Sentences with phrase «include characterization»

Topics include characterization of individual regimes and factors affecting the formation, evolution, and effectiveness of these institutional arrangements.
Major goals of the New Horizons mission included the characterization of the structure and composition of Pluto's atmosphere, as well as its escape rate, and to determine whether Charon has a measurable atmosphere.
His research program has provided innovative, seminal discoveries in the field of neuropharmacology, including characterization of the roles of endocannabinoids in the reinforcing effects of abused drugs and, more importantly, the involvement of dysregulated endocannabinoid function in the neuroplastic events that contribute to the pathology of addiction.
After completion of her Ph.D. program and in order to increase the international dimension of her career, she subsequently joined the Ragon Institute as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Yu's and Dr. Lichterfeld's labs, where she has been working for almost 3 years in different projects related to viral persistence, including the characterization of the HIV - 1 reservoir in patients treated during the early phase of the infection and the identification of cells with stem - cell like properties contributing to HIV - 1 long - term persistence.
Molecular biophysics group of SGC Toronto is involved in various epigenetic related projects including characterization of histone methyltransferases (HMT).
Comments on the content, including characterization, dialogue, setting, believability, and research.
Among the society's criticisms of his behaviour include his characterizations of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) prosecution as «the government» and «lazy.»

Not exact matches

The essential moral and theological objections to such a characterization would be with the adverbs «completely» and «entirely,» which are necessary to the materialist metaphysic but render the latter unhelpful as a foundation for any coherently imperative human moral sensibility (including environmental stewardship).
Rakhuba was in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on America's election night; he said Ukrainians, including Ukrainian evangelicals living in Russia, were more likely to oppose Trump — in part because of his characterization of Crimea, the territory taken over by Russia a few years ago.
Then, too, temporal order, including «time's arrow,» admits of both intrinsic and extrinsic characterizations.
The concept of action itself brings with it the requirement that a full characterization of any action must include, precisely in order to be «full,» attention to the ways in which the action is socially located and may be distorted ideologically and otherwise.
And an adequate general characterization of space, able to include natural as well as mathematical types, must be able to accommodate spaces that are neutral, that are insulators, and that are conductors.
But both terms in each polarity must be included in the characterization of the divine life.
We begin by highlighting the most important historical developments, including the notion of mass as it appeared prior to and in Newton's work, the formal characterization of Mach, and its eventual role in relativity and quantum theory.
Most present characterizations of world events include oppression, injustice, and anxiety.
From my perspective, I may say that Whitehead has described God's operations at the level of creativity - characterization, at the level where God helps shape the character of the world in very specific ways, including its moral, aesthetic, natural, and cultural qualities.
Its research includes a cluster of related interdisciplinary projects that examine disparities in breast cancer mortality between African - American and Caucasian women using animal models, molecular characterization of tumors, and behavioral research focused on social - environmental factors.
He has made seminal contributions to our knowledge of metabolism including the role of serine synthesis in cancers, the role of the Warburg Effect in glucose metabolism, and the characterization of methionine metabolism in mediating methylation dynamics in normal physiology.
Research areas include species for comparative research; phenotypic characterization; fitness, genome stability and lateral gene transfer; control of organismal traits; monitoring and surveillance; modeling and standardization of methods and data.
The GRL paper notes other potential applications of using the dark fiber, including urban seismic hazard analysis, global seismic imaging, offshore submarine volcano detection, nuclear explosion monitoring, and microearthquake characterization.
Hendry's materials expertise has been leveraged to support other projects within the company, including materials characterization expertise and failure analysis in the design and construction of an advanced materials processing payload, to be located on the International Space Station.
His current research portfolio focuses on the investigation of novel approaches for the regenerative medicine of the kidney, including the study and characterization of human nephrogenic progenitors and the investigation of approaches for the treatment of Alport syndrome and other chronic kidney diseases.
«The protocol teaches every step of building a bio-bot, from 3D printing the skeleton to tissue engineering the skeletal muscle actuator, including manufacturers and part numbers for every single thing we use in the lab,» explained Ritu Raman, now a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Bioengineering and first author of the paper, «A modular approach to the design, fabrication, and characterization of muscle - powered biological machines.»
To address technical challenges, these efforts have included detailed beam and detector characterization.
Her research has introduced many new ideas to the field of exoplanet characterization, including work that led to the first detection of an exoplanet atmosphere.
The ASU team also includes the graduate students Christopher Kupitz, Chelsie Conrad, Jesse Coe, Shatabdi Roy - Chowdhury, who worked on the growth and biophysical characterization of the PYP crystals at ASU and on site at LCLS, the graduate students Daniel James and Dingjie Wang, who worked on sample delivery as well as the research scientist Nadia Zatsepin and the graduate student Shibom Basu, who worked on «on the fly» data evaluation.
Other areas of research include protein identification and characterization, portable biosensing and electrokinetic chromatography.
