Sentences with phrase «including calculations using»

On a personal level she has knowledge of basic maths, including calculations using fractions, percentages and ratios.
Projections and examples (including calculations used therein) are for illustrative purposes only and are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.

Not exact matches

The assumptions underlying the fair value calculation include: the labor required using a burdened overhead rate, the development period, a developer's profit based on the operating profitability of market participants, and the opportunity cost based on the estimated required return on
Shares counted toward these guidelines include any shares held by the executive directly or through a broker, shares held through the HP 401 (k) Plan, shares held as restricted stock, shares underlying time - vested RSUs, and shares underlying vested but unexercised stock options (50 % of the in - the - money value of such options is used for this calculation).
To date these binary brokers have given me $ 0 and suspended my account on many grounds, including «cheating» (well using 200 computers to compute trading calculations in seconds could be seen as unfair, although these guys don't know that!
Actually cream cheese does have carbs so be sure to include that in your calculations based on the brand you are using!
However, the new standards include increases in portions and variety of fruits and vegetables, and the MAR calculation used in this study included nutrients that would be affected by key nutrients provided by these foods, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber.
For purposes of this section, the total General Fund calculation shall not include sales and compensating use tax revenues shared with local governments and school districts.
Sophisticated users of the market capitalization method use many different measures of company worth, including price - to - earnings ratios, price - to - cash - flow ratios, and all sorts of other technical calculations.
Ong, who leads the Materials Virtual Lab and is a faculty member in the Sustainable Power and Energy Center at UC San Diego, uses a combination of high - throughput calculations and machine learning to discover next - generation materials for energy applications, including batteries, fuel cells and LEDs.
Four of these astronomical tablets had stumped historians, because they included computations mentioning trapezoids, even though the Babylonians had never been known to use geometry in their astronomical calculations.
Rather than performing serial calculations like a digital processor, Lyric Semiconductor's probability - processing technology includes a circuit design that the company says performs probability calculations in parallel, taking up less space and using less power.
The study's calculations included the cost of increased use of prescription drugs by Canadians who currently can't afford to fill those prescriptions.
The calculation model the authors used includes economic benefits for producers and consumers as well as the benefits of reduced malnutrition among subsistence farm - households often not explicitly considered in previous studies.
I used was the surface temperature responses from histAll --(histGHG + histNatural) to obtain the response to aerosols + ozone + land - use and derive the enhancement of the response for that case relative to WMGHGs that I called E. Calculation of TCR based on histAll in a model is approximately the same as calculating the sum of responses to histGHG, histNat, and histInhomogeneous where the latter includes the factor E.
The Greeks borrowed much of their astronomy, including constellations and the zodiac, from the Babylonians, and by 600 B.C.E. had already begun using Babylonian concepts in their calculations.
Dr. Martin Head - Gordon is an electronic structure theorist who is known for development of linear scaling methods for performing density functional theory calculations, for new methods for calculating electronic excited states, and for advances in electron correlation methods, including the development of widely used density functionals and many - electron wavefunction theory.
The data must be analyzed using sophisticated model atmospheres created by the team in 3D and included complex calculations that run for weeks on powerful super computers.
The theorists described the proton movement using complex calculations, including density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulations.
We use verified sources so our calculations are accurate (this includes my books).
We do plan to add the «create similar» functionality to KetoDiet Meals too but that will be done after the universal app and will involve more work: e.g. some of the meals use what we internally call «nutritional factor» which is used in meals like bone broth where only part of the ingredients are included in the nutrition facts calculation as some may be wasted during the cooking process.
To find out if you are deficient in magnesium, you can either measure levels of zinc in your red blood cells (erythrocytic magnesium) or if you are not willing or able to get a blood test you can measure your food intake over the course of three days (including one weekend day) or a whole week and try to calculate your dietary magnesium intake; for this purpose, you can again use Wolfram Alpha for free (albeit a bit tedious) calculations.
Skill that you will learn include: Add Raw data Create a graph Title a graph Formatting data Make arithmetic calculations using Excel Data validation (Drop down menus) Lookup formulas Use cell referencing in formulas Format graphs Cross worksheet referencing Advanced arithmetic calculations (nested) Use absolutely relative cell referencing Adding messages to data validation Efficient calculations (autosum) Conditional formatting Advanced graph formatting IF formulas Linking IF formulas and conditional formatting The clear explanations and step by step nature make it ideal for KS3 classes, but it is also suitable for ECDL, GCSE and beyond!
After a parent workshop to introduce the methods my school uses to teach the main calculation methods (not included), each child took home a game board (included) and one set of calculation cards each week (included) as their maths homework for 4 weeks: Week 1: Addition Week 2: Subtraction Week 3: Multiplication Week 4: Division I asked the children to record who they had played the game against at home and encouraged them to play for 10 minutes a day to practise their written methods.
Also includes a document with calculation questions with marking scheme, suitable for using as homework or for a test.
objectives include: Year 6 objectives • solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to 3 decimal places where appropriate • use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to 3 decimal places • convert between miles and kilometres • recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa • recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume of shapes • calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles • calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm ³) and cubic metres (m ³), and extending to other units [for example, mm ³ and km ³] • express missing number problems algebraically • find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with 2 unknowns • enumerate possibilities of combinations of 2 variables • draw 2 - D shapes using given dimensions and angles • recognise, describe and build simple 3 - D shapes, including making nets • compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons • illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius • recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles • describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all 4 quadrants) • draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axes • interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems • calculate and interpret the mean as an average • read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit • round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy and more!
