Sentences with phrase «include heading shaking»

Other signs of allergy - induced infection include heading shaking and red, waxy ears.
Common signs of ear infection include head shaking, frequent scratching, foul odours, abnormal discharge, redness, and pain.
Indications of an ear infection can include head shaking, odor, inflammation, and scaly skin near the ear.

Not exact matches

Anyone who will be playing with a very young child, including babysitters, grandparents and older siblings, should be warned to avoid any type of play which can shake or jerk his head.
Three more top Democratic National Committee officials plan to leave the organization, including the chief executive and the finance head, as fallout from an email - hacking scandal further shook the party's leadership ranks.
Mayor de Blasio's recent push for his proposed mansion tax that included a surprise trip to Albany last week left many of his fellow Democrats shaking their heads.
Essential tremor is a neurological disorder characterized by shaking of hands (and sometimes other parts of the body including the head), evoked by intentional movements.
Both withdrawal methods led to physical problems, including teeth chattering, paw tremors, and head shaking.
Thus, they include large numbers of recipes under the headings «more sweet treats,» «desserts,» candies and bars,» «cakes and muffins,» «cookies, brownies, and pies» (sweetened with THM sweeteners) «shakes» and the like.
Mike Bracken: They're not off the hook for the rest of Final Fantasy XIII, including its chapter 12 opening cut - scene that would make Michael Bay shake his head in embarrassment at how overproduced and edited it is.
Symptoms of an ear infection include shaking of the head and scratching at the ears.
Signs also may include excessive licking, chewing and biting on themselves, head shaking, rubbing and over grooming (particularly with cats), throwing up hairballs and a pet's desire to be scratched more than usual.
Remember: when he shakes his head, that ear debris and cleaner has to go somewhere, and that includes your walls and you (so beware).
Signs of an ear infection include odor from the ears, frequent shaking of the head, redness of skin inside ears, excessive scratching at ears, and excessive ear discharge / debris.
Other signs of flea infestation may include scratching the ears or shaking the head.
The signs of a problem with a dog's ears include redness, constant scratching, head shaking and odor.
Other signs of an ear infection include red, inflamed ears; head shaking or scratching at the ears; and ear discharge.
Other signs include head - shaking, salivation or drooling, or trying to rub the mouth or eyes with the paws.
The signs of a problem with your dog's ears include redness, constant scratching, head shaking and odor.
In addition to the black crusty exudate in the ear canal, symptoms include constant scratching at the ears, head shaking, and loss of hair around the ears.
Signs that your dog may have an ear infection include shaking the head or scratching the ears or behind the ears.
Signs of pain in animals can include: vocalizing, shaking, inability to lie down and get comfortable, refusing to socialize, head pressing, or any other unusual behavior.
Other indications of an ear infection include pawing or rubbing at the ears, head shaking, or discharge from the ears.
Signs that your pet may have fleas include: scratching and shaking the head more than usual, small red bumps on the skin, hair loss, and black spots (flea dirt) on the bedding.
If clinical signs are present, they may include hearing loss, neurological signs (facial paralysis, head tilt, involuntary eye movement, and circling, unsteady and clumsy walking patterns), neck scratching and head shaking.
Symptoms of this pet health condition in cats and dogs include the following: Scratching or pawing at the ear, Head shaking, Rubbing the ear against furniture or the floor, Discharge from the ear, Swelling of the ear canal, Odor coming from the ear, Redness of the ear canal, Scabs or crusts around the ear, Hair loss around the ear, Balance issues, Walking in circles, Pain in the ear and Hearing loss.
Ear mites can cause several of these symptoms, including a black discharge, scratching, and head shaking.
Symptoms include continual ear scratching & head shake.
Symptoms of ear inflammation, or otitis, in cats include shaking the head and scratching at the ears.
Dogs that experience itching and scratch their ears, or frequently shake their heads, might be suffering from an ear infection, especially if any of these symptoms also include smelly ears.
When cats smell catnip they exhibit a range of behaviors that may include sniffing, licking, and chewing the plant, head shaking, chin and cheek rubbing, head rolling, and body rubbing.
Symptoms include shaking the head, pawing at or rubbing the ears, pain around the ears and odor from the ears.
Itchy dog symptoms of skin allergies include: Itching or scratching Licking his / her feet Scooting Shaking his / her head from... [Read more...]
Allergy symptoms include itching anywhere on the body but often focused on the armpits, abdomen, and / or inner thighs, scratching the ears or shaking the head, licking / chewing the feet, redness around the eyes, and itching around the tail and anus.
Typical signs include: unsteadiness or staggering, forgetting commands or failure to recognize familiar people, unexplained aggressiveness or puppy - like behavior, development of obsessive behaviors, loss of bladder control, change in appetite, loss of hearing or sight, seizures, labored breathing, or whimpering or head shaking, loss of bladder control, change in appetite, loss of hearing or sight, seizures, labored breathing, or whimpering or head shaking.
Symptoms of an ear infection include odor and discharge from the ear canal, scratching below the ear flaps, rubbing the face and head on the ground or carpet, and shaking or flapping the ears.
Symptoms of yeast ear infection can include redness, thick dark brown ear discharge, malodor, head shaking, and ear scratching.
Symptoms of an ear infection include redness, excessive scratching and / or shaking of the head, or a strange odor emanating from one or both ears.
These include pawing at the ear, whining unusually, and shaking their head.
Other symptoms of infections include a red and inflamed inner ear, ear discharge that may have a strong odor, frequent scratching of the ear, and shaking and tilting of the head.
Symptoms of an infection may include pacing with a tilted head, frequent shaking of the head and ear itching, and brown or yellow - colored discharge from the ear.
Signs you might note at home include drooling, hyperactivity and head shaking.
A bonus feature included within the Toad House mini-games include Toad either jumping up excitedly in correspondence to the players if they were to win the game or shake his head in disappointment if the players were to lose.
If you enjoy worrying the ambiguous spaces in legislation, or shaking your head at the foolishness of those who are wrongheaded about interpretation, you might like Lawrence Solan's new book, The Language of Statutes, Laws and their Interpretation (University of Chicago Press, 2010, ISBN: 9780226767963 — also available as an e-book, including what appears to be a 30 - day «rental» for $ 7).
A measure of whether either parent used harsh or abusive punishment, which included shaking, hitting with an object, hitting with a fist or kicking, grabbing by the neck / choking, hitting as hard as possible, burning / scalding, throwing / knocking down, and slapping on the head.
abusive head trauma (AHT) A preventable and severe form of physical child abuse, including shaken baby syndrome, which results in an injury to the brain of an infant or child.
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