Sentences with phrase «income deprivation»

IMD scores provide a set of relative measures of deprivation for lower - layer super output areas across England, based on seven different domains of deprivation: income deprivation; employment deprivation; education, skills and training deprivation; health deprivation and disability; crime; barriers to housing and services and living environment deprivation.
The study also tested household education, parental occupation, household income, household characteristics such as housing tenure, and neighbourhood measures such as neighbourhood poverty (measured by the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index).
Secondly, Ministers want to cater for the «Just About Managing» families by giving priority to the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI).
Hannay has used the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) to measure deprivation of an area.
We determine low - income communities by using criteria which considers both the population of the population of the school, the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI), and the score of the Achieving Excellence Area (AEA) the school is in.
Pupils who live in the least deprived areas, which is measured by the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index, will experience the highest gains.
Using the Income Deprivation Affecting Children index, the Sutton Trusts» researchers also found that, in selective areas, 34 per cent of pupils in grammars are from the richest fifth of neighbourhoods, compared with four per cent from the poorest fifth and 11 per cent from the second poorest fifth of neighbourhoods.
Other control variables included gender, ethnicity, region of school, year of GCSEs, participation in triple award science, type of school, free school meal status in the six years prior to taking GCSEs and the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI).

Not exact matches

Luvo stands at the crossroads of at least three major trends: time deprivation, rising income inequality and consumers» increasing demand for healthy food.
, our «needs» and our sense of deprivation seem to escalate with our incomes.
We used the SEIFA Index of Relative Social Deprivation (IRSD) which takes into account factors from a range socioeconomic measures including income and education [22].
Child poverty bill The purpose of the bill is to provide a clear definition of the eradication of child poverty by 2020 setting four targets based on the proportion of children living in: relative low income, combined income and material deprivation, absolute low income and persistent poverty.
The programme has targeted areas according to measures of relative disadvantage including the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD), free school meals and the proportion of children under four in households receiving income related benefits.
Five measures of socioeconomic status were assessed: age completing full time education, degree level education, job class, annual household income, and Townsend deprivation index (a recognised social deprivation score).
«These data support evidence that height and BMI play an important partial role in determining several aspects of a person's socioeconomic status, especially women's BMI for income and deprivation and men's height for education, income, and job class,» they write.
The IMD quantifies relative deprivation across income, employment, education and skills, health and disability, crime, barriers to housing and services, and living environment.
Dhongde's and Haveman's analysis showed that while the official income - based poverty rate averaged 13.2 percent from 2008 to 2013, the multi-dimensional deprivation index averaged 14.9 percent.
«Almost 30 percent of individuals with incomes s lightly above the poverty threshold experienced multiple deprivations,» Dhongde said.
The IMD is based on 37 separate indicators including income and are grouped into seven domains, each of which reflects a different aspect of deprivation across the lifespan including education, health and crime.
When placed side - by - side, the multi-dimensional deprivation index was a better reflection of the people's economic state than income alone, and the index was able to detect a more nuanced view of what might be driving people's dissatisfaction.
Deprivation is significant; over 38 per cent of pupils are on free school meals, 38.4 per cent come from households that are in the lowest 20 per cent income bracket and 75.5 per cent are from the lowest 40 per cent income bracket.
I learned a lot more from that article about those deprivations while Weissbourd also taught me about other weighty «quiet problems» of low - income students I didn't know about.
However, significant oxygen deprivation may result instead in brain damage and loss of income, in which case the person and / or their family or spouse might possibly be able to bring a suit in negligence, and so the legal question is not really irrelevant.
Actions aimed at the incitement of national, racial, or religious enmity, abasement of human dignity, and also propaganda of the exceptionality, superiority, or inferiority of individuals by reason of their attitude to religion, national, or racial affiliation, if these acts have been committed in public or with the use of mass media, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 500 to 800 minimum wages, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of five to eight months, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of two to four years.
Seniors reported having grown up in various socioeconomic backgrounds and parental education levels, and experiencing low household income (41 %), family separation (38 %), and food deprivation (31 %) mainly during War World II, other regional wars, and the Great Depression in the US.
