Sentences with phrase «includes standard areas»

This resource includes standard areas, Common Core State Standards, and the North Carolina Essential Standards.

Not exact matches

«AREA will be working with local boards to look at the existing rules and agree on the implementation and enforcement of a provincial standard of measurement for residential properties, including condominiums, for the benefit of all consumers.»
APEC recommends that Atlantic regulatory reform prioritize the areas with the largest economic impact and identified a number of areas that need attention, including truck transportation, labour standards, corporate registrations, safety standards and production and sale of alcoholic beverages.
Meanwhile, Standard Bank, which is 20 % owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, is jointly exploring areas of greater cooperation with its Chinese partner, including global markets and commodities.
Included as a part of these standards should be the serving of a minimum number of hours on the line during a set period, attending a certain minimum number of training conferences a year, and complying with requests to come in for special individual conferences relative to problem areas.
Carrefour published its Sourcing Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil in 2014 which includes the RSPO standard and additional criteria such as protection of peat lands and high carbon stock areas.
FDA proposes to set standards associated with identified routes of microbial contamination of produce, including agricultural water, biological soil amendments of animal origin, health and hygiene, animals in the growing area, equipment, tools, buildings and sprouts.
This number includes land area certified to the Forest Stewardship Council Standard (FSC).
This number includes land area certified to the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard and the Forest Stewardship Council Standard (FSC).
Policy compliance will be reviewed and annually, including a review of nutrition standards with education goals; physical activity and education goals, and determine areas in need of improvement.
Commissioner Robert Shor and several area residents expressed concerns over the proposed design of the Kingston Drive entrance, which includes a winding path made to comply with the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
As I outlined in a piece for Civil Eats, the House CNR bill would have seriously undermined key school food provisions, including taking a decidedly anti-science approach to school nutrition standards, significantly limiting the Community Eligibility Provision (which provides free meals to students in low - income areas without paperwork or stigma) and opening the junk food floodgates on school campuses by gutting the Smart Snacks rules for competitive food.
Their current double stroller model, the B - AGILE Double, offers many features, including a lightweight frame with height adjustable handle and easy fold system, a narrow width, to accommodate standard size doorways, a large under seat storage area as well as two additional storage pockets behind the seats, and all wheel suspension that ensures maximum maneuverability.
This would obviously have to include expenses too - standard class rather than first class travel, living in areas such as Peckham, Newham, etc rather than in Westminster or Kensington.
Among the 11 capital projects included in the amended agreement are various renovations to rides, structures and areas of the park, including a plan to repurpose the park's iconic swimming pool, the latter of which was not part of the original plan between Standard and county administration.
Hawkins, a Syracuse area UPS worker and Teamsters union member, says «by any reasonable standard» he should be included in any debates for the governor's race that feature major party candidates Democrat Andrew Cuomo and Republican Rob Astorino.
Steiner notes matter - of - factly that Black «lacks evidence of knowledge» in a host of «critical areas» confronting New York City's public schools, including education standards, curriculum and turning around low performing schools.
«Particulate air pollution is like lead pollution, there is no evidence of a safe threshold even at levels far below current standards, including in the rural areas we investigated,» said Schwartz.
According to Tickle, the main reason for the difference is that the British government does not include vulnerable areas unless they are the dominant ecosystem in a standard grid of 100 square kilometres.
The online tool includes information about whether a metropolitan area meets EPA and ATS - recommended standards for each of the two pollutants and estimates the health benefits, for each pollutant, of meeting ATS recommended standards.
EPA is also proposing a separate «secondary» standard aimed at protecting vegetation and ecosystems, including parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas.
Patients had psoriasis plaques covering three percent or more of their body surface area, despite standard - of - care treatment, which in some patients included anti-TNF agents.
This coordination includes the apportioning of specific requests for nanotechnology standards through ASTM's existing committee base, as well as the maintenance of appropriate global liaison relationships with activities (internal and external) related to this subject area.
The Summary tab provides an overview of the classroom activity, including recommended grade level, the time involved (both preparation and actual activity / experiment time), recommended group size, the area of science, key concepts, and relevant standards.
Areas of focus include: understanding how tumour - reactive T cells and B cells promote patient survival in cancer; defining the effects of standard treatments on tumor immunity; and using genomic approaches to identify novel tumour mutations that can serve as target antigens for immunotherapy.
A China - UK graphene conference was held as part of the launch activities on the 24 October 2015 and graphene experts from China and the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) discussed graphene R&D progress and the development of graphene international standards; the discussions included NPL's work in this area and the related testing methods.
Areas of widespread agreement included the importance of energy levels and nutritional goals; support for greater emphasis on whole grains, unsaturated fats, and nutrient - dense choices, especially from groups that are currently under - consumed; and the use of standard household measures.
In terms of gameplay, The Evil Within follows the standard archetype of the survival horror genre that includes limited ammunition, poorly lit areas and creatures just waiting around the corner to devour your soul.
From such standard selections as the Declaration of Independence, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Emancipation Proclamation, to such lesser - read pieces as the Declaration of Sentiments of the Seneca Falls Convention, John F. Kennedy's speech at the Berlin Wall, and Csar Chvez's speech to striking grape workers, the documents in this book cover many areas, including politics, human rights, and environmental issues.
Run in over 60 skill areas including Construction and Infrastructure, Hospitality and Leisure, Engineering and Technology, IT and Enterprise and Media and Creative, the competitions also enable employers to benchmark their apprenticeship and training programmes, raising standards across the UK.
It is an approach to teaching which includes intentional identification of naturally aligned standards, taught authentically alongside meaningful assessments which take both content areas to a whole new level.
Topics I have included: Proportion, Types of number, Calculator Skills, Ordering Fractions, Mean from a table Pie Charts, Charts, Graphs, Angles, transformations, Construction and Loci, Standard Form Area and Perimeter, Probability, Tree Diagrams, Estimation, Wordy Problems, Trig and Pythag, Forming and Solving, Time, and a general revision sheets labelled the final countdown aimed at the first NON CALC exam.
