Sentences with phrase «include philodendrons»

Low - maintenance plants that have done my not - so - green thumb well include philodendrons, spider plants, snake plant, wandering Jew, and jade tree.
A few other potentially harmful plants include philodendron, corn plant, castor bean, mother - in - law's tongue, Hibiscus and hydrangea.
When dog - proofing your home, look for pins, needles and earrings; plastic wrap and plastic bags; aluminum foil; mothballs; trash; detergents and other cleaning materials and chemicals; carpet cleaners; furniture polishes; and houseplants, including philodendron, ivies and poinsettias.
Some popular plant choices include philodendron, pothos, and spider plants.

Not exact matches

Species included snakeplants, philodendron, dracaena, calathea and more.
The family includes many other great indoor plants and toxic removing plants such as Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen), Anthurium (Flamingo flower), Caladium (use outdoors), Dieffenbachia (dumb cane), Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant), Golden Pothos and Philodendron.
Plants Toxic plants commonly found indoors include dieffenbachia, azalea, Calla lily, and philodendron.
Common houseplants that can be harmful if swallowed include: dieffenbachia (or dumb cane), philodendron, caladium, and elephant's ear.
Many plants cause kidney damage, including caladium, pigweed, dieffenbachia, Easter lily, and philodendron.
• Bulbplants (including most varieties of lilies, daffodils, etc.) • Tomato plants (the leaves and stems) • Azaleas • Castor Beans • Fox glove • Oleander • Mushrooms and fungi • Rhubarb plants • Philodendron
Some plants that are poisonous include amaryllis, English ivy, narcissus, dieffenbachia, mistletoe, poinsettia, holly, philodendron, azalea, rhododendron, daffodil daphne, foxglove, bleeding heart, potato, iris, ivy, oleander, rubber plant, tobacco, tulip, clematis, morning glory, and weeping fig.
Some indoor and outdoor plants that are poisonous to cats include amaryllis, English Ivy, narcissus, dieffenbachia (dumb cane), mistletoe, poinsettia, holly, philodendron, azalea, rhododendron, daffodil, daphne, foxglove, bleeding heart, potato, iris, ivy, oleander, rubber plant, tobacco, tulip, clematis, morning glory, and weeping fig.
Certain plants (including lilies and, philodendron) can contain large amounts of oxalate.
These include: Caladium (Caladium spp.) Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia spp.) English ivy (Hedera helix) Lilies (Lilium spp.) Mistletoe (Phoradendron spp.) Oleander (Nerium oleander) Philodendron (Philodendron spp.) Poinsettia (Euphorbia spp..)
Many common plants, including azaleas, daffodils, day and Easter lilies, holly, laurels, pointsettias, and philodendrons, are popular as decorations in our houses, but birds and other exotic pets should be kept far away all of them.
Other highlights include «Margin of Error» and «Philodendron: From Pan-Latin Exotic to American Modern» at the Wolfsonian - FIU; «The Summer of «68: Photographing the Black Panthers», «Vincent van Gogh's The Poplars at Saint - Rémy», «Edgar Degas» Portrait of Mlle. Hortense Valpinçon» at the Norton Museum of Art; and «Carlos Salas: Latin America and the Global Imagination» at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA).
The museum will celebrate the opening of Philodendron with special programming including a Takeover Tour led by featured artist Edouard Duval Carrié; an adults - only Craft + Craft art - making workshop; a book talk; and a free family day and film screening.
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