Sentences with phrase «including linguistic»

Plus, with robust learning scaffolds embedded in every lesson — including linguistic supports for English language learners and more intensive instruction for Response to Intervention students — Achieve3000's solutions help learners at every ability level maintain and even grow their reading and writing skills over the summer.
If candidates develop cultural (including linguistic) competence, then they will be able to strengthen community - school relationships.
In attempting to look at that issue I must begin with a very brief summary of what has happened to the Bible, thanks to a hundred years of careful critical study by experts who have brought to their study all the resources available, including linguistic, historical, literary, and many other types of knowledge.
[3][4] Reasons for this include its linguistic differences from 1 Peter, its apparent use of Jude, possible allusions to 2nd - century gnosticism, encouragement in the wake of a delayed parousia, and weak external support.
This chapter will consider what the social sciences, including linguistics, anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, and interpersonal psychology, may contribute to a comprehensive philosophy of man and his becoming.
This includes their linguistic skills as well.
In this book, American parents whose children's heritages include linguistic practices that have traces of what are considered Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, and Spanish, understand these practices to be important.
Additionally, a «funds of knowledge» approach is enacted by capitalizing on the strengths students bring to school which include their linguistic and cultural diversity.

Not exact matches

In addition to the normal representation of regional and linguistic interests, the commission included members from business, labour, the co-operative movement, the legal and academic communities, the public service and all 3 national political parties.
It chronicles their linguistic development as well as mastery of complex tools, including firearms.
All evidence (including historical application of the book, cultural context, linguistics and origins) indicates the bible absolutely was intended (and not mistakenly used as) as a guide for behavior and morality.
Also, most of the studies of the linguistic abilities of apes emphasize language production (though the work with Koko does include a study of her ability to comprehend spoken English).
If understanding is a closure of meaning that includes an encounter with the alterity of the text, how can the production of meaning comprehend the complexity of the text as both a «cultural speech performance» (29) and a code of linguistic signs?
The text may be presented to its readers at face value simply as the literary structure of a linguistic code (langue), but its otherness includes an authorially originated speech performance (parole).
Although we use «linguistic sweeteners and semantic somersaults» and call these schools «diverse,» the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University (now at UCLA) has documented that more than 2 million students, including more than a quarter of black students in the Northeast and Midwest, attend schools in which 99 to 100 percent of the students are nonwhite.
The idea that the capacity to receive from another or to be influenced by another is truly indicative of power is not derived from an arbitrary linguistic decision to extend the term «power» to include the receiving of an influence.
Charles Peirce (1931, pars 1.252, 255) divided empirical science into two branches, physics and psychics, both terms being used broadly, so that physics includes astronomy, geology, etc., while psychics includes biology, sociology, linguistics, history, and so forth.
The vocabulary included a predicate «Cncv» for expressing that a person conceives such - and - such under a suitable linguistic description, a predicate «Able» enabling us to express that a person has the ability to do so - and - so under a given description, and a predicate «Gr» enabling us to express that one entity is greater than another in what is presumed to be Anselm's sense.
The intention of the workshop was to connect migration scholars across various disciplines including history, anthropology, political science and linguistics around a discussion of the conceptual value of the term «political remittances» as a lens through which to approach the study of political transnationalism.
Confronting and possibly even engaging ISIS politically will require a linguistic upheaval including the reactivation of past concepts.
Some of the linguistic features that can pose a problem for ELL students include long phrases within sentences, and less commonly - used verb tenses.
He believes linguistic and archaeological evidence, including weapons found in graves, suggests the language's progenitors had a warrior culture.
A revealing new book, Inside Graduate Admissions: Merit, Diversity, and Faculty Gatekeeping by University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, education researcher Julie Posselt, investigates the processes at 10 top - ranked departments — including astrophysics, biology, physics, economics, linguistics, political science, and sociology — and examines the values and practices that appear to govern them.
Many governmental plans are now in place to recruit and retain foreigners into Japan's scientific sphere; however, there are still some barriers for foreign scholars who would like to build their career in Japan, including a general lack of linguistic prowess and difficulty navigating cultural nuances.
Before joining Science, Brice managed social media and communications efforts for organizations including Wolfram Research and the Linguistic Society of America.
Early in her graduate school career at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Maye (pictured right) decided she wanted to focus on psycholinguistics, a relatively new branch of linguistics that draws on cognitive sciences, including psychology, computer science, artificial intelligence, speech and hearing, and neural imaging to explain how humans learn language.
