Sentences with phrase «included fracking wastewater»

This included fracking wastewater that state officials had allowed to be dumped at local sewer plants — facilities incapable of removing the complex mix of chemicals, corrosive salts, and radioactive materials from that kind of industrial waste before they piped the «treated» water back into Pennsylvania's rivers.

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The State Assembly, led by Democrats, passed a package of one house bills for Earth Day, including requiring private drinking wells to be tested before fracking occurs, and to classify fracking wastewater as hazardous waste.
The researchers looked at several potential ways fracking wastewater could end up in the drinking supply, including transportation and leaks or spills.
He said that an amendment was already planned that would extend the ban to include wastewater from vertically drilled oil and gas wells (which is being used elsewhere in the state for deicing roads), as well as those using horizontal fracking techniques.
The measures include solar power expansion, legislation to combat climate change, and a bill to treat wastewater from hydro fracking as hazardous waste.
Because of such concerns the U.S. Department of Energy has convened a special task force to improve the safety and environmental impacts of such fracking for natural gas, including how best to dispose of the voluminous wastewater as well as ensuring proper sealing of wells to prevent such groundwater contamination.
Injecting wastewater deep underground as a byproduct of oil and gas extraction techniques that include fracking causes human - made earthquakes, the lead author of new research from Arizona State University said Thursday.
Trump's EPA would allow wastewater from oil and gas wells, including fracked wells, to make its way into US rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs after some treatment.
A lifelong advocate for our coast, Williams championed required testing of groundwater before, during, and after hydraulic fracturing, which was included in California's regulations on fracking, and authored legislation to expand groundwater monitoring to other types of injection wells to protect underground sources of drinking water from oil and gas wastewater disposal.
The USGS concurs that fracking injection wells may be the cause of earth quakes up to mag 3: «The increase in seismicity has been found to coincide with the injection of wastewater in deep disposal wells in several locations, including Colorado, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Ohio.
Organizations, including the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Environmental Integrity Project and some six others, want updated rules covering disposal of fracking wastewater in underground injection wells, which have been linked to river contamination most recently in West Virginia, and earthquakes in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and California.
«EPA has identified significant flaws in the state's fracking proposals, particularly inadequate plans to treat hazardous wastewater, questions about unsafe levels of radiation in fracking waste, and the absence of any consideration of the environmental impacts of the infrastructure associated with fracking, such as pipelines and compressor stations,» said a statement issued by a coalition of hydrofracking opponents including Catskill Mountainkeeper, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Environmental Advocates of New York, Natural Resources Defense Council and others.
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