Sentences with phrase «including hydroxyl»

Additionally, betalains in Swiss chard are able to scavenge free radicals, including hydroxyl radicals.
This breakdown process results in the creation of more air pollutants, including hydroxyl and nitrate radicals, which further increase the breakdown rate of plant odors.

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Compounds belonging to the terpenes group revealed tyrosinase inhibitory activities due to different aspects including the position and relative configuration of the hydroxyl groups as well as the nature and numbers of sugar units as in cycloartane glycosides.
While there are many types of free radicals that can be formed, the most common in aerobic (oxygen breathing) organisms are oxygen free radicals, often referred to as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which include superoxides, hydroxyl anions, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen.»
It has been tested under laboratory conditions for effectiveness against a variety of free radicals, including singlet oxygen, super-oxide, and hydroxyl radicals.
Examples in this category include modified cellulose, in which the hydroxyl groups on the glucose residues have been substituted to varying degrees with alkyl groups such as methyl and propyl; fructooligosaccharides manu - factured from sucrose; and polydextrose synthesized from glucose.
The marketing copy for these items often uses terms such as «alpha hydroxyl acid» and «soothing scents,» the report authors wrote, and ingredients in these new products include essential oils, botanicals and other natural components.
Additional output from the ACCMIP runs will include concentration / mass of radiatively active species, aerosol optical properties, and radiative forcings (clear and all sky) as well as important parameters that do not directly influence climate such as hydroxyl, chemical reaction rates, deposition rates, emission rates, surface pollutants and diagnostics of tracer transport.
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