Sentences with phrase «including mock juries»

We use special preparation techniques, including mock juries and mock trials, when working on your spinal lawsuit to ensure that your claim is as strong as possible under the particular circumstances which govern your situation.

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On March 20, he held a mock trial of the Muslim Holy Book, and the jury — consisting of twelve people from his congregation — found the book guilty of five «crimes against humanity,» including the promotion of terrorist acts and «the death, rape and torture of people worldwide whose only crime is not being of the Islamic faith.»
Special preparation techniques before going to trial Before going to trial, the personal injury lawyers at Ketchmark and McCreight, P.C. like to invest extra time and money in the planning stages of any kind of personal injury claim, including vaginal mesh claims when necessary, and this is why we make use of mock juries and mock trials o help us test out different lines of arguments before using them for real in your case.
Actors taking part in the show include David Oakes, who recently starred in ITV's Victoria, while Mock The Week comedian Dennis will act as jury foreman, and Conservative MP and former barrister Vaizey will take part as a member of the jury.
To achieve the best outcome for clients, the attorneys in this practice group employ cutting edge trial techniques including professional jury consultants, mock trial sampling and expert exhibit and document production companies.
Our trial presentation services cover three primary areas: 1) jury work including jury research, jury consulting, mock trials and witness prep; 2) trial graphics including animation, trial presentations, advocacy graphics and litigation graphics; 3) trial technology including warroom setup / support, hot seat operators, trial technicians, and courtroom electronics setup and support.
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