Sentences with phrase «including religious convictions»

There are many reasons why people might have voted no which have little to do with what they think about LGBTQI + people, including religious convictions, misinformation, language barriers, fear of change, or unfounded fears of what else might change if the Marriage Act changes.
Issue after issue, Charlie Hebdo mocks, not vice and folly (which are fair game), but many people's most deeply held and cherished beliefs, including their religious convictions.

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This is one of the reasons why years ago I joined prominent religious leaders, including some I strongly disagree with, in signing a document expressing convictions concerning religious liberty.
Reports circulated over a draft of an executive order designed to expand protections for individuals, organizations, and corporations» religious convictionsincluding traditional beliefs on gender, sexuality, and marriage.
«We support an executive order making clear that people of religious conviction will not be pushed aside by the federal government as we seek to serve our neighbors, including those who disagree with us.»
If these contributions include posing challenges to certain aspects of our society, their critical stance will be consistent with a long American tradition of principled reform based on religious convictions.
«Religious believers must be free to express their convictions in every area of life, including politics.
«Respect for sincere religious conviction has led voters and legislators in every State that has adopted same - sex marriage democratically to include accommodations for dissenting religious practice.»
Carter believes that the naked public square is a dangerous place, that the convictions of the people, including those whose convictions are grounded in religious commitment, should be given freer play in our public life.
This essay was written with the conviction that the curriculums of all institutions of higher learning should include courses in the religio - scientific study of a variety of religions, including some of the major religions of the East as well as the Judeo - Christian religious traditions of the West.
This valuable feature, directed by family friend Becky Baumgartner, reveals how true the film remains to the facts, including Hamilton's optimism, humility, and strong religious convictions.
Includes information on: Christian Aid (justice / poverty / fairness / equality / human rights / duty) Corrymeela (conflict / reconciliation / interfaith dialogue / pacifism) Martin Luther King (discrimination / prejudice / justice / human rights / personal conviction) A Rocha (environment / creation / stewardship / dominion / duty / responsibility) Chico Mendes (environment / creation / stewardship / dominion / justice / personal conviction) Information to support written answers to GCSE Religious Studies exam questions!
TPM Muckraker reports that SB 137, also called «Matt's Safe School Law» now includes language stating that the bill does not prohibit First Amendment rights, and «does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian.»
Eugene Volokh sorts out some of the issues and notes that the Supreme Court, including some of the most liberal members, have taken the view that elected officials are free to voice religious convictions in public speeches without fear of violating the Establishment Clause.
Unless specifically requested by us, any personally identifiable information about yourself or other person (including, but not limited to, information that relates to health or medical conditions, social security numbers, credit cards, bank accounts or other financial information, other information concerning trade union membership, sex life, political opinions, criminal charges or convictions, religious beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, or other sensitive matters);
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