Sentences with phrase «includes health care proxies»

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And health insurers, once considered to be a beneficiary of the Affordable Care Act, aren't really a solid Clinton proxy, as many have been withdrawing from the Obamacare marketplaces, casting shade on the law (not to mention that Clinton has spoken out against mergers between some of the largest players, including the proposed Aetna (aet)- Humana (hum) and Anthem (antm)- Cigna (ci) deals).
The file should include family contact information, doctor contact information, a durable power of attorney and a health care proxy if they all apply to your loved one.
Your folder can also include copies of your wills, trusts, powers of appointment, living wills, and health care proxy statement.
Your folder can also include copies of your wills, trusts, powers of appointment, living wills, and health care proxy statement.
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