All centenarians reported low household income and food deprivation; their families were subsistence farmers with extremely limited resources.
Among all study participants, the most reported adversities included low household income (53 %), food deprivation (44 %), and family separation (44 %).
The primary focus of SILC is the collection of information on the income and living conditions of different types of households in Ireland in order to derive indicators on poverty, deprivation and social exclusion.
Other predisposing factors relating to poorer health will also be well - known to Dr Gillespie: the overall situation in which rural people have lower incomes, fewer years of completed education, and higher rates of deprivation, including unemployment, disability and poverty.
One - Parent Family Payment (OFP) Deeds of Covenant Deprivation of income Reduced rate of Army pensions
At the second stage, the analysis further controlled for other family influences on health, namely: mother's ethnic group, age at birth of the survey child, educational qualifications and mental health; and family composition from sweeps 1 to 5, housing, household equivalised income and area deprivation.
The absolute and relative risks of prolonged exposure to maternal smoking were greater for income than with area deprivation which is due to a marginally higher smoking rate among those in the lowest income households, and a marginally lower rate among those in the highest, than was the case in relation to the corresponding deprivation quintiles.
3 THE EXTENT AND CHARACTER OF HEALTH INEQUALITIES IN THE EARLY YEARS 3.1 Key findings about health inequalities in the first four years 3.2 Introduction 3.3 Pregnancy, birth and the first three months 3.3.1 Risk factors and health outcomes in the early years 3.3.2 Inequalities in the early stages 3.4 Health measures in the first four years of life 3.5 Overview of health outcomes 3.5.1 Physical health 3.5.2 Problems reported by parents 3.5.3 Psychosocial health 3.5.4 Body mass index 3.6 Inequalities in health outcomes 3.6.1 Area deprivation 3.6.2 Household income 3.6.3 Socio - economic classification (NS - SEC) 3.6.4 Conclusion 3.7 Exposure to risk factors likely to have an adverse impact on health 3.8 Inequalities in exposure to risk factors for poor health outcomes 3.8.1 Area deprivation 3.8.2 Houshold income 3.8.3 Socio - economic classification (NS - SEC) 3.8.4 Conclusion 3.9 Summary measure of negative outcomes
The SHeS analysis showed no variation with household income for boys or girls, but boys in areas of high deprivation were less likely to meet physical activity recommendations than those in more affluent areas, with no clear pattern for girls.
Previous analysis of GUS data found that lower levels of household income and greater area deprivation were both associated with a lower activity score for children who were almost 3 years old, although this score included time spent watching television and playing on computers in the activity measure, along with various active behaviours such as running, jumping and ball play (Marryat et al. 2009).
All these outcomes and risk factors were explored in relation to area deprivation, household income, and household socio - economic classification.
Models adjusted for child's gender, age at sweep 5, birth order; number of children in household; mother's ethnic group, age at birth of the survey child, educational qualifications and mental health; family composition from sweeps 1 to 5, housing, household equivalised income and area deprivation.
The patterns for household income are broadly similar to those for deprivation with the relative risks greatest for language development and behavioural problems, and poor general health since birth.
Mental health difficulties were associated with a mother's social characteristics (e.g. lone parenting, low income and living in an area of deprivation) and with reported relationship difficulties and poor social support
The proportion of children experiencing the health outcome, or risk factor of interest, at each time point will be compared across deprivation and household income quintiles.
Over 30 % of children now live in households with incomes less than 50 % of the average after housing costs, and more than one million children live in families in which no adult is in work.48 These families have experienced both acute and chronic material deprivation and it is reasonable to suppose that parenting styles have been directly affected by these factors.
Similar trends were observed for household income and area deprivation (see Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3).
Maternal educational level, household income and area deprivation have been selected as indicators of socio - economic status.
Similar associations were found for activities and warmth of relationship in relation to household income and area deprivation (Figure 6.7 and Figure 6.8).
Similar patterns were also seen in relation to area deprivation although the differences between those in the least and most deprived groups were not as large as in relation to household income (68 % compared with 54 % respectively).
In these findings, «family disadvantage» refers to indicators including low maternal education, low household income and area deprivation.
Compared with couple families, lone parents are more likely to be in lower income groups, have lower educational qualifications and live in areas of higher deprivation.
(Here, maternal education was used as an indicator of socio - economic status: findings were similar when other indicators, such as household income and area deprivation, were substituted.)
These findings extend prior research on the processes through which socioeconomic deprivation severity and family functioning impact maternal harsh discipline within a high - risk sample of low - income families.
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