Standard: Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
Topics I have included: Proportion, Types of number, Calculator Skills, Ordering Fractions, Mean from a table Pie Charts, Graphs, Angles, transformations, Construction and Loci, Standard Form Area and Perimeter, Probability, Tree Diagrams, Estimation, Wordy Problems, Trig and Pythag, and a general revision sheets labelled the final countdown aimed at the first NON CALC exam.
objectives include: Year 6 objectives • solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to 3 decimal places where appropriate • use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to 3 decimal places • convert between miles and kilometres • recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa • recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume of shapes • calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles • calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm ³) and cubic metres (m ³), and extending to other units [for example, mm ³ and km ³] • express missing number problems algebraically • find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with 2 unknowns • enumerate possibilities of combinations of 2 variables • draw 2 - D shapes using given dimensions and angles • recognise, describe and build simple 3 - D shapes, including making nets • compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons • illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius • recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles • describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all 4 quadrants) • draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axes • interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems • calculate and interpret the mean as an average • read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit • round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy and more!
Most important, however, the standards recommended certain areas that should receive «decreased attention» in grades K - 4, including «complex paper - and - pencil computations,» «long division,» «paper - and - pencil fraction computation,» «use of rounding to estimate,» «rote practice,» «rote memorization of rules,» and «teaching by telling.»
Topics include: Units of measurement: Use and convert standard units of measurement for length, area, volume / capacity, mass, time and money.
Topics include: Units of measurement: use and convert standard units of measurement for length, area, volume / capacity, mass, time and money.
His areas of expertise include standards - based reform, school finance, and teacher pensions.
A few major areas I hope will receive attention during reauthorization are college / workplace readiness, including the promotion of more rigorous standards; greater accountability at the secondary level; more sophisticated policy and greater accountability for improving teacher effectiveness, particularly at the late elementary and secondary levels; a broadening of attention to math and science as well as to history; and refinements in AYP to focus greater attention and improvement on the persistently failing schools by offering real choices to parents of students stuck in such schools.
The playlist includes: • 4 links to instructional videos or texts • 2 links to practice quizzes or activities • Definitions of key terms, such as formula and array • Visual examples of how to find area of rectangles Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • A review of key terminology • Links to additional practice quizzes or activities on certain parts of the standard, such as finding area of rectangles • Links to video tutorials for students struggling with certain parts of the standard, such as using addition instead of multiplication to find area For more teaching and learning resources on standard 3.MD.C.7 B visit
Lessons are grouped by the five areas of achievement and include standards, student materials, teacher facilitation guides and other resources.
The 12 included topics are: Solving linear equations x's on both sides, fractions with negative fractional powers, Pythagoras» theorem, finding area of a triangle (using 1/2 absinC), median of a box plot, HCF, Percentage loss, standard form, area of a sector, circle theorems, mean of grouped data and range from stem and leaf diagram.
Included is Number (standard form, sequences, ratio, prime factors, percentages) Algebra (factorising, graphs, indices, simplyifying and rearranging, solving) Geometry (angles in shapes, z angles, area, perimeter and volume, area and circumference of circles) Statistics, measurement and probability (box plots, probability, stem and leaf, questionnaire designing) Not all topics are included and this was designed for the EDEXCEL spec, but will be useful for otherIncluded is Number (standard form, sequences, ratio, prime factors, percentages) Algebra (factorising, graphs, indices, simplyifying and rearranging, solving) Geometry (angles in shapes, z angles, area, perimeter and volume, area and circumference of circles) Statistics, measurement and probability (box plots, probability, stem and leaf, questionnaire designing) Not all topics are included and this was designed for the EDEXCEL spec, but will be useful for otherincluded and this was designed for the EDEXCEL spec, but will be useful for other boards.
This product includes: • 4 links to instructional videos or texts • 2 links to practice quizzes or activities • Definitions of key terms, such as rectangular prism and base • Visual examples of how to find volume of rectangular prisms using the volume formula V = b × h • An accompanying Teaching Notes file The Teaching Notes file includes: • A review of key terminology • Links to additional practice quizzes or activities on certain parts of the standard, such as using volume formulas of rectangular prisms • Links to video tutorials for students struggling with certain parts of the standard, such as confusing the formulas for the volume of a rectangular prism other formulas, such as the formula for surface area
This however does include areas where a person may have learned from «experiences» outside of standard training.
Nicky Morgan announced in November the five academy sponsors given half of a # 10 million war chest to drive up standards, including setting up seven new academy hubs in five targeted northern areas.
The commissioner may also place under preliminary registration review any school that has conditions that threaten the health, safety and / or educational welfare of students or has been the subject of persistent complaints to the department by parents or persons in parental relation to the student, and has been identified by the commissioner as a poor learning environment based upon a combination of factors affecting student learning, including but not limited to: high rates of student absenteeism, high levels of school violence, excessive rates of student suspensions, violation of applicable building health and safety standards, high rates of teacher and administrator turnover, excessive rates of referral of students to or participation in special education or excessive rates of participation of students with disabilities in the alternate assessment, excessive transfers of students to alternative high school and high school equivalency programs and excessive use of uncertified teachers or teachers in subject areas other than those for which they possess certification.
Each topic area includes guided review of film clips with discussion questions, student readings, extension activities and research ideas, investigation of primary source materials, as well as correlation to national educational standards.
Such projects also support content standards in various subject areas, including language arts, history and civics.
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