Computerized cognitive training includes games that test memory, attention, and problem - solving skills, plus good old arithmetic and linguistic ability.
They also used the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), which breaks down texts based on categories that include both syntactical composition and psychological meaning.
The other facets of linguistics include sociolinguists, the study of the role languages play in the sociology of a culture; an example is how language is used to demonstrate social status.
First they used linguistic similarities to create an evolutionary tree showing the relationships among 84 contemporary cultures, including the complex Balinese society of Indonesia and the indigenous Iban people of Borneo.
Stephen Talbott's The Future Does Not Compute spans many disciplines, including mathematics, physics, philosophy, psychology and linguistics.
«Based on linguistic analysis including computational phylogenetics,» Sicoli writes, «we suggest the prehistory of South Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and the Pacific Northwest Coast involved intensive language contacts, including language shifts from now extinct languages that we can infer through typological features, grammar and vocabulary found in languages documented in historic periods.»
Okrent investigates the colorful history behind Esperanto and Klingon, along with many other, more obscure examples of linguistic synthesis — including a language based on math.
Such linguistic clues include the number of two and three - letter words, nouns or words beginning with vowels, that people use in every sentence.
Thus, we come from many different disciplines, including at least physics, speech and hearing science, experimental psychology, linguistics, electrical engineering, etc..
To report the clinical, neuropsychological, linguistic, imaging, and neuropathological features of a unique case of sporadic Jakob - Creutzfeldt disease in which the patient presented with a logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia.Case report.Large referral center for atypical memory and aging disorders, particularly Jakob - Creutzfeldt disease.Patient presenting with logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia initially thought to be due to Alzheimer disease.Despite the long, slow 3.5 - year course, the patient was shown to have pathology - proven sporadic Jakob - Creutzfeldt disease.These findings expand the differential of primary progressive aphasia to include prion disease.
CTC (Combined Therapy Cocktail) is a life transforming therapy that combines a number of healing modalities including NLP (neuro - linguistic programming), EFT (emotional freedom technique), Reiki, Hypnosis and Guided Mediation in the perfect sequence to allow healing to take place on all levels.
One might add, tentatively, that the taste in French New Wave films for foreign accents and unusual French dialects might be matched by the linguistic salads in Days of Being Wild and Chungking Express; the former includes dialogue in Cantonese, Mandarin, and Shanghainese.
Other topics arising: costumes (which included CGI armor), linguistics, fighting styles, production design, visual effects (from the unsettling depiction of X-ray vision), set pieces (the tornado sequence, Lois Lane's complicated single shot work escape), underwater filming, and filming locations.
For instance, students of color bring with them various forms of capital, including aspirational, navigational, social, linguistic, and resistant (Yosso, 2005).
This body of knowledge is inherently multidisciplinary and draws on the insights of a wide range of social and biological sciences, including developmental psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, and molecular genetics, among others.
Additional language learning should be included as part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum in primary schools to better equip pupils with linguistic skills.
This includes female and male voices carefully selected and screened for accents, vocal texture, experience, technical skills, and linguistic purity
Bring the magic of language to life with an unrivalled selection of free and premium resources, including: - Linguistic worksheets - English language activities and games Whatever you need for your primary English lessons, you're sure to find it amongst thousands of free and premium teaching resources.
The Forum declared that Education for All must take account of the needs of the poor and the disadvantaged, including working children, remote rural dwellers and nomads, ethnic and linguistic minorities, children, young people and adults affected by HIV and AIDS, hunger and poor health, and those with disabilities or special needs.
The fulfilment of key roles certainly requires a range of human intelligences — including personal, linguistic, logical and perhaps existential — but it is fundamentally a statement about the kind of person that has developed to be.
the alignment of professional development with New York standards and assessments, student needs, including but not limited to linguistic, cultural diversity and special needs, and teacher capacities;
The study, the first longitudinal look at a large sample of ESL students from diverse linguistic and social backgrounds who entered mainstream kindergartens, included children who spoke 33 different languages.
7 fully differentiated (by colour) lessons to support the teaching of writing skills for paper 1 - descriptive and narrative Differentiation: purple = lower ability blue = middle ability yellow = higher ability Resources provide example responses and activities to allow students to develop the following: - Language - linguistic devices - tone - style - register - vocabulary - structure - perspective - narrative writing - descriptive writing - show not tell - importance of planning - technical accuracy Sample narratives and descriptions included
Teacher communicates and reinforces expectations for positive student behavior and interactions between students, including a respect for individual, cultural, and linguistic differences.
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