention from their owners,» says Suzanne Hurst, veterinarian at Kindness Animal Hospital in Tulsa.
Supervision in the House Any mistakes your dog makes while you are at home are due to your inattention.
But lets look at the specifics of distraction and inattention.
Their cries could form the basis of a new populist movement, rooted in poorer and middle - class voters who seethe at their political leaders» inattention to their problems and lament an American dream gone awry.
Child birth injuries are often caused because of distractions, inattention, and mistakes caused by overworked medical staff at hospitals and birth centers.
At Seidel, Cohen, Hof & Reid, L.L.C., we will dig deeply into the possibility that the crash that injured you was caused by another driver's inattention.
If you were injured due to another person's inattention to the rules, faulty equipment, or poor maintenance at a ski resort we can help.
On the contrary, while bad weather may contribute to an accident, other factors such as driver inattention during poor conditions or driving too fast for conditions are often at the root of the accident.
Counsel was obliged to bring the trial judge's inattention home to him at the time.
Poor maintenance and inattention to a utility company's power lines or facilities may render the power company at fault for an electrocution.
They operate on two wheels, meaning a moment of inattention puts you at a higher risk of having an accident.
Abused children with ADHD have been found to have more severe impulsivity and inattention but less hyperactivity compared to non-abused children with ADHD.30 So although individual children from the two groups may be clinically indistinguishable, there are differences between them at a population level.
Parent and teacher reports of child behavior problems were obtained at ages 5, 6, and 9 years by using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).34 The SDQ is a 30 - item scale designed to assess a number of child behavior domains, including externalizing behaviors (conduct problems and hyperactivity / inattention) and internalizing behaviors (emotionality and peer difficulties) during the 6 months before assessment.
To make that diagnosis, a thorough history, the presence of 6 of the 9 inattention or hyperactivity symptoms as specified in the DSM - IV, and clear impairment of functioning in at least 2 settings (usually home and school) are necessary.
This pattern of change in means over the decade between the 2005 study and ours appears consistent with the small, but significant, increases observed between 2007 and 2012 in the self - report subscale means for Total Difficulties, Emotional Symptoms, Peer Relationship Problems and Hyperactivity - Inattention (but a decrease in Conduct Problems) in nationally representative New Zealand samples of children aged 12 — 15 years, 28 and with a similar increase in Emotional Symptoms and decrease in Conduct Problems between 2009 and 2014 in English community samples of children aged 11 — 13 years.29 The mean PLE score in the MCS sample aligned closely with that reported previously for a relatively deprived inner - city London, UK, community sample aged 9 — 12 years19 using these same nine items, although the overall prevalence of a «Certainly True» to at least one of the nine items in the MCS (52.2 %) was lower than that obtained in the London sample (66.0 %).8
The remaining 108 items assessed a range of child mental health and well - being constructs, including: Social Integration, Prosocial Behaviour, Peer Relationship Problems, Supportive Relationships (at home, school and in the community), Empathy, Emotional Symptoms, Conduct Problems, Aggression, Attention, Inhibitory Control, Hyperactivity - Inattention, Total Difficulties (internalising and externalising psychopathology), Perceptual Sensitivity, Psychotic - Like Experiences, Personality, Self - esteem, Daytime Sleepiness and Connection to Nature (engagement with natural environment).
Attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 3 % — 5 % of children and young people under 18 years old.1 The core symptoms include inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity leading to significant impairments in academic and social function and increased risk of substance misuse, unemployment, criminality and mental health problems.2 3 Early treatment is crucial to improve symptoms and reduce the burden on the family and wider social and healthcare systems.4 With the increasing rates of diagnosis of ADHD, spending on ADHD medication has increased sevenfold between 1998 and 2005,5 and expenditure on medication treatment costs in the UK is now estimated at # 78 million per year.5 6 This has placed increasing financial burden on health services and highlighted the need for more efficient and cost - effective services to diagnose and treat the condition.
ADHD is defined in medical terms as a persistent pattern of inattention and / or hyperactivity - impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development.»
Conduct problems and hyperactivity / inattention were the difficulties most likely to have been present already at pre-school and to have persisted in the period to primary school entry.
Issues associated with hyperactivity / inattention were considerably more likely to have been present at age 3 and persist through to school entry.
Any child may show inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, or hyperactivity at times, but the child with ADHD shows these symptoms and behaviors more frequently and severely than other children of the same age or developmental level.
Higher rates of ADHD have been reported using DSM - IV than DSM - III - R26; however, this feature does not seem explanatory because ADHD at the 25 - year follow - up was only 7.4 % in probands if criteria include any significant inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity symptom.9, 12 A possible factor may be greater awareness of ADHD due to wide media coverage, which has even promoted ADHD as reflecting special, positive attributes.27 Alas, advantages associated with ADHD have yet to be documented.
A multi-method, multi-source assessment of impulsivity and inattention was conducted with 256 families of twins at a mean age of 8 - 9 years from an epide
Impulsivity and inattention are key constructs at the interface of temperament and domains of childhood behavioral problems, such as ADHD and ODD.
Anxiety, panic, inattention and stress are at epidemic proportion for our kids and teens, leaving them unable to play, learn and grow.
Abstract: Impulsivity and inattention are key constructs at the interface of temperament and domains of childhood behavioral problems, such as ADHD and ODD.
In line with this idea, Dix» affective model of parenting states that parents» emotions are at the heart of both adaptive and maladaptive emotion - related parenting practices with positive and empathic emotions promoting parental warmth, patience, and responsiveness to child emotions, while negative emotions like anger and frustration are thought to lead to parental inattention, avoidance, and hostility (Dix 1991).
Pre-school hyperactivity / inattention and conduct problems carry risk of worse academic outcomes at 16.
The hazard for benefits use rose with increasing levels of emotional symptoms, peer problems, conduct problems and hyperactivity — inattention problems (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) at 15 — 16 years among both genders.
The hyperactivity / inattention scale of the SDQ - T had the highest Cronbach's alpha at all age ranges (≥ 0.84).
Assignment to the choice condition predicted teacher - reported improved child hyperactivity / inattention outcomes at 6 months post-treatment completion.
After adjusting for a broad range of confounder variables, the associations between parent - rated hyperactivity / inattention and conduct problems measured at age 3 and academic outcomes at age 16 (national General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination results) were investigated (n = 11640).
A longitudinal study of the association between inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and children's academic attainment at age 11.
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