Sentences with phrase «including brachial»

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The primary outcome was a composite of perinatal mortality and specific neonatal morbidities: stillbirth after the start of care in labour, early neonatal death, neonatal encephalopathy, meconium aspiration syndrome, brachial plexus injury, fractured humerus, and fractured clavicle.13 This composite measure was designed to capture outcomes that may be related to the quality of intrapartum care, including morbidities associated with intrapartum asphyxia and birth trauma.
● Headaches ● Vertigo ● Travel sickness ● Sea sickness ● Poor athletic performance ● Pain in the neck ● Traps ● Shoulders ● Brachial pain ● Spinal pain ● Occipital pain ● Any pain associated with compensations which could include.
We are skilled in addressing all types of birth injury claims, including those that involve cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, brachial plexus injury, shoulder dystocia, paralysis, developmental delays, infections, and much more.
At Cohen, Placitella & Roth, P.C., we handle a wide variety of birth injury claims including those connected to brachial palsy, fractures, spinal cord injuries, cephalohematoma, and cerebral palsy.
Other causes of spinal cord injuries during delivery include: excessive pressure or pulling of the baby's body, hyperextension of the head in abnormal birthing positions, brachial plexus - related injuries, or an overstretched spinal cord.
Birth injuries can include cerebral palsy from lack of oxygen, failure of doctors to perform a Caesarian section to avoid a traumatic delivery, Erb's palsy or shoulder dystocia (brachial plexus injury) caused by a traumatic delivery, or developmental delays caused by lack of oxygen.
Common birth injuries include bruising from forceps, fractures of the clavicle or collarbone, and brachial plexus palsy (Erb's Palsy).
The more common types of injuries include cuts and bruises caused by pressure on the head during birth, facial paralysis, bone fractures, brachial plexus injury (nerve damage which results in paralysis of the arm) and cerebral palsy.
Catastrophic injuries or illnesses can include brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, brachial plexus injury, multiple fractures, burns or other congenital or neurological disorders.
Common injuries include dislocated shoulders, breaks and fractures, clavicle injuries, rotator cuff injuries and brachial plexus injuries.
Some brachial plexus injuries can cause longer lasting problems, including stiff joints, chronic pain, numbness, degenerate muscles and permanent weakness or paralysis.
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