Sentences with phrase «including gibber»

We travel over diverse country, including gibber plains, sand hill country and the ancient inland sea bed.

Not exact matches

Yet it still doesn't detract from the masterful tension that builds as Pennywise, who's first glimpsed as just a pair of glowing eyes, steps out from the darkness to lure Georgie inside, his gibbering circus barking — including a truly sinister pronunciation of «Take it» — rendering Pennywise's actual bite somewhat anticlimactic.
This latest video proves that no Western is truly complete until its cast of characters includes a bunch of gibbering drunks and the obligatory slippery charlatan.
Particular highlights included: Brenda Romero's inspiring talk «Mother, Woman, Girl: A Lifetime in Games»; Warren Spector meeting fellow Ion Storm alumni John Romero over Skype backstage — pictured; the Guardian interview panels on the Wednesday and Thursday, with Keith Stuart and Jordan Erica Webber (pictured at the top of this feature); Gary Napper at Supermassive describing the moment a tough American bro was reduced to a gibbering wreck after playing VR; discovering Seb «Snake Pass» Liese from Sumo owned two snakes names «Solid» and «Liquid»; and the Edge Presents interview on - stage with writer Ben Maxwell and John Romero — pictured.
I have come from being a gibbering wreck after escaping DV to someone who is now studying but still needs support of a psychologist to cope with the legacy that trauma has left me, including other health issues and trying to bring up 3 children without transferring that legacy to them.
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