Sentences with phrase «includes snoring»

Children between the ages of 10 and 16 who have sleep disordered breathing, which includes snoring, sleep apnea, and other types of interrupted breathing during sleep, are more likely to have problems with attention and learning, according to a 2010 study in the journal Sleep.
The pure and unadulterated sound is perfect for masking most noises you'll hear at night, including snoring.
If you have ever suffered with sleep problems you will agree that there is nothing quite as painful as climbing into bed and lying awake for half the night, tossing and turning while the rest of the world (including your snoring husband) are fast asleep.
Common warning signs include snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness.
Common warning signs for sleep apnea include snoring and gasping or choking during sleep, along with daytime sleepiness or fatigue.
The AASM reports that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep illness afflicting at least 25 million adults in the U.S. Sleep apnea warning signs include snoring and choking, gasping or silent breathing pauses during sleep.
I've been running on very little sleep due to a few late night occurrences (including a snoring boyfriend, a barking dog and a car crash outside our house one night) and this weekend is hopefully going to be a restorative one.
Sleep problems, including snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, sleep deprivation, and restless legs syndrome, are common.
Some signs and symptoms include snoring, tiredness during the day, waking with a headache, dry mouth or sore throat, depression, poor concentration, or waking up feeling choked or gasping.
Symptoms of BAS include snoring, coughing, gagging, rapid breathing, noisy inhalation, frequent panting (even when the weather is cool and the dog is at rest), difficulty eating or swallowing, and exercise intolerance.
The bedroom walls are paper thin so you can everything next door (including them snoring!)
Signs of sleep apnoea including snoring (often loud snoring) and stopping breathing for a brief time during sleep.

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One in six British couples say they sleep in separate beds — including Prince Charles and Camilla — typically because of snoring or differing bedtime habits, according to the Telegraph.
Most said it did a great job blocking out distracting noises at night including partners» snoring and disruptive sounds coming from outside.
The most common in children include multiple nighttime awakenings, snoring, trouble breathing, and loud or heavy breathing while sleeping.
Also keep an eye out for signs of gestational diabetes (which usually starts around week 24 to week 28 of pregnancy), including extreme thirst, frequent and copious urination, extreme fatigue and snoring.
In addition to the standard information about pregnancy symptoms, fetal growth and labor, I appreciated some of the offbeat tips in the book, including how to ward off tummy touchers, ways to avoid snoring, how to pick a pronounceable baby name, and how to cope with «pregnancy brain.»
In a first of its kind study, moms were surveyed about their kids» sleep, snoring and behavior — including hyperactivity, inattention and depression.
A sleep disorder like sleep apnea, which includes inconsistent breathing and heavy snoring, could pose some obstacles for sleep training.
Jeff Jam has five CDs of music available, including his latest, Snores, a collection of quiet songs for lullaby time.
Other noninvasive ways to reduce snoring include losing weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, and managing any allergic symptoms.
Additional risk factors associated with the development of snoring include weight gain, alcohol consumption, allergies, nasal obstruction, use of muscle relaxants or sedatives, and smoking.
Sleep tests included monitoring brain wave patterns, eye movements, heart rhythm, muscle activity, airflow at the nose and mouth, chest movements, and snoring.
Benefits of CPAP include keeping your airways open while you sleep, easing snoring, improving sleep quality, relieving daytime sleepiness, and lowering blood pressure.
(1) For the women in my practice, there are many common complaints associated with poor sleep, including: Difficulty falling asleep Getting a second wind late at night Difficulty staying asleep Not feeling rested in the morning Waking up many times each night to use the restroom, take care of children or pets, because of a snoring spouse, snoring...
In addition to «sensitizing dermatitis,» stubborn symptoms that might be the result of nickel toxicity include allergic asthma, acid reflux, insomnia and snoring.52
These are the best words to include in your dating profile, according to eHarmony Should you mention your snoring, your dexterity with the flute, your knobby knees?
Word bank words include: before, core, shore, store, bore, snore, tore, more, sore and wore.
Vocabulary words in the jumble include: before, core, shore, store, bore, snore, tore, more, sore and wore.
Affected cats can have one or more of these changes, but the more changes present, the more severe the symptoms, which can include breathing through the mouth, noisy breathing or snoring, tiring easily with exercise, or, in severe cases, fainting.
That can result in symptoms that include nasal discharge, sneezing, snoring and labored breathing.
Dogs can have sensitivities and develop allergies to many of the same things we do, says Stewart, including dust, pollen, perfume and other pets — all of which can lead to airway constriction and snoring.
Signs of low thyroid function may include any of the following: decreased energy, snoring, a poor hair coat or hair loss, weight gain, the desire to be around heat and to avoid cold, and when advanced we can see breathing and walking problems.
The most common respiratory illnesses this breed can get include difficulty in breathing and snoring.
One of the things people find charming about pugs is the endearing noises that they make, including a propensity to snore like a train!
Allergy symptoms in pets range from mild to life threatening and can include itchy and runny eyes, sneezing, itchy skin, vomiting, diarrhea, paw chewing, licking and biting, hot spots, and snoring.
Other symptoms include sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, increased snoring, paw chewing or swollen paws, and constant licking.
The special features shelter dogs of various breeds from across the country vying for top dog in the world's most adorable categories including Best in Couch Potato, Best in Wiggle Butt, Best in Underbite, Best in Talking, Best in Snoring, Best in Senior Dog, Best in Fetcher, Best in Kissing, Best in Special Needs and Best in Listener.
This can include any inspirations from outside the game hangout, not other games but anything — music, classic art, your neighbors snoring at night or an interesting neighbor on the plane.
But the cherished kind of memory probably doesn't include the sound of Uncle Bob's snoring, or having to step over half a dozen nieces and nephews on your way to a midnight snack.
Place this rectangular pad underneath your mattress to track sleeping patterns, including heart rate and snoring.
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