Sentences with phrase «income drivers afford»

The SAIP program is designed to help low - income drivers afford limited car insurance coverage.

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Until that point auto - rickshaw drivers, who are still low - income earners, could not afford the conversion cost coupled with the pricey fuel.
California's Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance program helps good drivers that are income eligible afford auto insurance that meets the state's financial responsibility laws.
California's Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance program helps good drivers that are income eligible afford auto insurance that meets the state's mandatory auto insurance law.
The State put this program in place as auto insurance is legally required, but there were many low - income drivers who were driving uninsured as they couldn't afford to pay insurance premiums.
«Most uninsured motorists in the U.S. are responsible, safe drivers who simply can not afford to purchase liability coverage with their income but who still need to drive for their work,» Insurance Journal reports from a study by the Consumer Federation of America.
At least three states, New Jersey, California and Hawaii, offer low - income auto insurance programs for drivers who struggle to afford coverage.
Whether you're new to the country and living in New York or unable to afford a traditional driver's training program, the state offers several opportunities for low - income individuals to get the training they need to earn a license.
«To raise people's auto insurance premium because they can't afford to buy their homes unfairly discriminates against lower - income drivers,» says J. Robert Hunter, CFA's Insurance Director and the former Insurance Commissioner of Texas.
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