Looking at the accuracy of math used in each mission, including all calculations (not just final answers)
We also worked to ensure we included the use of meaningful and engaging images and models, which are vital in the development of a really robust understanding of the concepts underpinning the required calculation.
Skills used include speed distance and time calculations, measuring and map reading, scale work among others.
A learner should be able to: • understand and use whole numbers in practical contexts • add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers using a range of strategies • add and subtract decimals up to two decimal places • solve problems requiring calculation, with common measures, including money, time, and length, • convert units of measure in the same system • extract and interpret information from tables, diagrams, charts and graphs find mean and range work out areas and perimeters in practical situations collect and record discrete data
We use calculations in many ways including grouping them together so we can work things out quickly either using a calculator or simple tools.
There are many tasks throughout the lesson including a product list task, guess the demand curve task and many tasks on calculating the price elasticity of demand - starting with a simple table tick task, leading up to deep calculations using the PED formula.
Includes: Smart notebook, four - way differentiated work sheet with answers and test - question style application, photos of flip chart used for modelling with children, further extension task of SATs style questions and a help sheet for the calculation of each conversion.
** Learning Outcomes: ** All use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations with ThHTU by U Most use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations with ThHTU by TU Some will use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations with ThHTU by TU including decimals and negative numbers.
Find the reciprocal of a number given as a fraction or decimal · Use index laws to calculate with squares and cubes · Use index laws to simplify and calculate the value of numerical expressions involving multiplication and division of integer powers, and powers of a power · Find the prime factor decomposition of positive integers and write in index form · Know the effects that a change of place value has on a calculation · Multiply and divide by any number between 0 and 1 · Multiply and divide decimal numbers by whole numbers and decimal numbers (up to 2 d.p.), eg 266.22 ¸ 0.34 · Use brackets and the hierarchy of operations (BIDMAS) · Use index notation for integer powers of 10 · Add, subtract any numbers including negative decimals · Check answers by inverse calculation · Find the common factors and common multiples of two small numbers
In one year, he helped generate a 40 % drop in the number of students scoring below proficiency on a standardized math test by doubling the time all kids spent in math class and creating new, more accessible curricula that included using photography to teach calculation skills.
This could include «how to» content like tutorials, demos and step lists; searchable repositories; checklists; quick recaps; worksheets and calculation tools; and resources and reference materials that learners can look up and use when needed.
States may count recently arrived English learners in participation rate calculations if that student is included in the accountability system by using an exception where they take the state's ELP test instead of its English language arts assessment.
The calculations used to plot the trend line predicting future performance include all of the student's past scores; these calculations may also include scores of academic peers.
The type of ADA used is annual district ADA (for the same year as the expenditures) from CDE's «Attendance School District» and «Attendance Charter School» reports and includes ADA from special education programs and applicable charter schools (i.e., those charter schools with data in the district's Current Expense of Education calculation).
Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and / or area models Sample Activities: Use Partial Products to Multiply (v. 1 - 3) Multiplication Strategy: Doubling and Halving Double and Halve (v. 1) Make the Largest Product (3 x 1 - digit) Multiplication Race (1 x 3 - digit) Also included in 4th Grade Math Centers: Model Multiplication with Base Ten Blocks Use an Area Model to Multiply (v. 1 - 3) Estimate Products by Rounding Multiply by 10s, 100s and 1000s Decompose a Factor Multiplication Race (2 x 2 - digit) Double and Halve (v. 2) Make the Largest Product (4 x 1 - digit) Make the Largest Product (2 x 2 - digit) Make the Smallest Product (3 x 1 - digit) Make the Smallest Product (4 x 1 - digit) Make the Smallest Product (2 x 2 - digit) Write and Solve: Multiplication
The recommended budget from the Public Education Appropriations Committee included $ 25 million for the technology program, with additional revenue being gobbled up by a $ 40 million boost to charter school funding, $ 90 million for enrollment growth and a 2.5 percent increase, or $ 70 million, to the weighted pupil unit, a metric used for per - student - funding calculations.
Methods that use test scores to evaluate teachers, including the currently popular «value added» calculations, have also proved highly unreliable.
The 2016 - 17 report cards use data from a variety of sources, including information reported through WISEdash and two years of Forward and one year of Badger testing as well as three years ACT Plus Writing and Dynamic Learning Maps testing for growth calculations.
Vazquez: So beginning with 2008 model - year cars, the EPA is including results from three additional test cycles in their calculations: One that includes more aggressive acceleration and highway speeds up to 80 miles - per - hour, another with the use of air conditioning, and finally a 20 - degree cold start.
The Salvage Value is not included in the Book Value calculation for the declining balance method, so that necessitates the use of the MIN and MAX functions in the above formula.
Include all online calculations and opinion letters from the used car appraiser or dealer you consulted to establish the repaired vehicle's value.
Before going to the dealership, consumers should use online auto loan calculators and figure out the most they can finance, and remember to include the down payment (and / or trade in equity) and taxes in your calculations.
«The ad hoc adjustments used by banks, included inappropriate calculation of the cost of funds; no change in the base rate even as the cost of deposits declined significantly; sharp increase in the return on net worth out of tune with past track record or future prospects to offset the impact of reduction in the cost of deposits on the lending rate; and inclusion of new components in the base rate formula to adjust the rate to a desired level.
For example, if you have other capital gains and losses from stock trading in the same year, you would include the mutual fund capital gain distribution in the overall calculation used to determine the net amount taxable at favorable rates.
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