$ 5,000 «A genome from your gut» Deep characterization of a single stool sample by shotgun metagenomics, includes best - effort attempt to assemble one or more bacterial genomes out of your gut.
Dr. Parsons gave many invited presentations at professional meetings and universities abroad, including a 2009 invited lecture in Jerusalem in a symposium that featured and honored Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, who is known for the initial identification and characterization of Δ9 - tetrahydrocannabinol (the main active constituent in cannabis) and the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide and 2 - arachidonoyl glycerol (2 - AG).
Dr. Kaspar's research interests include the epitaxial growth (via oxygen - plasma - assisted molecular beam epitaxy or pulsed laser deposition) and structural characterization of metallic and metal oxide films.
We are now expanding this facility to not only include state - of - the - art protein domain microarrays, but also to allow the further characterization of these protein - protein interactions in cells.
Specific duties will include basic and advanced polymer chemistry protocols, cell culture and expansion, hydrogel biomaterial characterization, physical characterization of biomaterials, assembly of 3D constructs using biofabrication and bioprinting techniques, collection and organization of data, and assisting in the preparation of reports and manuscripts.
Plotted are: stars surveyed to optimize exoEarth yield for a 4 m aperture (74 stars, top); 8 m aperture (291 stars, middle); and 12 m aperture (582 stars, bottom) telescope given 1 total year of integration time (with 100 % overheads) and including spectral characterization.
His graduate and postdoctoral work led to seven first author papers in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, including four back - to - back papers on fundamental characterization of arachidonic acid pathways, and a Cell paper, which was the first to demonstrate cAMP - independent G protein participation in receptor - mediated signal transduction.
Other recent research areas have included the structural characterization of lattice - mismatched epitaxial metal films on oxide substrates for radiation damage studies, and the development of new complex oxides as high temperature, radiation - resistant piezoelectrics for use in advanced in situ sensors.
I will furthermore discuss the impact of asteroseismology on the characterization of exoplanets, including measurements of stellar spin - orbit inclinations and their implications for hot - Jupiter formation theories.
PNNL will tap into its extensive experience in fundamental and applied sciences, including advanced materials synthesis, characterization and modeling, as well as electrical grid infrastructure, grid storage and management, to help improve the performance, reliability and life - span of batteries.
While many exciting exoplanet discoveries are being announced daily (including our nearest neighbor, Proxima b, announced today), the field is transitioning in many respects from an era of exoplanet discovery to one of exoplanet characterization.
Acoustic Bottom Characterization and Subbottom Imaging Including Buried Objects: Steven Schock's pioneering research on chirp sonar bottom characterization and subbottom imaging includingCharacterization and Subbottom Imaging Including Buried Objects: Steven Schock's pioneering research on chirp sonar bottom characterization and subbottom imaging including buriedIncluding Buried Objects: Steven Schock's pioneering research on chirp sonar bottom characterization and subbottom imaging includingcharacterization and subbottom imaging including buriedincluding buried objects.
Contribution to the understanding of how the evolution of gene families relates to functional divergence, including the fate of duplicated genes, horizontal transfer and interspecies hybridization, as well as the characterization of the ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs, and the discovery of the late acquisition of mitochondria in eukaryotes (Gabaldón's group, Science 2014, PLoS Biology 2015, PLoS Genetics 2015, Nature 2016).
The service will include formulation, stability testing and the physicochemical characterization of adjuvants and vaccines, including advanced immune system monitoring.
The production and characterization of recombinant proteins using a large panel of different expression systems, including microbial systems, eukaryotic cells, as well as plants and plant suspension cells, is one of the IMEs main areas of expertise.
Besides the whole range of standard technology for the purification and detailed characterization of biomolecules the facility is equipped with a molecular Interaction analysis suite including a GxP validated Biacore T200 SPR instrument.
Additional Services (back to top) Phenotypic characterization of ethanol exposure: The Animal / Cell Core will also provide basic phenotyping measures including ALT / AST, triglyceride concentrations, Oil Red O, Sirius red staining, hydroxyproline concentration, blood ethanol and CYP2E1 expression or activity on a fee for service basis for all NOAC investigators.
Guided Protocol for Fecal Microbial Characterization by 16S rRNA - Amplicon Sequencing — Ayelet Di Segni — Journal Of Visualized Experiments (It includes a video)
The Origins Seminar series aim to bring together ISM, star and planet formation people, exoplanets experts, planetary scientists and astrobiologists including topics from molecular clouds through star and planet formation to exoplanets detection and characterization and astrobiology.
His research accomplishments include the discovery that glycine is a coagonist of NMDA receptors (Science 241, 835; 1988) and characterization of the topology of a glutamate receptor subunit (Neuron, 14, 373; 1995).
As MD Anderson moves toward molecular characterization of the cancers of all our patients, allowing their optimal assignments to promising new targeted therapies and potential identification of biomarkers of response and resistance, the department's mission includes thematic translational research and preclinical molecular pathology research.
He also has several patents awarded or pending, served on numerous scientific advisory and review committees, organized several national and international conferences (including the 2006 Materials Research Society Fall meeting with more 5000 attendees), and edited 6 books in the field of materials characterization using synchrotron radiation.
Ecology of baleen whales, including foraging ecology, habitat characterization, and acoustic behavior; ecology of zooplankton, including physical / biological interactions, distribution, diel vertical migration behavior, and diapause.
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