Sentences with phrase «included human mortality»

God's world included human mortality.

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Instead of understanding, as James le Fanu writes, that «the implications of mortality are intrinsic to a proper grasp of the human experience», we choose to sanitise the things of death, including the language we use to describe it (in Last Things, Tablet, 29 November 2014, p. 28).
In his recent book, Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity, he offers «four benefits» of mortality: interest and engagement, suggesting that adding, say, twenty years to the human life span would not proportionately increase the pleasures of life; seriousness and aspiration, proposing that the knowledge that our life is limited is what leads us to take life seriously and passionately; beauty and love, presenting the idea that it is precisely their perishability that makes, for instance, flowers beautiful to us, just as the coming and going of spring makes that season all the more meaningful; and, finally, virtue and moral excellence, by which he means the virtuous and noble deeds that mortality makes possible, including the sacrifice of our own life for a worthy cause.
This mortality includes the responsibility that we shall become what we were created to be, which is authentic or true men, fully and completely human.
These include the infant with galactosemia, 53,54 the infant whose mother uses illegal drugs, 55 the infant whose mother has untreated active tuberculosis, and the infant in the United States whose mother has been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.56, 57 In countries with populations at increased risk for other infectious diseases and nutritional deficiencies resulting in infant death, the mortality risks associated with not breastfeeding may outweigh the possible risks of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus infection.58 Although most prescribed and over-the-counter medications are safe for the breastfed infant, there are a few medications that mothers may need to take that may make it necessary to interrupt breastfeeding temporarily.
Other benefits of this early breastfeeding experience include helping the infant feel more secure, reducing infant mortality through the numerous immunological properties of human milk, and encouraging a longer period of breastfeeding.
Humans kill large carnivores — a category of animals that includes wolves, bears, lions, tigers and pumas — at more than nine times their mortality rate in the wild.
Ebola virus causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates with high mortality rates and continues to emerge in new geographic locations, including West Africa, the site of the largest outbreak to date.
«Here you have a vertebrate turtle that shows no increasein mortality and no loss of reproductive capacity at ages wheremammals, including humans, will shut down totally.»
Human beings — who, like hamsters, are also mammals and vertebrates — are remarkably seasonal, Prendergast added, citing a long, astonishing list of universal human experiences that have a seasonal component, including birth, death, suicide, viral infections, mortality from bacterial infections, sleep patterns and sudden infant death syndrome, even though industrial societies buffer humans from contributory facHuman beings — who, like hamsters, are also mammals and vertebrates — are remarkably seasonal, Prendergast added, citing a long, astonishing list of universal human experiences that have a seasonal component, including birth, death, suicide, viral infections, mortality from bacterial infections, sleep patterns and sudden infant death syndrome, even though industrial societies buffer humans from contributory fachuman experiences that have a seasonal component, including birth, death, suicide, viral infections, mortality from bacterial infections, sleep patterns and sudden infant death syndrome, even though industrial societies buffer humans from contributory factors.
They point out that poor semen quality «is the leading cause of unsuccessful attempts to achieve pregnancy and one of the most common medical problems among young men... it has been suggested as an important marker of male health, predicting both morbidity and mortality... it is sensitive to environmental exposures, including endocrine disrupting chemicals, heat and life - style factors, such as diet... Therefore, it can provide a sensitive marker of the impacts of modern environment on human health.»
Disproportionate mortality of males, presumably an important cause of the change in sex ratio of the snow leopard population in Tost, is reported in several carnivores as resulting from human - induced factors such as poaching and retaliatory killing, including Amur tigers in southeast Russia [32], leopards in South Africa [34], and cougars in the Pacific Northwest [33], although there are exceptions (e.g. tiger population in Panna, Central India, that had turned male - biased prior to extinction due to poaching; [36], [37]-RRB-.
Diseases affecting the lung, including emphysema, cystic fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and pulmonary fibrosis, cause considerable morbidity and mortality in the U.S.. However, there are not many treatment options available for those diseases, in part due to the limited availability of human lung cells for research.
Some registrants» claims include «one application lasts up to four weeks,» «95 percent mortality of the immature flea within 24 hours,» and «will not harm humans, pets or beneficial insects.
Humanity has replaced selection - after - birth (infant mortality), which tended to get rid of weaker genes, with selection - before - birth (abortion), which, unless one does a lot of genetic testing, makes the surviving pool of humans potentially more needy — including of performance enhancement.
Impacts of such climate - related extremes include alteration of ecosystems, disruption of food production and water supply, damage to infrastructure and settlements, morbidity and mortality, and consequences for mental health and human well - being.
3) They include estimates of model - based climate metrics» impacts on things such as ``... crime,... energy, human mortality, and labor...» in their economic modeling games.
Impacts of such climate - related extremes include alteration of ecosystems, disruption of food production and water supply, damage to infrastructure and settlements, human morbidity and mortality and consequences for mental health and human well - being.
Current models of climate change include sea level rise, land degradation, regional changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, and some consequences for agriculture, but without modeling the feedbacks that these significant impacts would have on the Human System, such as geographic and economic displacement, forced migration, destruction of infrastructure, increased economic inequality, nutritional sustenance, fertility, mortality, conflicts, and spread of diseases or other human health consequences [135,Human System, such as geographic and economic displacement, forced migration, destruction of infrastructure, increased economic inequality, nutritional sustenance, fertility, mortality, conflicts, and spread of diseases or other human health consequences [135,human health consequences [135,136].
The Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan for 2013 - 2020 is a commitment by all WHO Member States to take specific actions to promote mental well - being, prevent mental disorders, provide care, enhance recovery, promote human rights and reduce the mortality, morbidity and disability for persons with mental disorders including in older adults.
This will include an overview of national recommendations from the Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality, the Infant Mortality Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN) and the Pew Home Visiting Campaign.
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